The final Team Galactic battle

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After earning his seventh Sinnoh gym badge, and stopping Hunter J from capturing Regigigas, Ash heads off to the next city that has the last Sinnoh gym leader. While on the way, Chimchar evolved into Monferno, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Monferno is the evolved form of Chimchar, and it controls the flame on it's tail to keep it's opponents at an ideal distance while battling.] in the middle of the night, Ash, Dawn and Brock have the same dream about three legendary Pokémon, called Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie, who were calling them for help. Once they woke up, they were worried and puzzled. Ash: "Who were those Pokémon..." Dawn: "The legendary lake guardians of Sinnoh... Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie... I don't know why... but I think they were trying to call us for help..." Brock: "I think you're right..." Ash: "But help them with what?" Dawn: "That I don't know... I wished I did..." Pikachu: [Either way... something tells me that whatever they're calling you for... it's something big...] when the morning came, at a certain lake, Hunter J, who was hired by Team Galactic, came to capture the legendary Pokémon, Azelf, which was able to do. Once that happened, Ash felt terrible pain in his head, much to his confusion and agony. As Hunter J was putting Azelf in a container, Mesprit and Uxie came to the scene and begin to battle in hopes to rescue their fellow lake guardian. Unfortunately, Hunter J was able to capture them too, and when that happened, Dawn and Brock felt pain in their minds and bodies, like they were sensing legendary guardians' pain, like how Ash was sensing Azelf a few moments ago. When Hunter J gave the lake guardians to Team Galactic and fly off in her ship, the lake guardians' Future Sight came and damaged the ship, which then fell into the lake and sank to the bottom, and Hunter J was no more. Back with Ash and his friends, they were no longer in pain, but they were very worried. Ash: "What was that...?" Dawn: "I don't know... but I think Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie are in trouble..." Brock: "I think you might be right, something happened to them and they use their psychic powers to alert us." Ash: "But why, we never even met them..." Dawn: "Yeah... it's a real mystery..." meanwhile, at the Team Galactic HQ, Saturn and Mars were busy placing what looked like red crystals, called the red Chain, on the foreheads of the lake guardians, and once that happened, the lake trio were no longer in stone form and started screaming in pain. Back with Ash, he and his friends were pain too, and suddenly, they glowed and vanished without a trace, and somehow ended up in Team Galactic HQ. Saturn; "Those kids again?" Mars: "What are they doing here?, and how?" asked Mars, before Ash and the others see the lake trio. Ash: "Azelf!" Dawn: "Mesprit!" Brock: "Uxie!" Ash: "What's wrong with them?" Dawn: "What are those things on their heads?" Saturn: "That would be pieces of the Red Chine, something we made from the meteor we got from Veilstone city." Ash: "Team Galactic!, we should have known it was you!" Mars: "Yeah, and soon our plan to create the new world is nearing completion." Saturn: "Now it's time to finish you off." said Saturn, before another man, named Cyrus (voiced by Ted Lewis), the boss of Team Galactic himself, came to the scene. Cyrus: "Wait, what have I told you about solving everything with violence?" Saturn: "Right... my apologies sir." Ash: "You must be the boss of Team Galactic..." Cyrus: "That's right, I am Cyrus, founder and leader of Team Galactic, and my goal is to end this terrible world and begin a new and better one with the aid of Dialga and Palkia, along with the lake trio." Ash: "But you can't!, there are so many people and Pokémon living in this world!" Cyrus: "Maybe... but they're worthless souls who believe only in violence and greed, like Hunter J for example, or Team Rocket for another." Dawn: "You're no different from them!, you're hurting so many Pokémon and people for your goal!, this has gotta stop!" Cyrus: "You can't stop the plan, especially not when we're so close to achieve our long awaited goal." said Cyrus, before he orders his men to attack and capture the group, and soon they were locked up in a cell with a man named Looker (voiced by Jason Griffith), a member of the international police force, and the Team Rocket trio. Jessie: "Great... they got the twerps too..." Ash: "Team Rocket?, what are you doing here?" James: "We were trying to find you when we found this place, and Team Galactic caught us..." Meowth: "And we've been in here since then with this guy named Looker, who happens to be a member of the International police force." Brock: "The International police?!" Looker: "Yes, I was trying to uncover the plans of Team Galactic, and it seems they planned to destroy this world and make a new one in their own image..." Ash: "We can't let them do that!, we gotta stop them!" Jessie: "Okay, but how do you plan on getting out of here?" asked Jessie, before some noise was heard from outside, and that was when the doors opened up and Cynthia was the one who opened them. Ash: "Cynthia!" Looker: "The Sinnoh league champ?" Cynthia: "I was training in the area when I saw the kids been taken here by Team Galactic." Ash: "Yeah, we gotta hurry, if we don't stop them now, it's the end of the world!" said Ash, before he makes a run for it, heading to where Team Galactic was, while the others followed behind him. Back with Team Galactic, Cyrus was in Spear Pillar, and he was using the Lake trio and the Adamant and Lustrous orbs to summon both Dialga and Palkia, who got caught in the Red Chain, which has the power to control them. Of course that was when Ash and the others came to the scene, and they were determined to stop Team Galactic once and for all. Brock sends out his Croagunk to battle Saturn's Toxicroak, and this time, Croagunk takes down Toxicroak at last. Cyrus tried to order Dialga and Palkia to begin creating his new world, and the legendary duo were firing beams from their mouths that hit each other, and an orb that showed some kind of universe beginning to be formed. Cyrus: "Once my world is made, everything and everyone of this wold shall be erased." Mars: "Then let's go to our new world." Cyrus: "I have no need for you any longer, your mere existence will only poison my new world." Saturn: "No need for us?!" Ash: "How could you do that to your own teammates?!" Cyrus: "They were nothing more than cruel tools that are no longer needed, I shall create my perfect world by my own hand." Ash: "You're insane!" Meowth: "For once I agree with the twerp." Jessie: "Same here." James: "And make it double for me." Cyrus: "It doesn't matter what you think of me, you're all about to be erased." Ash: "Not if I can help it!, come on Pikachu, let's end this!" Pikachu: [You got it!] soon, the battle between Team Galactic and our heroes went more intense, and Pikachu used Iron Tail to break the Red Chains on Dialga and Palkia, along with the Lake trio, causing them all to be free again, causing the new world to start fading away. Cyrus: "My perfect world... it's mine... and mine alone!" shouted Cyrus, before jumps into the new world, and vanished along with it. Mars: "Cyrus... he's gone..." Saturn: "Along with the new world..." said Mars and Saturn, before the Lake trio came over to Ash, Dawn and Brock. Azelf: [Thank you Ash, along with Brock and Dawn, we knew you would have what it takes to stop Team Galactic.] Ash: "But how?, we never met before..." Azelf: [Well... we did... but it's complicated...] Mesprit: [Yes... you'll understand better when the time comes...] Uxie: [But for now... we must go, and return to our lakes.] said the Lake trio, before they flew up and teleported away, while Dialga and Palkia let out a mighty roar before going back to where they came from. Soon, the police came and arrested the rest of Team Galactic, and Cynthia and her grandmother, who arrived a short time ago, were making sure the Adamant and Lustrous orbs will be go back the research center at Celestic town. Cynthia: "We can't thank you enough for saving not only Sinnoh, but the whole world as well." Ash: "That's alright, we were just trying to do the right thing." Dawn: "Yeah, so there's no need to worry." Brock: "Say Cynthia... I hope you don't mind... but could you perhaps..." before Brock could finish, Croagunk used Poison Jab on him, knocking him out and drags him away from the scene. Cynthia: "Is he okay?" Dawn: "He'll be fine, this is actually normal." Ash: "That's for sure..." Pikachu: [No kidding... but at least we don't have to worry about Team Galactic anymore...] and so Ash and his friends have saved Sinnoh and the world from the evil plans of Team Galactic, along with saving it's legendary Pokémon, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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