Enter Kalos and new travel companions

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It was a beautiful day in the Kalos region, when Ash and Alexa both arrived there from the airport, and now Ash was excited for his newest adventure. Ash: "This is it Pikachu, the next chapter of our journey..." Pikachu: [Yeah, I'm really looking forward to see what Pokémon we'll run into here...] Ash: "Hey Alexa, didn't you say that you have a sister that happens to be a gym leader?" Alexa: "That's right, but she's the gym leader of Santalune city, and this is Lumiose city, however there is a gym leader here too, but he would only accept challengers from trainers who have earned four badges of Kalos." Ash: "Really?, sounds like this one must be tough." Alexa: "Yes, but don't worry, I'm sure you'll do well, I hope to see you again soon." Ash: "Yeah, you too." so with that, Ash and Alexa parted ways, and now the boy and Pikachu began to look around Lumiose city. Pikachu: [Wow, this looks like the kind of place for romance.] Ash: "You really think so?" Pikachu: [Yeah... and who knows... you might get yourself a girlfriend here.] Ash: "What?!, come on Pikachu, the chances of me getting a girlfriend are pretty low, and besides, I have to focus on my journey to become a Pokémon master, I can't get distracted." Pikachu: [Are you saying that cause you're scared of dating?] Ash: "Of course not, I'm just too young to date, and besides, what girl would be interested on dating someone like me?" Pikachu: [Well you never know... you might love sooner or later.] Ash: "Well either way... the chances of me finding love here are pretty low... anyway let's go find Professor Sycamore, the one that Professor Oak told me to see in order to get me registered for the Kalos league, and to get my Pokédex an update on info of the Pokémon here." said Ash, before he continues his search for Professor Sycamore's lab. Elsewhere, there was a boy around Ash's age with glasses and has a little sister with him. They were Clemont (voiced by Mike Liscio) and Bonnie (voiced by Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld), and they were helping out a girl named Serena (voiced by Haven Paschall) who was on her way to Professor Sycamore as well. Serena: "Um... are you sure this is the right way?" Clemont: "I'm positive, this is my home, so I know my around here." Bonnie: "Yeah, big brother here is the smartest person I know... I'll bet you wouldn't mind dating him right?" Clemont: "Bonnie!, I told you before not to ask a girl that!" Bonnie: "Oh come on, you'll be needing a wife someday and you're too shy to ask a girl." Clemont: "But Bonnie, it's embarrassing, and besides I'm Serena has someone else in mind." Serena: "Uh... well not exactly... but there was one boy I really liked... but it's been a long time since I last saw him... he probably doesn't even remember me..." Bonnie: "That's sad... do you know his name?" Serena: "Sadly no, I never got the chance to ask him... but I do know he was a kind boy who helped me when I got lost in the woods when I was a little girl... I wished to see him again... and maybe finally have the courage to ask him to let me date him... but what are the odds of that happening... he lives in the far away Kanto region... he must have a girlfriend of his own by now..." unaware to the girl, she was walking right up to Ash, who was looking around without watching where he was going. So because of that, the top literally bumped right into each other, and fell to the ground. Bonnie: "Serena!, are you okay?" Serena: "I think so..." Ash: "Ow... my head..." Serena: "Oh I'm so sorry about that!" Ash: "No it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm Ash by the way." Serena: "I'm Serena and... wait... that face... I've seen it before..." Ash: "Hmm...?, you have?" Serena: "Yeah... but I can't place where though..." suddenly, a robotic arm appeared and tried to grab Pikachu, but it missed, and soon the group turned around to see the Team Rocket trio. Ash: "Team Rocket!, I should have known you would follow me here!" Jessie: "Well of course twerp, wherever Pikachu goes, we go too." James: "And speaking of which, that Pikachu will soon be in the hands of the boss." Meowth: "That's right!" Clemont: "A talking Meowth?!, that's amazing!" Ash: "Be careful, they're part of Team Rocket, a group of bad guys who steal Pokémon from other trainers, and they're after my Pikachu." Jessie: "And we're gonna succeed this time, Wobbuffet attack!" James: "Uh... I'm sure you know this by now, but Wobbuffet only attacks when the opponent attacks it first." Jessie: "Oh... right... I forgot about that..." Meowth: "So how can we capture Pikachu?" Jessie: "We still have you." Meowth: "Huh?... ah!, I'm a Pokémon too!" Jessie: "Happy to know you remember, now double edge attack!" Meowth: "But I don't know that attack!" Ash: "Well I know Pikachu knows this attack, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the trio flying out of the scene. Bonnie: "Those guys weren't very smart..." Clemont: "Yeah... thankfully... otherwise we could have been in real trouble..." Ash: "Well... now that's taken care of... I better get to Professor Sycamore's lab." Serena: "Wow, that's where we're going." Clemont: "And I know the way." Ash: "Really?, mind if I tag along?" Clemont: "Not at all, follow me." said Clemont, before he leads Ash and the others to Professor Sycamore's lab, where the professor (voiced by Jake Paque) was waiting. Professor Sycamore: "Hello there, you must be Ash Ketchum, Professor