The new form of the dusk

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It was a nice day in the Alola region, when Ash was training Litten to get stronger. But the training had to halt for a bit as Rockruff was acting strange lately, as he was acting more aggressive and biting everything he sees, including Ash. Pikachu: [Any idea what's going on with Rockruff?] Ash: "Well... from what Professor Kukui told me... Rockruff would only act like this when they're close to evolving..." Litten: [I think you're right, I've seen it before from other Rockruff in the wild.] Pikachu: [The Pokédex mentioned that Rockruff can evolve either a Midday form or Midnight form of Lycanroc... guess it depends on what time of the day Rockruff will evolve...] Ash: "Yeah... speaking of Rockruff...'' said Ash, before he sees Rockruff sitting in the corner, feeling guilty and sad. It wasn't long before Ash came over to Rockruff, who couldn't have the courage to look back at his trainer. Rockruff: [Ash... I am so sorry for biting you... I don't know what's come over me... you must be mad at me...] Ash: "No Rockruff, I'm just worried about you... and I learned from Professor Kukui that you're just in that mood you get when you're ready to evolve." Rockruff: [Really?, I'm gonna evolve soon?] Ash: "Yeah, but as what you'll evolve into... that's your choice to make..." Rockruff: [Hmm... my choice, huh?] Ash: "That's right." Rockruff: [Well... I don't know... either of the forms seem cool... but I got this feeling that I wanna be something... different...] Pikachu: [Really?, different how?] Rockruff: [I'm not really sure...] Ash: "I'm sure what form you choose, it's alright with me." a few hours later, the sun was beginning to set, and Rockruff couldn't help but stare at it, like he was in some kind of a trance. Pikachu: [He's been looking at the sunset for a while now...] Ash: "Yeah... it must be hard for him to decide..." suddenly, as the sun was almost gone, Rockruff started to glow, as he was starting to evolve. However, his new form was neither midday or midnight form, but somewhere in between, had orange and white fur and looked like a crossover of the two forms. Lycanroc: [I... evolved...] Ash: "Whoa... Lycanroc... you look amazing..." Lycanroc: [Thanks... but what form is this?] Pikachu: [Looks like a crossover between the midday and midnight forms...] said Pikachu, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Lycanroc is the Wolf Pokémon, and the evolved form of Rockruff, current form of this Lycanroc is unknown.] Ash: "Unknown...?" that was when Professor Kukui came to the scene, and he was surprised by the sight of Ash's Lycanroc. Professor Kukui: "What in the world...?" Ash: "Hi Professor, what form is Lycanroc?" Professor Kukui: "Well to tell you the truth... I don't know... I've never seen this form before... it must be a newly discovered form..." Ash: "Really?" Professor Kukui: "Yes, tell me, when did Rockruff evolved?" Ash: "When dusk settled." Professor Kukui: "Hmm... then maybe we should call this Dusk form Lycanroc, nice ring to it, right?" Ash: "Yeah, you like that Lycanroc?, sound good?" Lycanroc: [Yeah, it's catchy... and I think this is the form for me...] sometime later, in a new day, Ash was helping Lycanroc how to battle in his new form, but soon learned that the rock type goes savage whenever he gets dirty, which was ironic as he used to love getting dirty when he was a Rockruff. With some patience and training, Ash was able to help Lycanroc control his rage even when he gets dirty. Eventually, Ash meets another Trial captain, who gives the boy a Lycanium Z crystal, to test the boy to see if he was worthy of it. Luckily for the boy, he and Lycanroc were able to pull off the Z move, and earned the right to keep the Z crystal. Suddenly, there was trouble, as the Team Rocket trio showed up, in hopes to catch not only Pikachu, but Lycanroc as well. They brought some sort of robot that was bigger than a house, with a giant butterfly net in it's hands. Jessie: "Ha, ha, ha, ha!, with this mega bot, not only will we finally get Pikachu, but that new Lycanroc as a bonus." James: "Yes, that Lycanroc is no doubt rare, which should make a great gift for the boss like Pikachu." Meowth: "That's right!" Lycanroc: [Do they actually think they can catch Pokémon with that thing?] Pikachu: [What really surprises me is the fact they're still going after me even though me and Ash beat them more times than I could count...] Ash: "Get ready guys, this could be tough." Meowth: "You bet it will, time to press the catching button!" said Meowth, before his paw pressed a button. Suddenly, the robot exploded, and the Team Rocket trio were being sent flying into the air. Jessie: "You idiot!, you pressed the self destruct button!" James: "Why did we even had that button in the first place?" Meowth: "Cause the writer wanted us to..." Jessie: "I hate writers... as much as this..." Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the trio, as they flew into the sky and out of the scene. Ash: "Uh... did that really just happen?" Lycanroc: [Well... that was awkward...] Pikachu: [Tell me about it...] and so Rockruff has evolved into a new kind of Lycanroc and Ash earned another Z crystal, which is meant for Lycanroc, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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