The island of Dragonite

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A new adventure awaits for Ash now that he arrives to Vermillion city with Goh, who soon introduces him to Professor Cerise (voiced by Ray Chase), who was thrilled to meet Ash in person. Professor Cerise: "Ash Ketchum!, it's a real honor to meet you, I've heard so much about you from Professor Oak." Ash: "Really?" Professor Cerise: "Yeah, like how you managed to become the first trainer to not only catch a Latias but a Mew as well." Goh: "Yeah..." Professor Cerise: "Oh... sorry Goh, you can still catch a Mew in the future though, just be patient." Ash: "Yeah, I mean the Mew you're looking for is not mine, so you can still catch it." Goh: "I know, I was just hoping to get it sooner than later." Professor Cerise: "Don't worry, there's still hope for you, anyway, you have your Mew?" Ash: "Yeah, she's pretty curious to see new places for a while." said Ash, before he let's out Mew, who was looking around the lab before looking at the Professor. Mew: [Is he a Professor?, cause he's got a white lab coat like Professor Oak.] Ash: "Yeah, that's Professor Cerise, the one in charge of this lab." Professor Cerise: "Wow... I always wanted to see Mew... though I never imagined it to be so... cute." this made Mew giggle, before making a psychic bubble to bounce on for a bit. Ash: "You're not the first to think that, she's one of the cutest Pokémon I own." Mew: [And proud of it.] Professor Cerise: "Who said that?" Goh: "That was Mew using Telepathy." Professor Cerise: "Wow... I've heard of some psychic types having that ability, but this is the first time I witness it in person..." Ash: "Hey Professor, can you update my Pokédex please?, for I want to know more about Goh's starter, and there's no data about him." Professor Cerise: "Of course." said the professor, before Ash gives his Pokédex to him, and hooks it up to a machine that gives it an update. Ash: "Is it ready?" Professor Cerise: "Sure is." Ash: "Thanks." said Ash, before he points his Pokédex at Goh's starter. Pokédex: [Scorbunny is the fire type starter of the Galar region, once it's ready for battle, the pads above it's nose and under it's feet give off intense heat, and it's also said that it's soles bring good luck.] Scorbunny: [Well I don't know about that, but I sure get fired up when it's time to battle.] Pikachu: [A lot of us do.] Goh: "So Professor, any luck on finding the island?" Professor Cerise: "I'm afraid not, but I'm working on it." Ash: "What island?" Goh: "Oh right, there's a rumor about an island that's home to a lot of wild Dragonite." Ash: "Really?, those are like really powerful Dragon types, I mean I know some really powerful trainers who have those, like Lance of the Elite 4, and Drake of the Orange islands for example." Professor Cerise: "Yes, but even if they popular, Dragonite are very rare to find living in the wild, so discovering an island full of them would be a big deal." Ash: "Wow, sounds cool." Professor Cerise: "Hmm... hey Ash, could you and Goh find this island for me?" Ash: "Sure, it should be fun to find that place." Goh: "And if we're lucky... we might find the Mew I saw years ago..." so with that, they went off to find Dragonite island. Of course Goh believes that instead of using a ferry, he should catch a water type Pokémon to travel on in order to find the island. Goh managed to find a Dewgong, which proved to be very hard to catch as he was just throwing Pokéballs at it without using Scorbunny to battle it as he knows fire types are weak against water types. Ash: "Um... maybe I should call Professor Oak to send one of my water types to..." Goh: "It's okay Ash, I know what I'm doing." said Goh, before he finally caught the Dewgong, and soon they were off to sea. Unfortunately, they ended up in a storm and almost drowned. However, a group of Dragonite appeared and rescued the trainers just in the nick of time. When they woke up, Ash and Goh were amazed by the sight of all the Dragonite. Dragonite leader: [Greetings little humans, are you alright?] Ash: "Uh... yeah, we're fine... where are we?" Dragonite leader: [Why this is Dragonite island, though I doubt you would know that even if I told ya.] Ash: "So this is Dragonite island?, cool!" Dragonite leader: [Wait... you understood me?] Ash: "Yeah, I can speak to Pokémon." Goh: "Wow... I gotta catch one of these Dragonite... wait... what happened to all of my Pokéballs?!" Ash: "Um... you kind of used them all while trying to catch Dewgong earlier, remember?" Goh: "Ah!, I forgotten... oh man..." Ash: "Well... at least you managed to catch Dewgong, that's a good thing." Goh: "Yeah... I guess you're right, so it's not a total loss..." Pikachu: [So this is Dragonite island?] Dragonite leader: [correct, and as you can see, our young Dragonair groups made the storms around the island using Rain Dance to keep bad humans from entering the island, like the ones that had a big red 'R' on them.] Pikachu: [Team Rocket...] Dragonite leader: [So you know who I'm talking about] Pikachu: [Yeah, my trainer and I have a history with those jerks.] Goh: "What are they saying?" Ash: "Well... the Dragonite created the storms around this island using Rain Dance to protect it and themselves from bad people like Team Rocket." Goh: "Oh... I see... it would make sense as Kanto is not too far from here... maybe... and it's the location where Team Rocket causes the most trouble..." said Goh, before Ash noticed a Dragonair looking sad while looking up in the sky, before he walked up to him. Ash: "Hey, what's the matter?" Dragonair: [Huh?, oh um... it's just... I want to fly like the others... but I can't get