The Sunyshore city tower heist

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After stopping Team Galactic and saving Sinnoh and the world, Ash continues his journey with his friends, and it wasn't long before they arrived to Sunyshore city, the location of the last Sinnoh gym badge. When they met the gym leader, who was named Volkner (voiced by Eli James), he was not into gym battles as much as he used to and was more into machinery, so the man only handed Ash the badge, but he refused to take it unless he earns it. Volkner: "Look kid, what's the point of battling if I could just beat you with ease?" Ash: "What?!, you don't know that!, my Pokémon are really strong!" Volkner: "That's what they all say before they get the shock of their lives." suddenly, a hole was formed on the ground, and out of it came what looked like a small dragon that looked a little like a shark, along with a little green and white hedgehog, and a little Cyndaquil, and all three of them were beaten up pretty badly. Dawn: "Oh my gosh!, the poor things!" Ash: "I see a Cyndaquil... but what are the other two?" Volkner: "The one with the fin is Gible... but the other... that's a Shaymin... a Mythical grass type of Sinnoh..." said Volkner, surprised to see a Shaymin in person. Dawn went to pick up both Cyndaquil and Shaymin, while Ash picks up Gible, taking them to the Pokémon center in hopes to heal them. Nurse Joy: "They should be fine now... but what happened?" Ash: "No clue, they just came out of a hole and they were covered in bruises..." Brock: "My best guess was that they were attacked..." Dawn: "But by what?, and who?, and why?" Volkner: "If only one of us can talk to Pokémon... then maybe they can tell us..." Ash: "Uh..." said Ash, while trying to look away and of course Brock and Dawn were doing the same. It wasn't long before Gible, Shaymin and Cyndaquil woke up and see that Ash, Dawn and the others were there. Dawn: "No need to worry, you're safe now." Shaymin: [Hey... you're the humans that helped us get here... thanks...] Ash: "No problem... but can you tell us what happened?" Shaymin: [If only I could... but it would be tough to tell you that some trainer hurt us...] Ash: "A trainer hurt you?!" Cyndaquil: [Wait... did he just...] Gible: [No way...] Shaymin: [You can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon, through something called Aura." Shaymin: [Then that means... you're an Aura guardian?!] Ash: "Not really, just a trainer, but can you tell me what happened?" Shaymin: [Well... alright, it happened this morning.... When I was flying in the sky and saw a poor little Cyndaquil being beaten up by his own trainer, just for failing a few battles.] Ash: "What?!, no trainer should treat their own Pokémon like that!" Shaymin: [I know... that's why I went to take him away from that trainer, who began to send a lot of Spearow to attack us... of course Gible was in the area and he helped up by using Dig...] Gible: [But those Spearow followed us through the tunnel and attacked... I managed to block the part of the tunnel to keep them away... and dug as fast as I could to escape... and that was when we came out of the ground and met you...] Ash: "I'm so sorry to hear that..." Cyndaquil: [That Damian... he was so mean...] Ash: "Wait... was that his name?!" Pikachu: [That low life... so he's behind this...] said Pikachu, before Ash went to tell the others what he learned. Dawn: "Wait... Damian... where have I heard that name before...?" Brock: "That was the trainer we warned you about, the one who abandoned Grotle and Monferno when they were just a Turtwig and Chimchar." Dawn: "Oh yeah... now I remember... I can't believe this... how could he do that to a poor Cyndaquil..." said Dawn while feeling sad for Cyndaquil and angry at Damian. Ash: "I know... he gives trainers everywhere a bad name..." Brock: "And something tells me we'll meet him soon..." suddenly, all the power of the whole city went out, like the source of it's power was cut off. Nurse Joy: "Oh no!, something must have happened to the Sunyshore tower!" Volkner: "No kidding... look!" shouted Volkner, pointing at the tower itself, which was now flying like a rocket, before it makes a landing, and an evil laugh of the Team Rocket trio was heard. Jessie: "With this tower, we can use it as our Sinnoh base for Team Rocket." James: "Indeed, and it's power is a good bonus too." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!, should have known it was you!" Volkner: "You know them?" Dawn: "Yeah, they're bad guys who steal Pokémon from other people." Brock: "But it looks like they're planning to steal that tower." Volkner: "That's not good, for you see that tower is the power source of Sunyshore city... and if they take that away, we're powerless!" Ash: "Well they're not getting away with it!" said Ash, before he runs into the building, with Volkner and Gible following behind him, before the tower started to fly off like a rocket. Dawn: "Ash!, Gible!" Brock: "We gotta go after them." suddenly, they noticed Shaymin and Cyndaquil shaking in fear, and looked up ahead to see someone coming, who was in fact Damian himself. Damian: "So there you are, thought you could get away from me so easily, huh?" Dawn: "Who's that?" Brock: "It's Damian... looks like he showed up after all..." Dawn: "So that's Damian..." said Dawn, letting out an angry glare at the bad trainer. Damian: "Hey I know you!, the guy who hangs out with the kid that took my Charmander, Cyndaquil and Torkoal!" Brock: "He saved them from you!, for the way you treated them was cruel and against everything a trainer is supposed to do!" Damian: "Either way, I will get that Cyndaquil back, and that Shaymin will be mine