The Johto Pokémon league

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After earning his last Johto gym badge and catching Larvitar and Latias, Ash was now training his Pokémon to get ready for the battles ahead of them in the Johto Pokémon league. Ash: "This is gonna be awesome, I'm finally gonna compete in the Johto league." Pikachu: [And I'm sure we'll win it like we did in the Orange league.] Ash: "Yeah, I certainly hope so." Pikachu: [Don't worry, even if we don't win, you'll still be the number 1 trainer to me and the rest of the team.] Ash: "Thanks Pikachu... that means a lot coming from you." of course trouble was being brewed as President Goodshow, the President of the Pokémon league, came to the scene in a panic. Goodshow: "What are we gonna do?!, what are we gonna do?!" Ash: "President Goodshow?, is that you?" Goodshow: "Huh?, oh Ash my boy!, it's good to see you again, I need your help." Ash: "What's wrong?" Goodshow: "It's terrible, someone has stolen the torch for the league, which has the flame of Ho-oh." Ash: "Wait, I thought the league uses a torch that carries the flame of Moltres?" Goodshow: "It does for Kanto and the other regions, but Johto is an exception, in this region they use the flame of Ho-oh that we get from a shrine, but it seems someone has stolen the torch." Ash: "But without the torch, the league can't start, right?" Goodshow: "That's right, and I don't have a clue who took it and where they went." suddenly, a robotic arm with a rubber glove came down from the Team Rocket trio's balloon, and tried to grab Pikachu but missed. Jessie: "You missed!" James: "Don't blame me, it's hard to aim right and hold this torch at the same time." Meowth: "And we got to be careful not to put the flame too close to us or we'll get burned." Ash: "Team Rocket!, so it was you who stole the torch!" Meowth: "That's right, and we'll make a fortune out of this flame." Goodshow: "But you can't!, that flame is not only important to the league, but it helps the people to remember that they and the Pokémon must live in harmony!" Meowth: "In case you forgotten, we're the bad guys, we take whatever we want." Ash: "Well you're not taking the flame!" said Ash, before he sends out Noctowl to pop the balloon, which was flying away from the scene. The torch was able to fall out of Team Rocket's hold, but now it was falling to the ground. Pikachu managed to catch the torch though, much to his trainer's relief. Ash: "Nice catch... that was close." Goodshow: "No kidding... for a minute there, I thought we lost the torch... hey Ash... as a way to thank you for saving the torch... would you like the honor to run it to the stadium like how you did in the Kanto league?" Ash: "Sure, I'll be happy to do it sir." so with that, Ash runs the torch to the Johto league stadium, and everyone cheered for him as the Johto league finally begins. Ash learned that just like the Kanto league, Ash has to battle 4 different battlefields before entering the top 16, and thanks to the help of his Pokémon, the ones from Johto and the ones from both Kanto and the Orange islands, Ash made it to the top 16, and the challenger who gets to battle him would be noun other but Gary himself. Ash: "Well Gary... it looks like we're finally gonna battle each other." Gary: "Sure does, but don't think I'll go easy on ya." Ash: "I was gonna say the same thing." said Ash, before he and Gary begin their battle in the top 16. the battle between them was very intense, and soon both trainers send out their last Pokémon, which were Charizard for Ash, and a Blastoise for Gary. The final battle between them was very intense, fire vs water, one would think Gary had the advantage, but Charizard was refusing to give up and used Seismic Toss to take down Blastoise, meaning that Ash had won. Gary: "I don't believe it... he won...?" Ash: "I did it... we won... we really won Charizard!, you were so awesome!" Charizard: [Yeah... I sure was.] and so with that, Ash was now heading to the top 8, and his next opponent was named Harrison from the same region that Latias' kind are native from, which is the Hoenn region. The battle between the two of them was intense, especially when both trainers sent out their last Pokémon, which was Charizard for Ash, and a fire type called Blaziken for Harrison. The battle took a while, but at last it ended with a big explosion of smoke that sent both