Good quill hunting at Azalea town

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After catching both Heracross and Chikorita, and earning his first Johto gym badge, Ash went off to Azalea town, the location of the next gym and where they'll find Kurt, the special Pokéball designer who might be able to solve the mystery of the GS ball. Once they got there, they noticed that there were some Slowking laying on the ground. Turns out that the people there believed that when the Slowking yawn, rain will fall upon their dry town, which is a blessing to them. While training Chikorita, our heroes had a run in with a certain that noun of them hope to see again, which was Damian himself. Ash: "What are you doing here?" Damian: "Well it's noun of your business, but I'm here for a wild Cyndaquil that's hanging around here and I want to catch it." Ash: "You don't don't deserve any Pokémon after what you did to Charizard!" Damian: "You mean that wimp Charmander evolved?" Ash: "That's right, and he's a lot stronger now, no thanks to you." Damian: "Well whatever, just stay out of my way." said Damian, before he leaves the scene, and Chikorita was glaring at the mean trainer until he left. Chikorita: [That's him... the trainer that abandoned me...] Pikachu: [Damian was your trainer?!, no wonder your old trainer sounded familiar...] Ash: "Hmm... I have to catch that Cyndaquil." Misty: "Look Ash, I know you want to catch more Pokémon, but don't ya think we should find Kurt first?" Ash: "That's not what I meant, remember what happened to Charizard when he was Damian's Charmander?, if he catches Cyndaquil... what's gonna stop him from abandoning him if he doesn't win any battles?" Brock: "I think we see your point... you don't want this Cyndaquil to go through the same thing." Ash: "Right, so I gotta get to this Cyndaquil before Damian does... and fast." but trouble brewed for Ash and his friends, for when Damian stepped on a Slowpoke's tail, he puts the blame on our heroes so the townspeople would chased them out. But luckily for our heroes, a talking Slowpoke (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), helped them by getting them to wear some Slowpoke costumes so the townspeople won't find them. Misty: "Man... I really hate that Damian guy..." Brock: "No kidding... to think he would step on a poor Slowpoke's tail on purpose like that..." Misty: "And put the blame on us too..." Ash: "I'll bet he did it just to keep us out of his way..." Slowking: "Sorry to hear that, but perhaps if you can help me, I can help you clear your name." Ash: "Sure, what is it?" Slowpoke: "There are some people trying to steal the Slowpoke in their cave, and I need you to stop them... and the Cyndaquil you told me about is in there too." Ash: "Really?, thanks Slowpoke." Misty: "Um... how can you talk by the way?, if you don't mind me asking?" Slowpoke: "Well... I can tell you that later, right now we need to focus on saving the Slowpoke in the cave." said the talking Slowpoke, before he and our heroes reached the cave, went inside it, and see some cages with a lot of Slowpoke in them. One of the cages had the wild Cyndaquil in it, and she was scared. Cyndaquil: [Someone... please... anyone... help me...] said the Cyndaquil in fear while crying a little, which Ash heard loud and clear. Ash: "We gotta help her... and fast..." Misty: "Wait... that Cyndaquil is a girl?" Ash: "Sure sounds like she is to me." Brock: "Hey look over there." said Brock, who sees two familiar faces looking at the cages, who were Cassidy and Butch of Team Rocket. Cassidy: "Well with all these Slowpoke, we'll make a lot of money with their tails." Butch: "Yes, not to mention the Cyndaquil too." said the Team Rocket duo, before Ash and the others came out of hiding and took a stance. Ash: "You're not getting these Pokémon on our watch!" Cassidy: "A talking Slowpoke?!" Butch: "Wait... it's voice sounds familiar somehow..." that was when Ash removed the mask, revealing himself. Ash: "It should Cassidy and Biff!" Butch: "The name is Butch!, can't you get it right?!" Cassidy: "Hey you're that twerp who interfered with some of our plans in the past a few times." Butch: "Pay back time." said Cassidy and Butch, before they send out their Raticate and Primeape to battle our heroes, while Misty and Brock send out their own Pokémon to battle. As for Ash, he was focused on getting Cyndaquil out of her cage. Ash: "Hi Cyndaquil, are you okay?" Cyndaquil: [I think so... thanks for helping me... but who are you?] Ash: "My name's Ash, and I'm gonna be a Pokémon master." said Ash, before Cassidy and Butch noticed him and ordered their Pokémon to attack him, only for Cyndaquil to use Flamethrower to burn them up enough to knock them out cold. Cassidy: "If we can't have the Slowpoke, then no one can!" shouted Cassidy, before she pulls out a remote, pressing a button, and some explosives went off, causing the cave to fall down. Luckily for our heroes, they weren't too far from the exit, and they managed to escape, along with the now freed Slowpoke group. As for Cyndaquil, she was amazed by ash's bravery on how he was willing to risk his life on protecting her from the falling rocks. It