too." Dawn: "You're not getting either of them!, not on my watch!" Damian: "What are you gonna do about it?, you're just an annoying little bratty girl!" Dawn: "What did you say?!, you creep!, don't you know anything about how to talk to a lady?!" Damian: "Don't care about that, now if you want them too... then let's have a match to see who gets to have both of them." Dawn: "Fine by me, if it means keeping them away from you!" Brock: "Be careful Dawn, Damian is the type who would cheat." Dawn: "Don't worry, I won't lose to a jerk like him." said Dawn, as she prepares herself to battle Damian for the sake of both Shaymin and Cyndaquil. Back with Ash, he was on his way to the Team Rocket trio, when the trio themselves came and sent out their Pokémon to battle, which was a venous fly trap like Pokémon called Carnivine and a red dragonfly like Pokémon called Yanma. The boy then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he's up against. Pokédex: [Carnivine is a fly trap Pokémon, it has a large mouth to capture it's prey.] [Yanma is a dragonfly Pokémon that has eyes that can see a full 360 degrees around without moving it's head.] Ash: "I see you have new Pokémon." Jessie: "Yes, impressive, aren't they?" Ash: "What happened to Cacnea and Seviper?" James: "We... gave them to the boss as an apology gift for not getting any Pokémon back in Hoenn..." Ash: "You gave your own Pokémon to that jerk?!" Meowth: "It's not like we had a choice, if you didn't gotten in our way, we wouldn't had to give them away!" said Meowth, before the battle begins, and that was when Yanma learned a new move called Ancient Power, and suddenly, Yanma glowed and evolved into Yanmega, causing Ash to pull out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Yanmega is the evolved form of Yanma, when it flutters it's wings, it creates shock waves that can cause internal damage to it's opponents.] Jessie: "Well, that sounds impressive, alright, time to make the twerp learn a lesson on not to mess with Team Rocket!" before Yanmega could attack, Volkner and Gible came to the scene, ready to fight back. Ash then sends out both Grotle and Monferno to battle, and during the fight against Team Rocket, both Grotle and Monferno evolved into Torterra and Infernape, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Torterra is the evolved form of Grotle and the fully evolved form of Turtwig, and it's large back and sanitary nature offer an ideal place for smaller Pokémon to build their nests.] [Infernape is the evolved form of Monferno and fully evolved form of Chimchar, and it fiery crown reflects it's fiery nature, and it's speed is unmatched.] Jessie: "Whoa... they're both big..." James: "This can't be good..." Meowth: "You got that right..." Ash: "Alright!, Infernape use Flame Wheel!, and Torterra use Energy ball!, and Gible use Draco Meteor!" called out Ash, before the three Pokémon used those attack to send the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Volkner went to the room where the Team Rocket trio were controlling it, and set it to fly back to Sunyshore city. As soon as the tower got back into place, Volkner went to look at the boy. Volkner: "Thanks Ash... if it weren't for you... my home would have lost this tower for good." Ash: "No problem, I had to do something to help the Pokémon at the Pokémon center." Volkner: "Is there anyway I can thank you?" Ash: "Well... if you give me a real gym battle..." Volkner: "I see... well you proved that your Pokémon are really strong... so I guess I can give ya a chance, but don't cry when I beat you." Ash: "Don't worry, I won't lose so easily." soon they made it back to the Pokémon center, only to see that Dawn was battling Damian, which was just about over. Damian: "I don't believe this!, how could I lose to a girl of all things?!" Dawn: "Because unlike you, I actually took care of my Pokémon." Damian: "Whatever!, I'm gonna get that Cyndaquil and Shaymin if it's the last thing I do!" shouted Damian, before he pulls out a butterfly net and tries to use it on Cyndaquil and Shaymin. However, Pikachu used Thunderbolt to zap Damian, which forced him to retreat and left the scene. Ash: "Dawn, are you and the others okay?" Dawn: "Yeah we're fine, and I can see why you really dislike that Damian guy... he's a total jerk." Brock: "No kidding... at least you managed to get the tower back." Ash: "Yeah, and Volkner finally agreed to battle me for the badge." Dawn: "That's great." and so some time after repairing the tower, Volkner was ready to challenge Ash. The battle was tough, but the boy and his Pokémon were able to pull through and won the battle, allowing the boy to earn the Beacon badge. Volkner: "Well... I was not expecting you to be a real challenge... let alone beating me... well done, you truly earned the badge." Ash: "Thanks." after leaving the gym, Gible came over to Ash and asked him if he could join the team, which he accepts and soon the land shark Pokémon was caught. As for Cyndaquil and Shaymin, they decided to join Dawn's team, as a way to thank her for saving them from Damian. Dawn: "I can't believe that I managed to catch a mythical Pokémon... just like May with Manaphy on TV..." Brock: "Remember Dawn, you need to treat Shaymin with a lot of care just like the rest of your Pokémon." Dawn: "I will, and I can't wait to get to the Grand Festival of Sinnoh..." Ash: "I know what you mean, now that I got all 8 badges of Sinnoh, I can finally enter the Sinnoh league..." and so Ash has caught a Gible and earned his eighth and final Sinnoh gym badge while Dawn caught a Cyndaquil and Shaymin. Who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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