fire types flying a bit away. The winner was Blaziken, while Charizard was down and out for the count, meaning Ash had lost, which made Ash feel down, but he did enjoyed the battle with Harrison though. Some time later, Ash went to sit with his friends in the audience, to watch Harrison battle another trainer, only to lose to that trainer. Ash: "Oh man... I thought for sure Harrison would win..." Brock: "Goes to show that there are still a lot of stronger trainers." Misty: "That trainer named Jimmy sure is tough, I heard a rumor that he and his friends met Raikou not too long ago." Ash: "Really?" Pikachu: [So what?, we met all three of the Johto guardians, along with Lugia and Ho-oh too.] Ash: "Yeah, but it's still pretty cool that they get to meet a legendary at all." Pikachu: [Fair enough.] at last, the Johto Pokémon league came to an end, leaving the trainer named Jimmy to be the winner. Soon, Ash and his friends went back to Kanto, and Misty got a call from one of her sisters that they'll be away from the Cerulean gym for a while and asked her to watch over it until they get back. Ash: "So... does this mean you'll be leaving?" Misty: "Don't think you'll get rid of me that easy, you still owe me a new bike after all." Ash: "Yeah... fair enough... and to be honest, it was really fun traveling with ya." Misty: "Yeah... I could say the same with you and Brock... I'll miss both of ya." Brock: "We'll miss you too... but we'll always be friends no matter what." Misty: "That's for sure." so with that, Misty left for Cerulean city to watch over the gym, while Ash and Brock went back to Pallet town, where Delia and Professor Oak were waiting for the boy. Delia: "I'm so happy you're back Ash, and you went far in the league." Ash: "Yeah... but I didn't win it..." Delia: "Maybe not, but you did went further than you did on your first league, so that's something." Ash: "True..." Professor Oak: "So what do you plan on doing now?" Ash: "Beats me... I wish I knew..." that was when Gary came to the scene. Gary: "Well if you ask me, you could go to the Hoenn region." Ash: "Huh?, the Hoenn region?" Gary: "Yeah, it's the region where Harrison and his Blaziken both came from, you'll find lots of new Pokémon there, and it has it's own Pokémon league too." Professor Oak: "It's also where the legendary Pokémon Latias came from... which reminds me, I still can't believe that you caught one." Gary: "You caught a Latias?!" Ash: "Yeah... she chose me as her trainer after I saved her from Team Rocket back in Johto." Brock: "I have a feeling she had another reason of choosing Ash as her trainer." said Brock, as Latias was looking through the window, with hearts for eyes while looking at Ash. Latias: [Oh Ash... you look so handsome and kind... sometimes I wished I was a real human... and maybe I can take you out on a date..." that was when Bayleef came and heard her, and she got jealous. Bayleef: [Now wait just a minute!, I've been with Ash a lot longer than you!, so if anyone's gonna date him, it's gonna be me!] Latias: [Oh so you like him too?] Bayleef: [Like him?!, I love that boy!, I would do anything for him!] that was when Butterfree and Noctowl came to the scene. Noctowl: [You girls do realized that Ash is not old enough to date?, and even if he was, he's a human and you're both Pokémon.] Butterfree: [And even if he doesn't feel that way for you, he still deeply cares about you and all of us.] Bayleef: [Yeah... we both know that... but still... I just wished for once I can take him on a date... show him how much he means to me...] Latias: [Same here...] Butterfree: [Yeah... he's a really special human... if only there were more like him... then maybe this world will be in peace...] back inside the house, Gary tells Ash something important. Ash: "You're gonna be a Pokémon researcher?" Gary: "That's right, I thought of it after the Johto league, and decided to follow the same path my grandpa took as a Pokémon Professor, and maybe become an even greater one." Professor Oak: "I'm sure you will, you are my grandson after all." Ash: "Well I wish you good luck." Gary: "Same with you in the Hoenn region." and so Ash has managed to compete in the Johto league, and although he lost, he was not giving up his dream and sets his sights of the Hoenn region. Who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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