The flaming revenge in the Valley of Steel

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After catching Corphish, first encounter with Team Aqua and Team Magma, and earning his second Hoenn gym badge, Ash heads off to Mauville city, the location of the third Hoenn gym leader. Once Ash got there, he learns that the gym leader uses electric types, and it proved to be tough, but thanks to Pikachu and the rest of the team, Ash was able to win and earned himself the Dynamo badge. With the third badge in tow, Ash now heads off to Lavaridge town, the location of the forth Hoenn gym leader. While on the way, May catches a Pokémon called Skitty, which she found super adorable. At the moment, our heroes were in some valley, and they were currently being chased by a lot of wild Magnemite. May: "Why do they keep attacking us?!" Brock: "I think they believe we're here to invade their territory!" Max: "Thanks to Ash picking the wrong path, we've entered the Valley of Steel!, which was what Nurse Joy told us not to go!" Ash: "Don't blame me!, it was your fault for not to replace the batteries for the PokéNav!" Brock: "Now is not the time to do the blaming game!" suddenly, they saw what looked like an orange turtle Pokémon, called Torkoal, being attacked by some Magnemite, and May called out her Torchic to use Ember to scare off the Magnemite, while Ash catches Torkoal just in the nick of time. Ash: "Hey there buddy, are you okay?" asked Ash, before Torkoal begins crying in joy as smoke came out of his nostrils, leaving the gang to be covered in soot. May: "I think think that was a yes..." Torkoal: [Sorry... when I get emotional... that happens...] Ash: "That's okay, I'm just glad you're okay." Torkoal: [Thanks... you're way nicer than that other trainer...] Ash: "What other trainer?" Torkoal: [Wait... you can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah... I can talk to Pokémon, though I don't really know how I do it myself, but never mind that... what was it you said about this other trainer?" Torkoal: [Well... this other trainer was mean, he sent a Steelix to attack me... along with a group of Magnemite...] Ash: "He sent a group of Pokémon to gang up on you?!" Torkoal: [Yeah, that Damian person was not nice at all...] Ash: "Damian?!, he's here?!" Pikachu: [Not him again!] Max: "What did he say?" Ash: "He said that Damian's here." Brock: "What?!, I thought we seen the last of that jerk." May: "What's wrong?, who's Damian?" Ash: "Well..." said Ash, before he told May and Max the story of his past encounters with Damian, and with how the trainer treated his Pokémon and all that. May: "He abandoned his Pokémon out in the rain to die?!" Max: "And tried to frame you so you wouldn't get in his way?!" Ash: "Yeah, that sums it all up." Brock: "Now do you understand why we're not happy to hear Damian's name again?" May: "Yeah... I can't believe someone would do that to their own Pokémon..." Ash: "Me neither... and if he's after Torkoal... there's no doubt that he might mistreat him like how he did to Charizard and tried to do to Cyndaquil..." that was when something burst out of the ground, which looked like an Onix, but with a different shaped head and had pillars on it's body, which was Steelix, the steel type evolved form of an Onix. On the back of Steelix was noun other than Damian himself, and he glared at Ash and his friends. Damian: "Not you losers again!" Ash: "Damian!, are you trying to hurt Torkoal?!" Damian: "If by hurting, you mean catching it, then yeah, it's natural for a trainer to send their Pokémon to battle another in order to catch it." Brock: "But using a whole gang of them against one is not only unfair but cruel too!" Damian: "You're nothing but softies." Ash: "What?!" Max: "This jerk is really getting on my nerves..." May: "Mine too..." Damian: "Steelix, get rid of these losers, and then go after Torkoal!" ordered Damian, before Steelix went to attack the group, only for Torkoal to use an attack called Eruption, which was super effective on Steelix, knocking it out cold. Max: "Well I know fire type attacks are super effective on Steel types, but they was lame if a Steelix was beaten that easily." Brock: "Well no surprise as it was most likely trained poorly by Damian, no doubt." Damian: "Oh come on!, you pathetic steel type!, get up already!" Ash: "I had enough of you!, Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu: [No need to tell me twice!] said Pikachu, before he released a powerful Thunderbolt that sends Damian flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Torkoal came over to Ash. Torkoal: [Wow... you were so awesome!] Ash: "Thanks, but I was just showing that jerk that Pokémon are only strong when you take good care of them." Torkoal: [Yeah... um... would you mind if I tag along with you?] Ash: "You wanna be my Pokémon?" Torkoal: [Yeah, after seeing you trying to protect me and how strong you were... I wanna be that strong too... I hope you'll accept me...] Ash: "Of course, I'll be more than happy to have you tag along." said Ash, before Torkoal cried in joy and smoke blew out of his nostrils, leaving everyone to be covered in soot again. Torkoal: [Oops... not again... sorry...] Ash: "That's okay... I've been through worse kinds of signs of affection..." said Ash, before he catches Torkoal in a Pokéball, making him the boy's newest catch. Ash then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his new teammate. Pokédex: [Torkoal is a fire type turtle Pokémon that can blow smoke from it's nostrils and has a very hard and hot shell when it uses strong fire type attacks.] after finally getting out of the Valley of Steel, Ash and the others made it to Lavaridge town, where they meet the gym leader, who uses fire types. The gym battle was tough for Ash, as the gym leader has proven that she's got strong and hot fire types, but thanks to Torkoal and Corphish, Ash was able to win and earned himself the Heat badge. Ash: "Now that I got my forth gym badge, I can finally challenge Norman." Max: "Don't think you can win over my dad, he's the strongest there is." May: "Come on Max, at least try to cheer for Ash." Max: "Are you saying you prefer Ash to win over dad?" May: "No, I'm just saying that you shouldn't talk down to Ash like that." Brock: "May's right, and Ash has managed to win many important battles before, you'll be surprised." Max: "Whatever..." and so Ash has got his third Hoenn gym badge, caught Torkoal, and earned his forth Hoenn gym badge. Who knows what could be next as the journey continues.

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