A legendary battle of Team Aqua vs Team Magma

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It was a nice sunny day with clouds at the seas of Hoenn when Ash and his friends were on a raft, after another one of Team Rocket's failed attempts of stealing Pikachu, and now they were stranded at sea. May: "Oh man... I'm so hungry... and thirsty..." Max: "Well we can't drink sea water... and the only food we have left is for the Pokémon..." suddenly, a submarine came out of the water, and it was heading towards an island. Our heroes tried to call for help, but the people in the submarine didn't hear them, so May sent out her Bulbasaur to use Vine Whip to grab the submarine so the group's raft would follow it. Once they got to the island's shore, they were shocked to see some Team Magma grunts coming out of the submarine, making them realized that they were at a Team Magma hideout. Ash: "Oh man... it's Team Magma..." Brock: "Look... there's someone coming." said Brock, before the man in question, named Maxwell (voiced by Ted Lewis), who happens to be the boss of Team Magma himself, came to the scene and sees Tabitha and his grunts. Maxwell: "Are they on their way?" Tabitha: "Yes, they should be here soon with Groudon, what about Kyogre?" Maxwell: "It's still sleeping, once we make the trade, we'll finally make our plan to make land dominate the world a reality." Tabitha: "Yeah... that is if Team Aqua doesn't use Kyogre to make the sea dominate the world first." Maxwell: "True..." said Maxwell, before Max let a sneeze that gave him and the others away, alerting Team Magma that there were intruders in their base. It wasn't long before Team Magma sends their Pokémon to surround our heroes and taken them to a cell, making sure they don't foil up their plans. Max: "I'm sorry guys... I didn't mean to give us away... stupid nose..." Brock: "It could have happened to anyone." Ash: "Right now we need to find a way to get out of here..." that was when a Team Magma grunt came to the scene and freed our heroes, much to their surprise, before he revealed himself to be Lance, who was disguised as a grunt once again. Lance: "Funny, isn't this how I first met you?" Ash: "Lance!, boy are we glad to see you." Max: "Wait... Lance of the Elite 4?!, I can't believe it!" May: "The Elite 4?" Max: "Yeah, the strongest trainers in the world, aside from the league champions of course." Lance: "Never mind that, you kids need to get out of here, this is dangerous." Ash: "But we helped you before, and we can do it again." Lance: "You were lucky last time, but that kind of luck doesn't always stay on your side." May: "But it's not like we can go anywhere as we're on an island." Lance: "Hmm... you have a good point there." meanwhile, Team Magma was at the beach, when another submarine comes out of the water, and Team Aqua grunts, lead by Shelly, and Archie (voiced by Ted Lewis), the boss of Team Aqua, came to the scene. Maxwell: "Well Archie... you have Groudon?" Archie: "That depends... do you have Kyogre?" Maxwell: "We do." Archie: "Then yes, we have Groudon, now hand over Kyogre." Maxwell: "Only if you give us Groudon first." that was when both of the evil team leaders noticed that Ash was close to the large cages that have both Kyogre and Groudon in them. Maxwell: "You again?!" Shelly: "It's that kid back at Dewford island!" Ash: "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out a powerful Thunderbolt that breaks the locks of the cages, freeing the legendary Pokémon at last. Archie: "That little... perhaps it's a good time to try out the Blue orb..." Maxwell: "The same with the Red orb." said the two bosses, before the took a hold of a red or blue orb, and somehow they fused into the bodies of the men, and then their eyes began to glow and power flowed through them. Suddenly, both the eyes of Kyogre and Groudon began to glow, showing signs that the two bosses have taken total control of the legendary duo. Ash: "This... can't be good..." Pikachu: [You can say that again...] said Pikachu, before Kyogre and Groudon fired either a Hydro Pump or Flamethrower at the pair, only for Lance's red Gyarados to catch and carry them away from the danger just in the nick of time. Once Ash and Pikachu got off of the red Gyarados, Lance and the others came over to them. May: "Are you alright?!" Ash: "Yeah, but what just happened?" Lance: "There is a legend that men once created a pair of orbs, called the blue and red orb, to allow them to control both Kyogre and Groudon, but they were hidden away so that such power would not fall into the wrong hands... but