Oak told me you were coming." Ash: "Hello Professor, sorry to keep you waiting." Professor Sycamore: "It's alright, and I see Serena has come too." Serena: "Yes, I'm here for my starter... but wait... did you say that Professor Oak told you about Ash coming?, isn't he the professor of Kanto?" Professor Oak: "That's right, this boy came from the same town as Professor Oak, which is Pallet town." Serena: "Then that means... it's you!, the boy from long ago!" Ash: "Huh?, what are you talking about?, have we met before?" Serena: "Yes, you saved me from being lost in the woods when I was a little girl, back at the Pokémon summer camp." Ash: "Huh.... Wait... you're the girl with the straw hat!" Serena: "That's me." Ash: "Wow... it sure has been a while." Bonnie: "So this is the boy you wanted to be your..." Serena: "Ah!, Bonnie please!, not in front of him!" Ash: "What don't you want her to say?" Serena: "Nothing for you to worry about... it's just something personal for me..." Ash: "Uh... okay... so you're gonna get your starter?" Serena: "Yes... that's right." Professor Sycamore: "Well I better update your Pokédex, Ash, that way you can know about what Serena will choose to have." said the professor, before he takes Ash's Pokédex and updated it to have the info of the Pokémon of Kanto and have him registered for the Kalos league. Soon the Professor takes out some Pokéballs and out of them came a yellow fox with a red tip on it's tail called Fennekin, a blue frog called Froakie and a green hedgehog called Chespin. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he was looking at. Pokédex: [Chespin is the grass type starter of Kalos and can flex the spikes on it's head to stiff them hard enough to pierce even through stone.] [Fennekin is the fire type starter of Kalos, it can expels hot air that can reach up to 400 degrees and likes to snack on twigs.] [Froakie is the water type starter of Kalos, and from the chest and back, it can create bubbles called Frubbles, which can act as a cushion and soften the blow of it's opponent's attacks.] Ash: "Wow, they all sound so cool." Professor Sycamore: "Alright Serena, these are the choices, which one would you pick?" Serena: "Hmm... I think I'll choose Fennekin." this made Fennekin very happy, while the two were looking a bit sad, and Ash and the others noticed. Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be picked next time." Professor Sycamore: "Maybe... but there won't be any new trainers anytime soon, Serena is the last one for a while." this made both Froakie and Chespin very sad, and both Ash and Clemont couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Bonnie: "Hey big brother, why can't we take care of Chespin?" Clemont: "Uh... I don't know if the Professor would mind it or not..." Professor Sycamore: "It's no problem, it would be great to have someone take care of Chespin, and I think you'll be perfect for him." Clemont: "Thanks, but what about Froakie?" Ash: "Well... I can take care of him, that is if he doesn't mind that." Froakie: [I would be happy to have you as my trainer, you seem like a good person, as the other trainers didn't seemed good enough.] Ash: "Happy to hear that, but what was wrong with the other trainers?" Froakie: [Wait... you can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to all Pokémon." Clemont: "Seriously?!" Ash: "Oh... I forgot there were people here..." Serena: "So you still have the gift huh?" Ash: "Yeah... wait you know about it?" Serena: "Yeah, you told me about it when you saved me back then." Ash: "Oh right... I guess it slipped my mind after all this time..." Bonnie: "Wow... I've never heard of anyone able to talk to Pokémon before." Ash: "Yeah, it's a rare gift uh... sorry I don't think I got your name." Bonnie: "I'm Bonnie, and Clemont here is my big brother." Clemont: "Hello, I'm also the Lumiose city gym leader." Ash: "You are?!, wow, you're like forth young gym leader I've met." Clemont: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah, there was Misty, Brock and Cilan, they used to travel with me, but now they went their separate ways... I wonder how they're doing now..." Serena: "So you're off to travel through Kalos?" Ash: "Yeah, that's my plan on coming here." Serena: "Um... you mind if I tag along?" Ash: "Sure, no problem at all, it would be nice to have someone to travel with." Bonnie: "Then maybe my brother and I can tag along too." Ash: "Sure, but what about the gym?" Clemont: "I built a robot that fills the role of gym leader while I'm away, another invention of mine." Ash: "Wow, sounds like you're a real genius." Clemont: "Well... I don't know about that..." Bonnie: "Don't be so modest, you're like one the most smartest people in all of Kalos." Ash: "Really?, that's amazing." Clemont: "Well... she's only saying that as I'm her brother." Bonnie: "But it's true, although he's a bit slow when it comes to asking a girl out." Clemont: "Bonnie!, I told you that I'm not ready!, and even if I was, I wanted to do it myself!" Bonnie: "Well if you ask me, you need help on getting a girl." Clemont: "I do not!" Serena: "Guys please, we don't want to give Ash the wrong impression, okay?" Bonnie: "Fine, but my brother still needs someone to take care of him." Clemont: "Oh brother..." Professor Sycamore: "Well I wish you kids good luck on your journey." Ash: "Thanks." and so Ash has entered the Kalos region and has some new friends to travel with, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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