Aura of the Riolu

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It was a nice day in the Sinnoh region, when a ferry came to the docks, and out of it came both Ash and Goh, who were there for an assignment that Professor Cerise gave them. Ash: "Wow... it's been a while since I've been in Sinnoh." Goh: "You've been here before?" Ash: "Yeah, I challenged the Sinnoh Pokémon league here once... although I lost, it was really fun." Goh: "I'll bet it was, and it's amazing that my Scorbunny evolved." said Goh, looking at his newly evolved Raboot, and Ash decided to look into his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Raboot is the evolved form of Scorbunny, it has fluffy fur that protects it from the cold and lets it use stronger fire type attacks.] suddenly, the Team Rocket trio showed up, trying to steal Pikachu again, but Ash was not gonna let them take his starter without a battle. Unaware to the boy, he was letting out some invisible Aura waves that no one had noticed, however, the waves did made a reaction to a certain Pokémon egg in the nearby Pokémon center, which Nurse Joy noticed. When the battle was over, the Team Rocket trio were sent flying, and Pikachu was feeling victorious. However, Ash then heard a voice that only he could hear. Ash: "Did you hear that?" Goh: "Hear what?" Ash: "A voice... it sounded like it came from the Pokémon center..." said Ash, before he ran off to the Pokémon center, in search of the voice that was calling him. Nurse Joy: "Are you looking for something?" Ash: "Not sure... I heard a voice and it sounded like it came from here..." Goh: "Hey... what's that?" asked Goh, who noticed the Pokémon egg. Nurse Joy: "Oh that's a Pokémon egg..." Ash: "It must be the egg that Professor Cerise sent us here to pick up..." Nurse Joy: "Oh you must be Ash and Goh, the ones that Professor Cerise told me about, yes it's the egg, though I don't know why, but it never wants to hatch... at least until now..." Goh: "What do you mean?" Nurse Joy: "Well... that egg is full of mysteries... no matter how well it's treated, it just won't come out... at least until now..." Ash: "Hey... I can hear it... the voice... it's coming from this egg..." Goh: "Don't be silly, eggs don't have voices." Nurse Joy: "Hmm... wait a minute... young man... can you use Aura?" Ash: "Uh... when you say Aura... you mean like the kind a Lucario uses..." Nurse Joy: "Yes." Ash: "Well... I do have Aura that allows me to talk to Pokémon... and some of my friends told me that I could use Aura Sphere when I get really angry..." Nurse Joy: "I see... that must be why the egg is reacting..." Goh: "What do you mean?" before Nurse Joy could answer, the egg started to glow and hatched out what looked like a little version of a Lucario, called a Riolu, and he was looking around in the room. Riolu: [Where is it...?, the Aura...] Ash: "Hi there little guy." Riolu: [Away you!] called out Riolu, before using a move called Vacuum Wave to send Ash flying and collided into Goh. Pikachu: [Hey!, what did you do that for?!] Riolu: [I am not allowing myself to be with strangers, I only want to be with the one who has the same Aura as mine.] said Riolu, before he ran out of the building and head off to who knows where. Nurse Joy: "Are you boys okay?" Goh: "Yeah... but why did Riolu do that?" Ash: "He thought we were strangers... and said something about being with the one who has the same Aura as his..." Nurse Joy: "Just as I thought... the egg was waiting for an Aura user..." Goh: "What do you mean?" Nurse Joy: "Well... Riolu would only join trainers who not have noble hearts... but have a strong connection with Aura... like Aura users for example, or Aura Guardians, so since the egg was of a Riolu... it wouldn't hatch until someone with a connection of Aura that's the same of it's own was close by..." Ash: "So it must be talking about me..." Goh: "But if that's true, why did he attack you?" Ash: "I don't know..." Nurse Joy: "Perhaps Riolu didn't realized the Aura it hatched for was coming from you, so it mistook you for another stranger." Ash: "Yeah... you might be right, but if that's true, we better find Riolu." Goh: "Are you sure?, I mean Riolu have a high stamina and they're not easy to beat, even if it just hatched." Nurse Joy: "Riolu is still a baby and does not know much of the outside world yet." Ash: "She's right, there's no telling what trouble Riolu could run into on his own, we gotta find him quick." said Ash, before he and Pikachu ran off to find Riolu, while Goh follows behind. Outside of town, Riolu was trying his best to use his own Aura to find the same Aura that he sensed before, but no luck. Riolu: [I don't understand it... I sensed it before... why can't I find it...] asked Riolu to himself, before he begins climbing