Enter Hoenn at Littleroot town

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It was a nice day on the seas between Kanto and the Hoenn region, as a ferry sails towards the Hoenn region. Ash, Pikachu and Brock were on the ferry in hopes for a new adventure in the new region. Ash: "Well Pikachu, we're almost there... the Hoenn region is getting closer." Brock: "Remember Ash, we need to see Professor Birch so he can upgrade your Pokédex and get you registered for the Hoenn league." Ash: "Yeah... I know that." Pikachu: [Hmm... Hmm...] Ash: "Something wrong?" Pikachu: [Well it's just... it's just isn't the same without Misty... that and I can't help but feel like Team Rocket's nearby...] Ash: "Yeah... I miss Misty too... but I'm sure we'll do fine... and to be honest... I got that feeling that Team Rocket's nearby too... I mean after our many encounters with them, I would be surprised that they didn't followed us here." Brock: "Though I wouldn't mind if they didn't, they've caused nothing but trouble for us." Ash: "Yeah... but at least we can handle them." suddenly, Pikachu got caught by a metal clamp, and was pulled by a large electric magnet, which belonged to the Team Rocket trio. Jessie: "Ha!, at last we caught Pikachu!" James: "And this magnet will drain all of Pikachu's power!" Meowth: "That's right!" Pikachu: [AHH!, ASH!, THE PAIN!... HELP ME!] screamed Pikachu in pain, and the sight of of it made Ash very angry, and his eyes started to glow blue. Ash: "Let Pikachu go!, can't you see you're hurting him?!" shouted Ash, as some blue aura was started to loom over Ash, which started to make the Team Rocket trio feel scared. Jessie: "Uh... what's going on with the twerp?" James: "I don't know..." Meowth: "I got a bad feeling about this..." that was when Ash summoned some sort of blue energy ball, before throwing at the trio, sending them flying while destroying the magnet in the process. Pikachu was free, but now sparks came out of his cheeks and looked very sick. Ash's eyes stopped glowing and returned to normal, before running up to Pikachu. Ash: "Pikachu!, are you okay?!, say something!" Pikachu: [Oh... Ash... I don't... feel so good... I feel like my body... is about to explode... I have... too much... electricity...] Brock: "What did he say?" Ash: "He said that his body feels like he has too much electricity." Brock: "He must have absorbed too much electricity from the magnet and it's making him sick, we need to get him to a Pokémon center to get that electricity out fast." Ash: "How close are we to Hoenn?" Brock: "Not far... in fact we're here." Ash: "Good, then we should hurry." said Ash, unaware that Brock was not only worried about Pikachu but the boy as well for what just happened with what he did to send Team Rocket flying. Meanwhile, outside of Littleroot town, which was where Professor Birch is and where the ferry is heading, there is a girl named May (voiced by Veronica Taylor), who is riding on her bike to Professor Birch in order to her first Pokémon. May: "While I might not like Pokémon that much... I really love to travel." she said to herself as she continues to ride her bike. Back with Ash, he made it to the Littleroot town with Brock, while carrying Pikachu in his arms, and was on his way to Professor Birch's lab. Ash: "Are we almost there?" Brock: "We should be close." said Brock, before he and Ash made it to Professor Birch's lab, where the Professor himself (voiced by Dan Green), was surprised by their entrance. Professor Birch: "Oh, are you Ash Ketchum from Pallet town?" Ash: "Yes, and my Pikachu is very sick and needs help right away!" Professor Birch: "Oh no... get him to the table." said the Professor, before Ash did just that, and told him what happened. Brock: "Pikachu has too much electricity in his body, so we need to get it out." Professor Birch: "Got it." so with that, they hook Pikachu up to a machine that begins to drain all of the unneeded electricity in his body, and soon he was starting to feel better. But suddenly, the Team Rocket trio showed up again and had a machine that had arms that burst through the wall, grabbed Pikachu and started to drain the mouse's electricity. However, it only took away all the unneeded electricity, making Pikachu all better again. Pikachu: [Oh yeah!, I'm back!] Ash: "Are you sure?" Pikachu: [Yeah, and now it's time to send these guys back where they belong... in the stars above!] said Pikachu, before he released a powerful Thunderbolt that zaps not only the Team Rocket trio and their machine, but also May and her bike, which both arrived at that moment. Soon the Team Rocket trio got sent flying out of the scene, and Pikachu fell to the ground, feeling all tired. Ash: "Pikachu!, are you okay?" Brock: "He's probably just worn out, can't blame him after what just happened." Ash: "Yeah." suddenly, May opened the door and she had an angry look on her face. May: "Alright... who had the nerve to attack me and destroyed my bike?!" Professor Birch: "Oh May, I heard you were coming today, what happened?" May: "Some Pokémon attacked me with a Thunderbolt and now my bike's toast." hearing this made Ash gulp in fear, realizing what happened and tried to look away. Professor Birch: "Hmm... my guess that Pikachu's