wasn't long before Damian showed up and was ready to attack Cyndaquil with his Sandslash, only for Ash to stop him and tells Damian to leave Cyndaquil alone. It was then that Damian challenges Ash for a battle between them to see who gets to be the trainer for Cyndaquil, and the fire type decided to battle for Ash. The battle was tough as Sandslash was more experience, but Cyndaquil was able to pull through and defeat Sandslash, much to Ash's joy. Damian: "You blasted fire type!, I'm gonna catch ya if it's the last thing I do!" shouted Damian as he pulls out a butterfly net in attempts to catch Cyndaquil. Ash: "Hey that's cheating!" Damian: "Who asked you?!" as she had enough of Damian, Cyndaquil used a powerful Flamethrower to burn up the trainer enough to make him run away out of the scene. Misty: "That's what you get for being a cheater!" Brock: "Maybe you should train yourself before you train any more Pokémon!" with Damian gone, Ash went over to Cyndaquil, who went over to the boy and gave him a big hug. Ash: "You were awesome out there." Cyndaquil: [Only cause you believed in me... thanks, I'm happy to have you as my trainer.] said Cyndaquil, before Ash pulls out a Pokéball to catch the fire type, making her the boy's newest catch. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... you think Cassidy and Butch survived the cave in?] Ash: "I didn't see them get out... but I doubt we seen the last of them either..." soon after that, our heroes learned that the talking Slowpoke was really Kurt, the special Pokéball designer in a Slowpoke costume, and he managed to clear our heroes names that Damian was the real culprit and the townspeople's apology was accepted. Ash then takes a look into his Pokédex to learn more about his new catch. Pokédex: [Cyndaquil is the Johto fire type starter that has flames on it's back when it gets upset or in need to defend itself.] after putting his Pokédex away, he went to Kurt's place, where he sees that Kurt was working on solving the mystery of the GS ball. Kurt also gave Ash, Misty and Brock their own special Pokéball, a fast ball for Brock, which he used to catch a Pineco, while Ash and Misty get a Lure ball, which are used to catch water types. Kurt: "I have to admit... out of all the Pokéballs I have seen or designed, noun are anything like this one... this is a real mystery..." he said to himself. Later, Ash went to have his challenge with the Azalea gym leader, who uses bug types, much to Misty's dismay. It was a tough battle, but thanks to Cyndaquil and Heracross, Ash was able to win and earned himself the Hive badge. When Ash came back to Kurt's place, he tripped and landed on top of Kurt, and once that happened, the mysterious rainbow feather that Ash got on the day he first left Pallet fell out of Ash's glove, and the GS ball landed on top of it. Once that happened, the GS ball glowed and finally opened up, much to everyone's surprise, especially when a green fair like Pokémon appeared in front of them. Ash: "What is that?" Kurt: "My goodness... it's Celebi!" Misty: "Huh?, Celebi?" asked Misty, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Celebi is a mythical Pokémon of Johto that is said to have the power to travel through time.] Ash: "Whoa... a time traveling Pokémon?" Celebi: [Oh... finally I'm out of that thing... I've waiting for so long for a human with either a Rainbow or Silver feather to come along...] Ash: "A Rainbow or Silver feather... you mean this one?" asked Ash, holding the Rainbow feather in his hand. Celebi: [So you're the one that Ho-oh deemed worthy... I am forever in your debt.] Ash: "It was nothing really... but how did you end up in the GS ball in the first place?" Celebi: [Well... a long time ago, a human created the GS ball by using a Rainbow father for the top and a Silver feather for the bottom... and used it to capture me in hopes to control all of time... and to control both Ho-oh, owner of the Rainbow feather, and Lugia, owner of the Silver feather... but he lost it at sea and I've been inside it for who knows how long... it was like I was a genie trapped in a lamp for eternity...] said Celebi, as she began to cry a little, before Ash went to give her a hug for comfort. Ash: "It's okay now, you're finally free." Celebi: [Yes... thanks to you... and if we ever meet again... I will return the favor... see ya.] said Celebi, before she glowed and vanishes without a trace. Kurt: "My word... so not only was there a Celebi in that Pokéball... but you can talk to Pokémon too?!" Ash: "Huh?, oh right, forgot I wasn't alone... yeah... but it's supposed to be a secret..." Kurt: "Sure, not like anyone would believe me if I told them anyway." Misty: "So... what do we do about the broken GS ball?" asked Misty, looking at the now broken GS ball, before Kurt picks it up. Kurt: "I'll continue to research the remains, see how it worked from the inside out." Ash: "Well good luck on that." Kurt: "Thanks, and good luck on your journey too." and so Ash has caught a Cyndaquil, won his second Johto gym badge, and discovered some secrets of the GS ball, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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