what seems to be a rock at first, only to be an Onix, who was not happy about his nap disturbed, especially when Riolu used Vacuum Wave on it, which made it only even more mad. Riolu was trying his best to beat Onix, but without guidance, Riolu was not having much luck. It wasn't long before Ash and Pikachu showed up, and they can see that Riolu was in trouble. Ash: "Oh no!, Riolu!" Pikachu: [hurry!] cried out Pikachu, before he and Ash ran towards Riolu, while Goh finally came but had to stop in order to catch his breath. Goh: "Man... those two have a lot of stamina..." said Goh to himself. Riolu was looking scared, before Ash jumped in between the little fighting type and the angry Onix, who was looking even more mad. Onix: [Out of my way human!, that brat asked for it!, and he's gonna get it!] Ash: "I don't care!, I will not allow anyone harm this little Riolu on my watch!" yelled out Ash, before he throws an Aura Sphere from his hands and hits the Onix, which really surprised Riolu, who recognized the Aura right away. Riolu: [That Aura... it was his...] said Riolu quietly, amazed by the sight of Ash using Aura. Onix: [An Aura user...?" Ash: "Yeah... and if you mess with Riolu, you mess with me... got it?" Onix: [Hmm... tell you what, you and Riolu battle me, see if you have what it takes to use Aura.] Ash: "Fine with me..." Riolu: "So that Aura... it was yours... um... I deeply apologize...] Ash: "For what?" Riolu: [For attacking you earlier... if I knew the Aura was yours...] Ash: "Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're okay, now... what do you say we team up and battle this Onix together?" Riolu: [... I'm up for it... master.] Ash: "Oh Riolu, I prefer not to be called master, it sounds like you're a slave to me, and I don't want that, I want to be a friend to you." Riolu: [Okay... how about... dad?] Ash: "Um... that I can go with, I have a few Pokémon that call me that." Riolu: [Then dad it is.] so with that, they were now ready to battle the Onix, which proved to be a tough opponent, but thanks to Ash's guidance, and the bond of the Aura, Riolu had a the upper hand and managed to beat the Onix, who just stared at them. Onix: [Well done, you and the Riolu are a perfect team.] Ash: "Thanks, I think so too... but wait... why aren't you surprised that I can understand you?" Onix: [Let's just say you're not the first Aura user I ran into, and he mentioned something about a certain trainer with a Pikachu that helped him saved Iron island.] Pikachu: [It must have been Riley...] Ash: "You might be right..." Onix: [Now I must finish my nap... but a word of advice, teach Riolu not to disturb other Pokémon from their naps...] Ash: "Yes, I'll work on that right away..." Onix: [Good.] said Onix, before it used the move Dig to burrow underground and left the scene. Riolu: [Uh... does this mean I'm in trouble?] Ash: "No, it just means that we need to teach ya to attack only when you're in real danger, otherwise you can put yourself in danger." Riolu: [Got it... so... does this mean I'm your Pokémon?] Ash: "Almost... just need to catch you in a Pokéball first." said Ash, before he catches Riolu in a Pokéball, letting him out, and then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his latest catch. Pokédex: [Riolu is the Emanation Pokémon, it can understand how both Pokémon and people feel though Aura, and it has a flexible body that has enough power to cross 3 mountains and 2 canyons in one night.] it wasn't long before Goh came to the scene. Goh: "So... what did I miss?" Ash: "Well I finally managed to find Riolu, and caught him too." Goh: "Really?, you seemed to have a lot of luck on catching Pokémon." Ash: "Not as much as you do, I mean you managed to catch more Pokémon than I do in one day." Goh: "Maybe, but you seemed to be more lucky on catching more rare Pokémon." Ash: "Even so, we both had an eventful day just now." Goh: "How true, now let's get back to the Pokémon center." so with that, they went back to the Pokémon center, where Nurse Joy was waiting for them, and once they got inside, Ash and Goh made a call with Professor Cerise, who was amazed about what happened to the egg. Professor Cerise: [Interesting... I guess it would make sense that the egg wouldn't hatch until someone with strong and kind Aura came along, and you said that it joined your team?" Ash: "Yeah, I hope you didn't mind." Professor Cerise: "Of course not, I wouldn't stand in the way of a bond between trainers and their Pokémon, just make sure I get a chance to study the little one, alright?" Ash: "Sure thing." and so Ash has hatched another egg, which turned out to be a Riolu, who joined the boy's team as well, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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