the hang of the flying... at least until I master Dragon Dance... otherwise I can't fly...] Ash: "Maybe I can help ya." Dragonair: [Really?, you're not pulling my tail?] Ash: "No really, I promise to help ya." Dragonair: [Oh thank you!] said Dragonair in joy, before he wraps his around Ash in a tight hug, which was like how a boa wraps around it's prey as Ash was starting to turn blue. Pikachu: [Uh... I think Ash is having a hard time breathing.] Dragonair: [Huh?, oh my gosh!, sorry...] said Dragonair, before releasing Ash at last. Ash: "Oh... it's okay, you were just trying to be friendly... and don't worry, we'll get you up in the air in no time." it took a little while longer than he thought, but Ash was finally able to help Dragonair master Dragon Dance, and now Dragonair was flying around in the air. Goh: "Wow... you really did it... you got Dragonair master Dragon Dance..." Ash: "Yeah, it's like I always say, never give up until the end." Goh: Yeah, let's just hope we don't run into any more trouble today..." suddenly, a large submarine that looks like a Gyarados appeared, and the Team Rocket trio came to the scene. Jessie: "Did I hear someone say trouble?" James: "Yes, so did I on the double." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!" Goh: "Those guys are part of Team Rocket?" Ash: "Yeah, they've been following me since the day I became a trainer, they're after Pikachu." Jessie: "And you as well Twerp, for I'm sure the boss would like to have someone like you in the organization." Ash: "No way!, there is nothing in this world that would make me join you!" Meowth: "We'll see about that, but first we got some Dragonair and Dragonite to capture." James: "But just in case..." said James, before he pushes a button on a remote, which releases a robotic arm from the submarine that grabs Ash and takes him to the submarine. Pikachu: [Ash!, no!] Ash: "Hey!, let me go!" Jessie: "Sorry twerp, but we're gonna take you to the boss for you gift one way or another, and besides, in this way you can't get in the way again." Meowth: "Uh... guys... Pikachu's coming..." James: "That's good right?" Meowth: "Well... he's not alone..." said Meowth, as Pikachu was riding on the back of Dragonair, which had a big group of Dragonite following behind him. The dragon types released a Hyper Beam that destroyed the submarine and sends the Team Rocket trio flying. As for Ash, Dragonair tries to catch him, but his skin was too slippery, so the boy continued to fall and lands into the ocean. Dragonair started to glow and evolved into a Dragonite, and flew down into the water and got a hold of Ash in his arms. Once returning to the beach, Dragonite puts Ash on the ground. Dragonite: [Ash!, please!, speak to me!] Pikachu: [Ash!, are you okay?!] called out the Pokémon, before Ash finally woke up, at the same time Goh came over to the boy. Goh: "Ash!, are you alright?" Ash: "Uh... I think so..." Dragonite: [Hooray!] said Dragonite, before he gives Ash a big friendly bear hug, which made the boy realized who this Dragonite was. Ash: "... Dragonair?, is that you?" Dragonite: [Yeah, it's me, I evolved, and just in time too, otherwise I wouldn't have carried ya in time.] Ash: "You mean... you evolved just to save me?" Dragonite: [Of course, you're my friend after all, and Dragonair evolved into Dragonite not just so we can grab things... but so we can able to help humans who are in trouble.] Ash: "Really?... well that does make sense..." Goh: "Uh... what makes sense?" Ash: "Well it turns out that Dragonair evolved into Dragonite so they can not only use attacks that need arms and legs... but to help those in need." Goh: "Really?... huh... I never thought of that..." Ash: "Yeah... well... we better get back to Professor Cerise, he's probably starting to worry about us..." Dragonite: [Mind if I give you a ride back?] Ash: "Not at all, it would be an honor to have a ride on you." Goh: "We're riding on a Dragonite?... awesome!" so with that, Dragonite carries both Ash, Pikachu and Goh on his back, and soon they landed at the docks of Vermillion city. Ash: "Man... that was a really fun ride, well... I guess this is goodbye." Dragonite: [Actually... I was hoping if I could join your team.] Ash: "What?!, really?" Dragonite: [Yeah, I want to see more of the world beyond my island, and you helped me become stronger, so if there's anyone I want to be my trainer... it's you.] Ash: "Um... sure Dragonite." Goh: "What did it say?" Ash: "Dragonite wants to join my team." Goh: "What?!, seriously?!" Ash: "Yeah, pretty cool, huh?" Goh: "Oh man... you seemed to be getting all the luck." Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a Dragonite of your own someday too." Goh: "Yeah... you might be right." said Goh, before Ash pulls out a Pokéball, and uses it to catch Dragonite, which made him Ash's latest catch. Soon, the trainers got back to Professor Cerise's lab, and the professor himself was amazed about the story they told him. Professor Cerise: "Wow... sounds like you had quite an adventure..." Ash: "Yeah, so when do you plan to let the information of the island go public." Professor Cerise: "Actually... I think it's best to keep it a secret, so people like Team Rocket don't go after it, and to keep it a mystery, which makes it more fun." said the professor, before Ash's Dragonite gave him a bear like hug. Ash: "I guess Dragonite agrees with ya, Professor." said Ash with a chuckle. Pikachu: [That's for sure.] and so Ash and Goh have found an island of Wild Dragonite, and one of the Dragonite has joined Ash's team, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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