The fire type kitten

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It was a nice day in Alola, when Ash was training his new Pokémon, Rowlet and Rockruff, who are already showing they're getting stronger. Ash: "Okay you guys, I think we should take a break for now." Rockruff: [Oh... but I was about to go to another level, just a longer?" Ash: "Hey I know, but let's save it for later, we can't overwork ourselves, we all need a break once in a while in order to have enough energy to work some more." Pikachu: [He's right, it's close to lunch time anyway, and I'm feeling a bit hungry.] Rowlet: [Me too.] so with that, they went on their way back to Professor Kukui's lab, when they saw something on the ground, which was a Pokémon that looked like a kitten, but it was covered in bruises and sand. Ash went to pick it up and brought the little guy to Professor Kukui's lab, where the professor was surprised to see Ash has brought back another Pokémon that was in poor condition. Professor Kukui: "Poor Litten... looks like it went through a lot of fights lately..." Ash: "Yeah..." that was when Lillie came in with Snowy, and she was surprised to see another Pokémon in poor condition, right after Ash finding Rockruff not too long ago. Lillie: "Poor thing... what happened to Litten?" Ash: "Is that what he is?" Lillie: "Yes, I'm guessing you haven't talked to it yet." Ash: "Well I just found him, so no." Professor Kukui: "Even if he was talking, you're the only one here who can understand him." Ash: "Yeah... but my gift won't do much now... not until Litten speaks, which might take a while until he wakes up." said Ash, before Litten suddenly started to wake up, and he was in a panic. Litten: [Huh?!, no please!, don't hurt me!, I'll try to get stronger!, I promise!] Ash: "Whoa there!, we're not gonna hurt ya." Litten: [You expect me to believe that?, my old trainer said that before and he still hurts me...] Ash: "Your old trainer did what?!" Litten: [Wait... did you... understood me?] Rockruff: [Wait... Litten is that you?] Litten: [Rockruff?, what are you doing here?] Pikachu: [Hold on, you two know it's each other?] Rockruff: [Yeah... we used to be teammates under the same trainer.] Ash: "Wait... was your trainer by any chance... named Damian?] Litten: [Yeah... you know him?] Ash: "Yeah... so he abandoned you too... that no good..." Rockruff: [Oh Ash... it's okay...] Litten: [I take it... this boy is your new trainer?] Rockruff: [Yeah, and he much nicer than Damian ever was or ever will, he trains me with love and trust, and if you want... you can join the team.] Litten: [I don't know... it'll be a while before I can trust a human again...] suddenly, a little black ball with a red 'R' on it, broke through the window, and out of it came sleeping gas, which knocked everyone out. By the time they woke up, Ash, Lillie and Professor Kukui saw that they were inside a cage, and the Team Rocket trio were in front of them, laughing in an evil way. Ash: "Sleeping gas again?, seriously?" Jessie: "It's an old move, but it's still very effective..." James: Yes, and now we got your Pokémon, including Pikachu." Meowth: "That's right, and the cage they're in is voice activated, which can only work when one of us say open." said Meowth, before the cage with the Pokémon inside opened up, much to everyone's surprise. Jessie: "You idiot!" Meowth: "Don't blame me!, it was your idea to program it to open by a simple password!" James: "Never mind that!, they're getting away!" shouted James, unaware that the cage that Ash, Lillie and Professor Kukui were in opened up as well, due to having the same opening code as the other cage. Jessie: "Better send out our new Pokémon, go Mimikyu!" James: "You go too, Mareanie!" shouted Jessie and James, before sending out what looked like a Pokémon hiding under a disguise that looks like a poorly designed Pikachu, and a water/poison type that had tentacles that look like hair, and Ash went to check out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Mareanie is the Brutal Star Pokémon, and their head spikes are poisonous and attack by turning upside down and trap their prey with their 10 legs.] [Mimikyu is the Disguise Pokémon, a ghost/fairy type, and wears a ragged head cover to look like a Pikachu in hopes for popularity.] Mimikyu: [One way or another, I will have my revenge on all Pikachu!, why do they get to have all the popularity while I have to live in the shadows?!, it's not fair!] Pikachu: [Wow... this one has issues...] said Pikachu, which only Ash and Mimikyu understood, and the ghost/fairy type got more mad and went to attack Pikachu, who managed to dodge it but Litten was about to be hit instead. However, before the attack hit, Ash blocked the attack with his body and got hit instead, much to the little fire type's surprise. Pikachu: [Oh my gosh!, Ash are you okay?!] Ash: "Yeah... but what about Litten?, is he alright?" Litten: [Me?, but you were the one who got hit!, why did you took the hit for me?!] Ash: "Because unlike Damian, I care for the well-being of Pokémon." Mimikyu: [Annoying twerp, out of my way!] shouted Mimikyu, before Pikachu used Iron Tail to block the ghost/fairy type's attack. Pikachu: [If you got a problem with me and my kind, leave Ash out of it!] shouted Pikachu, before he used a powerful Thunderbolt to hit Mimikyu and sending it flying right into the Team Rocket trio. Litten, who wanted to protect Ash like how he protected him, then used Flamethrower to burn the Team Rocket trio, before Pikachu used another Thunderbolt to send the trio flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Litten went to rub his head on Ash's leg, as a sign of affection. Professor Kukui: "Looks like you have earned the little fire cat's trust." Ash: "Yeah... so it seems... hey Litten... would you like to join our team?" asked Ash, before Litten used Flamethrower on Ash's face with a smile, while the boy was covered in smoke. Litten: [That's my way of saying yes.] Ash: "Oh... in that case... happy to know... welcome to the team..." said Ash, before he fells to the ground. Soon, the boy went to check on his Pokédex to learn more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Litten is the Fire Cat Pokémon, the fire type starter of Alola, and it's known to show little emotions and prefers being alone, and it normally takes a lot of time to gain it's trust in any way.] Pikachu: [And yet, Ash was able to earn his trust in just one day...] Ash: "That's odd to you?" Pikachu: [Not really, you always had a knack on earning trust with your kindness and all that.] some time later, Ash gets to meet another Trial captain, who gave Ash a Grassium Z crystal to try out, and with the teamwork of Rowlet, Ash was able to earn the right of keeping one. Ash: "I managed to earn three Z crystals... I wonder what other Z crystals I could get before the first Alola league starts..." Pikachu: [Only the future can tell us that.] and so Ash has caught a Litten and earned another Z crystal, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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