it looks like they have now..." Max: "Wait a minute... Ash, didn't we find something like those orbs under that dead tree?" asked Max, before Ash pulls out the green orb that Max was talking about, and the sight of it made Lance to gasp. Lance: "That's the green orb!, it has the power to control Rayquaza." May: "Is that another legendary Pokémon?" Lance: "Yes, it's supposed to be the ruler of the skies of Hoenn, while Kyogre and Groudon ruled the seas and land." Brock: "And this Green orb can control Rayquaza?" Lance: "Yes..." suddenly, the Green orb got fused into Ash, much to his surprise, and that was he heard a voice that he never heard before, which came from Rayquaza itself. Rayquaza: [Human, can you hear me?] Ash: "Huh?, who's that?" Rayquaza: [I'll take that as a yes, I'm Rayquaza, and I allow the Green orb to bound with you so that you can help me stop Groudon and Kyogre.] Ash: "You need my help?, sure... but where are you?" Rayquaza: [Right above you.] said Rayquaza, which made Ash look up and sees the legendary green serpent like Pokémon itself, hovering above the island. Maxwell: "No way..." Archie: "Rayquaza?!" May: "Wow... it looks so majestic..." Lance: "Yes, legendary Pokémon are quite a sight to behold..." Brock: "Wow... and I thought Ho-oh and Lugia were big..." Max: "Wait... you seen both Ho-oh and Lugia?!" Brock: "Yeah... mostly because the legendary Pokémon have an interest in Ash due to his pure heart." Max: "Really?... wow..." said Max, before Ash takes a ride on the head of Rayquaza, who was ready to battle the two other legendary Pokémon. Maxwell: "So... that kid got a hold of the Green orb... did he?... well no matter, Groudon and I shall take care of them... and the world will be all land." Archie: "Ha!, you wish!, it's the seas that will rule this world!" Ash: "You're both wrong!, the world should have both land and sea!, and we're not gonna let you destroy either one!" called out Ash, before he and Rayquaza went to battle the evil Team bosses and the other two legendary Pokémon. The battle was intense, and it was to decide the fate of the Hoenn region. Soon, the battle finally ended with both Groudon and Kyogre defeated, and the Team bosses too, and as a result, the Blue orb and Red orb were out of their bodies. It wasn't long when Ash got back to the ground, and the green orb came out of his body. Rayquaza: [Thank you boy... Hoenn is safe again... thanks to you.] Ash: "Oh it was nothing really... I'm just happy that I was able to help." Rayquaza: [Well either way... Hoenn is in your debt, now I must go... but first...] said Rayquaza, before he uses some psychic power to make all three orbs to float up and glowed before vanishing without a trace. Ash: "What happened to the orbs?" Rayquaza: [I destroyed them... so us legendaries won't be controlled against our will again... well... farewell.] said Rayquaza, before he, along with Groudon and Kyogre left the scene, leaving Ash and the others alone on the island. May: "Um... did they just left us here?" Lance: "Don't forget I'm here, once I call the authorities to arrest the bosses of both Team Aqua and Team Magma, I can get us a ride back to land." Max: "Thanks, that will help us a lot." soon, the police of Hoenn came and arrested both the bosses of Team Aqua and Team Magma, marking the end of both organizations. As soon as they came back to the mainland of Hoenn, Ash and his friends arrived to Mossdeep city, where the seventh gym leader was, only to learn that the gym was run by two gym leaders, who were twin brother and sister, who use psychic types. The battle was tough, and it was a double team battle, mean the gym leaders battle Ash at the same time, while he uses Pikachu and Swellow. But thanks to some teamwork, Ash was able to beat the gym leaders, and earned himself the Mind badge. Ash: "Well... one more badge to go and I can finally compete in the Hoenn league..." Max: "I'm sure you can do it." Ash: "Wait... you're rooting for me now?" Max: "Yeah... after seeing you battle the bosses of Team Aqua and Team Magma on that island... I can't help but think how awesome you are." Ash: "Thanks I guess." May: "I have to agree with Max on this one, you were really something." Brock: "Looks like you got some fans now." Ash: "Well... I wasn't aiming to have fans, I'm just trying to become a Pokémon master." Brock: "And I'm sure you can do it." and so Ash has defeated the bosses of Team Aqua and Team Magma, and has earned himself his seventh Hoenn gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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