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After winning the Pokémon masters tournament and helped Goh finding and catching the Mew of Faraway island, Ash and Goh went their separate ways, and even though they were sad at first, they knew that they would still be friends no matter what. Misty continues to be in charge of the Cerulean city gym, and she has proven to give any trainer a challenge. Brock has become a Pokémon doctor, and finally got himself a girlfriend named Lucy. May has finally become a top Coordinator after trying again in the Hoenn Grand Festival, and the same could go for Dawn in the Sinnoh Grand Festival. Iris continues keeping her title of Unova league champion, while Cilan continues to travel the world to show the people of other regions what a connoisseur can do. Clemont continues to be the gym leader of Lumiose city, and as for Bonnie, she tends to spend some time making calls with Max, telling each other that they could travel together once they're old enough to become trainers. Lillie begins to travel with Goh, who was happy to have someone to travel with him again. As for Serena, she begins traveling with Ash again, and right now they were at Pallet town, inside Ash's house, where the boy's mother was looking at the trophy that her son won in the Pokémon masters tournament. Delia: "I always knew you would win, and I always knew you had good taste too." Ash: "Yeah, your cooking is the best, of course Brock's cooking was great too, along with Cilan's." Delia: "Actually, I was talking about your taste for women." Ash: "Huh?, what do you mean by that?" Pikachu: [She's talking about how you picked Serena to be your girlfriend.] Ash: "What does having Serena being my girlfriend got to do with tasting girls?" this of course made Pikachu to face palm himself in annoyance, while Serena couldn't help but laugh a little. Serena: "Oh Ash... you can be such a silly boy sometimes." Ash: "Huh?" Delia: "Don't worry about it dear, just count yourself lucky to have someone as sweet as Serena by your side." Ash: "Yeah... though I wished that all my friends could travel with me all the time... but they have their own dreams to fulfill... while I have mine..." said Ash, before Gary came to the scene. Gary: "What do you mean?, surly you accomplished your dream already." Ash: "Huh?, what do you mean?" Gary: "Well you already won the Pokémon masters tournament, so that makes you a Pokémon master, right?" Ash: "Well... I don't really feel like I'm a Pokémon master... even after winning the tournament." Gary: "Then what does it take to become a Pokémon master?, what is a Pokémon master to you?" Ash: "Um... well... I'm trying to figure that out." Gary: "Well try to figure it out before I leave Pallet to continue some research elsewhere by tomorrow noon, okay?" Ash: "Sure." sometime later, Ash and Serena were watching Professor Oak feeding the Pokémon, when suddenly, a net came down from above and caught Pikachu. Turns out that it was the Team Rocket trio, trying to steal Pikachu again. Jessie: "Ha!, Pikachu is finally ours!" James: "Yes, and once we find a way to get the boss out, we'll get a bonus!" Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!" Serena: "Let Pikachu go!" Jessie: "No can do, we've been trying to catch Pikachu since the beginning of this Fanfiction, and if you think we'll give up just like that, think again!" James: "And that's not all, we managed to get all of our Pokémon back." Meowth: "That's right, prepare to face the wrath of the whole team." said Meowth, before Jessie and James send out all of the Pokémon they caught throughout their journey while following Ash, who were all ready to attack. Jessie: "Face it twerp, without your other Pokémon, Pikachu is ours." James: "And even if you do have your other Pokémon, you'll still be outnumbered." Meowth: "That's right!" said the Team Rocket trio with an evil laugh, while Ash just smile. Ash: "Well... funny when you mentioned that... for all of my Pokémon are here too." said Ash, before all of the Pokémon Ash caught throughout his journey around the world so far came up behind him, ready to attack the now nervous Team Rocket trio. Jessie: "Uh oh..." James: "Maybe trying to steal Pikachu in the twerp's hometown, where the rest of his Pokémon are... wasn't the best idea..." Meowth: "You think...?" that was when Mew came over to Pikachu, and used Teleport to get the electric type out of the net and back to his trainer. Ash: "Thanks, now everyone... you know what to do." said Ash, before all of his Pokémon launched their own attacks at the Team Rocket trio and their Pokémon, sending them all flying. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!!!" shouted the trio, as they were flown into the sky and out of the scene. As night fell, Serena was sleeping on the couch, while Ash was on his bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about what Gary said about is a Pokémon to him, and Pikachu was next to him. Pikachu: [Ash... you should get some sleep.] Ash: "Alright... and about time... cause I finally figured out what it means..." Pikachu: [Figure out what?] Ash: "I'll tell ya in the morning..." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went to sleep. When the next day came, Serena and Delia came into the room. Serena: "Ash!, wake up!, how long do you tend to keep sleeping?" Delia: "Yeah, it's almost noon." hearing this made Ash get up in shock. Ash: "Oh no!, what time is it?!" Delia: "As I said, it's almost noon, you stayed awake too late again." Ash: "Oh man... not again!" said Ash, before he gets dressed and got something to eat, and then sees that Gary was almost done packing. Gary: "Figured you would have overslept... just like on the day we became trainers." Ash: "Yeah... oh I almost forgot, I figured out what a Pokémon master means to me." Gary: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah... it's not about how many battles you win or lose... but to become friends with all the Pokémon in the world... not only my own, but those in the wild or belonging to trainers I made friends with, even legendaries and mythical." Gary: "Hmm... that sounds just about right for you... after all, you've always been good with Pokémon, even more than I have." Ash: "Come on, you did a good job too, just in your own way." Gary: "Yeah, you might be right, well I hope you'll fulfill your dream like you hope to." Ash: "Me too... and as Dawn would say, 'no need to worry', for I'm not giving up until the end." Gary: "Good to hear, well smell ya later." said Gary, as he heads off to who knows where. It wasn't long for Professor Oak came to the scene. Professor Oak: "So Ash, where do you think you'll go now?" Ash: "I don't know... but wherever I'll go... I'm sure there will be a big adventure ahead... and lots of Pokémon to see too." Pikachu: [Well what are we waiting for?, let's go!" Serena: "Count me in." Ash: "Yeah... let's continue our journey through the world of Pokémon!" said Ash, as the Pokémon song begins to close this story. Every challenge along the way, With courage I will face, I will battle every day To claim my rightful place~, Come with me, the time is right, There's no better team, Arm in arm we'll win the fight, It's always been our dream~♫, Pokémon!, gotta catch 'em all, it's you and me, I know it's my destiny~, Pokémon!, oh you're my best friend, in a world we must defend~, Pokémon!, gotta catch 'em all, a heart's so true~, our courage will pull us through, you teach me and I'll teach you, Pokémon~, gotta catch 'em all, gotta catch 'em all~, Pokémon!.


Well there you have it folks, that's the end of this story, I hope you have all enjoyed it, and I hope you will enjoy my other stories as well, bye!

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