The Trovita island gym challenge

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As Lapras carries Ash and his friends to Trovita island, the location of the boy's third Orange league gym challenge, the group noticed that the island was surrounded by whirlpools. Ash: "So that's Trovita island?" Tracy: "Yup, this is it." Misty: "How are we gonna get there with all those whirlpools?" Brock: "Yeah, it's gonna be a challenge." that was when Ash noticed a little girl that's been caught by the strong current and needs help. So Ash and Misty went to use Lapras and Gyarados to help her escape from the whirlpools and get her and themselves safely to shore, unaware that a young man, named Rudy (voiced by Matthew Mitler), who happens to be the Trovita island gym leader himself. Once the group got to shore, the girl introduce herself as Mahri (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), and she was very grateful to her heroes, especially Misty. Mahri: "You were so cool out there!, thanks for saving me." Misty: "You're welcome, but what were you doing out there in the first place?" Mahri: "Well... I was playing with me water Pokémon when I got sucked in by that current, are one of you here to challenge my brother?" Ash: "Your brother?, who's that?" asked Ash, before Rudy himself, came to the scene. Rudy: "That would be me, name's Rudy, gym leader of Trovita island at your service." Ash: "Hi, my name's Ash from the town of Pallet, and I'm the one who challenges you." Rudy: "I see... and the lady?" Misty: "Uh... me?" asked Misty, before Rudy hands over a rose to her. Rudy: "Aren't you a lovely flower." Misty: "Uh... thanks I guess." Tracy: "So he's like Brock, huh?" Brock: "What's that supposed to mean?" Tracy: "You go nuts for every girl we meet." Brock: "I do not!, just girls around my age." Tracy: "But what about Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny?, they're both adults and you're a teen." Brock: "Well... good point..." Ash: "So what do I have to do here?" Rudy: "Well... first you must pass a small attack test, are you ready?" Ash: "Sure." so the group went onto Rudy's speedboat, racing up a river, where Ash must get his Pokémon to hit the targets. Ash was able to win it with the help of Pikachu, Charizard, Lapras, Bulbasaur and Squirtle. Soon, they went back on land and Rudy tells Ash what to do next. Rudy: "We will have a three on three battle, and remember, whichever three types you choose, I will use those types too." Ash: "Okay... then I choose electric, grass and water." Rudy: "Okay, in that case I will use electric grass and water as well." soon, the scene shows Ash and Rudy having their battle on top of one of the island's tall spikes, while the others were on a hot air balloon. The battle started with Ash sending out Pikachu, while Rudy sends out an Electabuzz, and although Pikachu did his best, Electabuzz beats the electric mouse with it's powerful Thunder Punch. Ash: "Pikachu, are you okay?" Pikachu: [I think so... but I lost...] Ash: "Don't worry, you did your best, that's all that matters." Pikachu: [Yeah...] the next round came when Ash sends out Bulbasaur, while Rudy sends out a Pokémon called Exeggutor, which was kind of like a walking palm tree with faces on the coconuts, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Exeggutor is like a Pokémon in the form of a short walking palm tree with faces on the coconuts, it's also a grass/psychic type.] Bulbasaur uses Razor Leaf to start, only for Exeggutor to dance around to avoid them. But then Bulbasaur used Sleep Powder to put the grass/psychic type to sleep, allowing Ash to win. Tracy: "That was clever of Ash of using Sleep Powder." Brock: "Yeah, but I have a feeling that the battle's not over yet." said Brock, who was right as Ash now sends out Squirtle to battle, while Rudy sends out his own Starmie. The battle between the two water types was intense, but at last Squirtle was able to pull through and beat Starmie, allowing Ash to win. Ash: "We did it Squirtle!, we won!" Squirtle: [Alright!, how super was I?] Ash: "You were very super." said Ash, while Squirtle was feeling proud while trying to look cool. It wasn't long before Rudy came up to Ash. Rudy: "Well done Ash, you certainly did well, so as proof you bested me, here is the Spike Shell badge." said Rudy, before giving Ash the badge. Ash: "Thanks Rudy... alright!, I got the Spike Shell badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Squirtle: [Super!] Mahri: "Wow... that Ash really pulled it off... though I wised big brother didn't lose..." Misty: "Yeah, but you can't win every battle, and I think Rudy is impressed with Ash's skills as a trainer." Mahri: "Yeah, I think so too." and so Ash has beaten Rudy and has earned his third Orange island gym badge, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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