I Choose You!

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It was morning in the town of Pallet, located in the Kanto region, and inside a certain house, sleeping in a certain bed was a certain boy who dreams to be the greatest Pokémon master. His name was Ash Ketchum (voiced by Veronica Taylor), and he still sleeping, even though it was late in the morning. Ash: "Oh... what Pokémon is best for me..." said Ash in his sleep, before his mother, Delia Ketchum (voiced by Veronica Taylor), came into the room. Delia: "Ash, wake up!, it's late, you'll miss your chance to get your starter and trainer's license!" called out Delia, which woke up Ash right away. Ash: "What?!, oh no!, what time is it?!" Delia: "It's almost noon, I told you not to stay up so late while watching TV." Ash: "Oh man!, I'm late!" cried out Ash, before he makes a run for it outside, running towards a building with a windmill, on top of a hill, which belongs to the Pokémon professor of Kanto, known as Professor Oak, who's job is to give trainers of Kanto their license and starters. Once Ash got there, he sees his childhood rival, Gary Oak (voiced by James Carter Cathcart), who happens to be Professor Oak's grandson as well. Gary: "Well if it isn't Ashy boy, late as always I see." Ash: "Um... did you by chance got your first Pokémon yet?" Gary: "That's right, and it's the best one of all, now I better be off before I catch some loser disease, smell ya later." said Gary, before he left the scene in a car with some cheerleaders. That was when a middle aged man, who was in fact Professor Oak (voiced by Stan Hart), came to the scene. Professor Oak: "So... you decided to show up after all." Ash: "Huh?, oh!, Professor Oak... sorry for being late... I kind of overslept after staying up so late last night... but believe me, I'm ready for my starter, which would be... Squirtle." Professor Oak: "Well... the thing is... that Pokémon was already taken by Gary who was on time." Ash: "Oh man... then I choose Bulbasaur." Professor Oak: "That one was also taken by a kid who wasn't late." Ash: "Ugh... that's fine though, cause I'll choose... Charmander!" Professor Oak: "The early bird gets the worm... or in this case, the Pokémon." Ash: "Wait... you mean all the Pokémon are gone?" Professor Oak: "Well this is still one left... but I just caught it recently so it's still a bit wild." Ash: "But I got to have a Pokémon." Professor Oak: "Well... if you insist..." said the Professor, before he and Ash went into the lab, and see what looked like a Pokéball with a small lightning bolt symbol on it. Once Professor Oak gave it to Ash, it opens up and out came a small yellow mouse with red spots on it's cheeks and a lighting bolt shaped tail. Pikachu: "Pikachu..." Professor Oak: "It's name is Pikachu, an electric type and a male." Ash: "Aw, it looks so cute, this one's the best of all." said Ash, before he went to give the electric type a hug, which made it mad and let out a powerful thunderbolt attack that shocks the boy a lot. Professor Oak: "Be careful Ash, a Pikachu like yours might be normally shy, but they can have an electrifying personality." Ash: "Yeah... I see what you mean... but it's still pretty cool, not only is Pikachu cute, it's also really strong, this one is the starter for me alright..." Professor Oak: "Anyway... here is your Pokédex and Pokéballs." Ash: "Thanks." said Ash, before he collects the items from Professor Oak, who then leads the boy back to Delia, who gave him some day time clothes and the stuff he needs in his backpack. Delia: "Now remember Ash, don't forget to change your underwear everyday." Ash: "Mom!" said the boy in embarrassment. Then the boy used his new Pokédex on Pikachu, to see what it says about his new starter. Pokédex: [Pikachu, the Electric Mouse Pokémon, it can unleash a powerful electric attack from the sacs in it's cheeks, and it can be found in either forests or power plants.] When his gear on, Ash sets off on his journey, though Pikachu was not very cooperative at the moment. Ash: "Come on Pikachu... why are you giving me such a hard time?" asked Ash, before Pikachu speaks in his own language (Note: lets put in human words so people know what Pikachu or other Pokémon are saying). Pikachu: [Because I don't want to be your Pokémon, I want to be free.] Ash: "But Pikachu, I need you to be my starter as there aren't any others to choose from, and I like you a lot." this surprised Pikachu, having the feeling that Ash understood what he just said. Pikachu: [Wait... did you... understood what I said?] Ash: "Huh?, oh right... well yeah, I understood what you said, hearing it like you are talking