Thunderbolt must have hit you as well when it stopped those people..." May: "A Pikachu you say?" Ash: "Wait a minute!, it was an accident, Pikachu was trying to stop Team Rocket, that's all, don't be so hard on him... especially when he's recovering..." Professor Birch: "Yes... Pikachu had too much unneeded electricity in his body... we're lucky that we got it out in time..." when night fell, Ash was in the room with Pikachu, watching over the electric type, refusing to leave him, while the others were in a different room. May: "He's still in there?" Brock: "Well he really loves Pokémon, especially his own... and he was worried about his well being..." Professor Birch: "I was worried that if Pikachu had that unneeded electricity for too long... he would have exploded... and he would have... well... died..." hearing that made May and Brock gasp in shock and horror, especially May, as while she might have a dislike for Pokémon, she never wanted to have the thought of them dying or anything like it. Brock: "Professor... I think it's best we don't tell Ash that... for his sake perhaps." May: "What do you mean?" Brock: "Well... let's just say I learned something about Ash if he gets too upset or angry by the sight of his Pokémon being harmed..." Professor Birch: "Really?" Brock: "Yeah... besides Pikachu will get better so we don't need to make him more worried." Professor Birch: "You're probably right." said Professor Birch, while May was puzzled on what Brock meant. When morning came, Pikachu was fully recovered, and Ash was very happy again. Pikachu: [Sorry if I worried ya.] Ash: "Don't worry about it, all that matters is that you're okay." Pikachu: [By the way... what was that you did back on the ferry?] Ash: "Huh?, I did something at the ferry?" Pikachu: [You mean... you don't remember?] Ash: "I don't think so... last thing I remember was that you were strapped to a magnet and in pain... after that... nothing... and then you were on the ground all sick..." Pikachu: [Well... your eyes glowed and you threw some sort of blue energy ball at Team Rocket, which sent them flying and destroyed the magnet.] Ash: "Really... I don't remember any of that..." Pikachu: [Hmm... weird...] that was when May came to the scene, before Ash and Pikachu turned to see her. May: "So uh... how's Pikachu?" Ash: "Doing okay... sorry about your bike." Pikachu: [What happened to her bike?] Ash: "Remember your Thunderbolt attack that sent Team Rocket flying?... well it kind of hit her and the bike." this made Pikachu gulp, realizing that it was his fault. Pikachu: [Uh... did we just pulled a Misty again?] Ash: "I'm afraid so... and we still owe her a bike..." Pikachu: [Oh man...] May: "Uh... it might be my imagination... but are you talking to Pikachu like..." Ash: "Uh... no?" May: "Okay I can tell you're lying, you can talk to Pokémon, can't ya?" Ash: "... Oh okay... yeah, but it's supposed to be a secret, and last thing I need is the wrong people knowing about it." May: "I don't get it, what's wrong about people knowing you can talk to Pokémon?, and how can you even do it?" Ash: "I don't know how I do it myself, but if someone that's a bad guy finds out my ability... they could use me for their own gain... at least that's what my mom and Professor Oak told me..." May: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah... I'm Ash by the way." May: "I'm May, it's nice to meet ya, and your Pikachu too." that was when Brock came to the scene. Brock: "And I'm Brock by the way, and it's great to meet you too May, so what brought you here anyway?" May: "Well... I came to get my starter, at least I should have got one yesterday if what happened with Pikachu didn't occurred." Ash: "Yeah... you can thank Team Rocket for that." May: "Who's Team Rocket?" Brock: "A group of bad guys who steal other trainers' Pokémon and plans for world domination." that was when Professor Birch came to the scene and heard what Brock said. Professor Birch: "Sounds like they're a real troublesome bunch." Ash: "You don't know the half of it..." May: "Anyway... I'm ready for my Pokémon." Professor Birch: "Good to hear." soon, Professor Birch sends out three Pokéballs, and out came a green gecko like Pokémon called Treecko, a water type called Mudkip, and a little chicken like Pokémon called Torchic, which is a fire type. May seems to taken a liking to Torchic as she found him cute, so she chose Torchic as her starter. Professor Birch then updated Ash's Pokédex to have the data of the Pokémon in Hoenn and register him to compete in the Hoenn league once he collects enough gym badges. Professor Birch: "Alright Ash, you're ready to travel through the Hoenn region." May: "I wished I was... my bike's badly damaged... thanks to you and your Pikachu." Ash: "I said I was sorry, we didn't even knew you were there." Brock: "How about you travel with us for a while?, at least until you can able to take care of yourself." May: "That could work." Ash: "Hmm... looks like we got a new traveling companion." Pikachu: [Yeah, but she's not Misty.] Ash: "Maybe not, but she seems nice enough." and so Ash has arrived to Hoenn, and gained a new friend in May, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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