in my language." this surprised Pikachu even more, he wasn't expecting a human to understand Pokémon speak. Pikachu: [No way... how is that possible?] Ash: "To be honest... I don't really know, I sort of had this ability since I was little... but my mom told me to keep it secret... saying it might attract some unwanted attention..." Pikachu: [Well... this is unexpected... I've never heard of a human understanding Pokémon speech before...] Ash: "Yeah... but hey, this way we can have a conversation." Pikachu: [Just because you can speak to me, does not mean we're friends.] Ash: "Come on Pikachu, at least try giving me a chance." Pikachu: [Never in a million years!] said Pikachu, before he used his tail to send a rock flying towards the boy. Ash managed to dodge the rock, but it hit another Pokémon instead, which was a very angry Spearow. The boy then pulls out his Pokédex to know more about this newcomer. Pokédex: [Spearow, the tiny bird Pokémon, unlike the more peaceful Pidgey, Spearow has a really bad temper and will not hesitate on attacking either other Pokémon and humans.] this made both Ash and Pikachu gulped in fear, before seeing that the Spearow called out the rest of it's flock, ready to attack the pair. Pikachu: [Uh... oh..." Ash: "Run!" called out Ash, before he and Pikachu make a run for it, trying to escape from the angry flock. As they kept on running, the Spearow flock continuously pecked the pair with their beaks which was really painful for them. Ash picks up Pikachu and tries to shield him from the Spearow flock with his own body, much to the electric type's surprise. That was when the boy found a bike that was next to a tree, and Ash took it in hopes to get a better chance on escaping from the Spearow flock. As Ash continues to ride the bike, and Pikachu was on a basket, which was on the bike, a storm started to pour down rain from the sky, and that was when the bike hits a tree root, causing the pair to fall out of the bike and landed on the ground. Pikachu was a bit hurt, but Ash was in worse shape than him, but the boy managed to get up and placed a Pokéball in front of the electric type. Ash: "Listen Pikachu, I need you to go inside your Pokéball." Pikachu: [No way!, I hate going in that thing!] Ash: "But you have to... it's the only way I can save you from the Spearow flock, just stay inside until it's safe to come out again... please Pikachu, I don't want anything bad happened to you... or I wouldn't be able to live with myself... now I am gonna hold them off as long as I can... just trust me." said Ash, before he gets up and spread out his arms, glaring at the Spearow flock. Ash: "Spearow!, if you want to harm Pikachu, you'll have to get through me first!, I am Ash from Pallet Town, I'm gonna defeat you all!, you hear me!, come and get me!" called out Ash, before the Spearow flock flew down towards the boy. Pikachu couldn't believe that this boy was willing to give up his own life to save his. Unable to bare seeing what was happening anymore, Pikachu jumps up into the air and let out a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the flock away at last. Soon, the sky began to clear up again, ending the storm at last. On the ground was Ash and Pikachu, both tired and hurt, but were still alive. Ash: "Well... we beat 'em..." Pikachu: [Yeah... we did...] suddenly, a large rainbow colored bird Pokémon appeared, flying in the sky and dropped a feather that lands into Ash's hands. Ash: "Huh... what a pretty feather..." said Ash, before he fell down to the ground and passed out, which made Pikachu get up and check on him. Pikachu: [Human?... trainer... Ash!, are you okay?!, please tell me!, Ash!" called out Pikachu, with Ash not answering however. Suddenly, the electric mouse heard someone coming, and went to a battle stance in case if it was a threat. Soon, the approaching figure turned out to be a girl around Ash's age, named Misty (voiced by Rachael Lillis), and she was looking mad at first, but gasped in shock when she saw Ash's current state, and Pikachu's too. Misty: "Oh my gosh!, what happened here?!" Pikachu: "Pika.... Pikachu..." Misty: "Poor thing... and what happened to that kid...?" Pikachu: "Pi... Pi..." said Pikachu, trying to look intimidating, but Misty knows that he was just trying to protect his trainer. Misty: "I better call Officer Jenny quick, these two need help fast." said Misty, before she ran off to Viridian city, in hopes to get help for Pikachu and his trainer. And so Ash and Pikachu had a really eventful day, but their story has only just begun as the journey continues.

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