Snack attack

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Somewhere at the seas of the Orange islands, it was close to lunch time as Ash and his friends were riding on Lapras, heading towards a small group of islands that Tracy's map said they were called the seven Grapefruit islands, which were known for their large and bountiful grapefruit harvest. Once they got to one of the islands, Ash was ready to pick one when a girl named Ruby (voiced by Tara Jane), came to the scene and accused the group for being thieves. Ash: "Wait a second!, we're not thieves!, we didn't even knew the Grapefruit belonged to someone!" Ruby: "Save it for the judge, men, get them!" shouted Ruby, as her men began to charge towards the group. Pikachu unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt attack that knocked out the men, much to Ruby's shock. Ruby: "No way... what a Thunderbolt..." Misty: "What's your problem?!, we only just got here and this is how you treat all newcomers?!" Ruby: "Sorry, but we're only trying to protect our well grown grapefruits from a thief that's been stealing our harvest for some time now." Tracy: "Any clue who it is?" Ruby: "No, so when I saw you picking the Grapefruit..." Ash: "That's okay, we should have checked to see if it belonged to someone first." that was when a staff member showed up and told Ruby that the real thief has been found, but also told her that she wouldn't believe it. Soon, the group got to where the thief was, which turned out to be a Snorlax, much to everyone's surprise. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Snorlax is the sleeping Pokémon, when it's not sleeping, it eats hundreds of pounds of food.] Brock: "This can't be good, Snorlax won't stop eating until it's hunger is satisfied, and it has a huge appetite." Tracy: "I'm pretty curious about how a Snorlax ended up here in the first place..." Misty: "I'm more concerned about how do we stop it from eating all the Grapefruits?" Ash: "Hmm... it's a long shot, but if I can catch Snorlax, maybe that can stop him from eating the Grapefruit." Brock: "It's worth a try, but catching a Snorlax isn't gonna be easy." Ash: "I know, but I have to try." said Ash, before he sends out Bulbasaur to battle. When Bulbasaur tries to use Bullet Seed, Snorlax got mad and used Body Slam, which knocked out Bulbasaur right away. Ash tried to send out Squirtle to take on Snorlax, but just like Bulbasaur, Snorlax takes out the water type with a Body Slam. Misty: "Oh man... poor Bulbasaur and Squirtle..." Brock: "Ash, I think it would be wise to use one of your larger Pokémon to battle Snorlax." Ash: "Okay, but which one?, the only Pokémon I have with me that are big enough are either Lapras or Charizard." Tracy: "I think Charizard might be the better choice as Lapras is still a baby, so she might not have a big chance against Snorlax." Ash: "Alright... I choose you, Charizard!" called out Ash, as he sends out Charizard to battle. Charizard: [So... I'm battling this guy?] Ash: "Yeah, be careful though, he's tough, he took down both Bulbasaur and Squirtle." Charizard: [Really... well I'm not gonna be taken down so easily.] Snorlax: [Can't I just eat peacefully?] Ash: "Not if it means destroying the harvest here, the people here worked really hard to make those Grapefruit." Snorlax: [Wait... you can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah, but never mind that, I'm gonna catch ya and stop you from eating all the Grapefruit on this island and the other islands." Snorlax: [If you want to catch me... then you'll have to beat me... and although I prefer eating and sleeping, I am quite a battler.] said Snorlax, before he and Charizard went to battle, and it was intense as both Pokémon were real powerhouses. Finally, Snorlax was beginning to feel weak, which gives Ash the chance to throw his Pokéball and catch him at last. Ash: "Alright!, I caught Snorlax!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Charizard: [Ha!, that Snorlax was strong, but I pulled through.] Ash: "Yeah you sure did." said Ash, feeling proud of his fully evolved fire type. Some time later, Ash went to the island's Pokémon center to get Snorlax and his other Pokémon healed from their battle, and helped Snorlax get fed so he'll stop eating all the Grapefruit. Snorlax: [Ah... that hit the spot...] Ash: "Hey uh... I hope you don't mind me asking... how did you get to this island in the first place?, I mean it's obvious you're not from here." Snorlax: [I swam here of course.] Pikachu: [You can swim?] Snorlax: [Of course, I might not look it, but I'm a really good swimmer, let me show you.] said Snorlax, before he jumps into the sea and started stroking through the water, much to everyone's surprise. Ash: "Wow... you really can swim..." Snorlax: [Told ya.] Tracy: "Huh... that would explain how Snorlax got here in the first place." suddenly, a large tank appeared, and it had a hose that was sucking all the grapefruit inside it. Ruby came to the scene and was shocked by the sight of the tank. Ruby: "You got to be kidding!, first that Snorlax, now this?!" it wasn't long before the Team Rocket trio came out of the tank, laughing as they hold some grapefruit in their hands. Jessie: "These fruit should be worth a few bucks." James: "And to fill our stomachs too." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Give those grapefruit back!, they belong to the people who grew them!" Jessie: "What are you gonna do about it?" Ash: "... Snorlax, help us stop these guys." said Ash, before Snorlax released a powerful Hyper Beam that not only destroys the tank, but sends the Team Rocket trio flying. Team Rocket Trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, as they blasted off out of the scene. Ash: "Well that takes care of them." Ruby: "Oh thank you Ash, I thought for sure that those people were gonna get away with the Grapefruit." Ash: "It was no problem, just happy I can help, but it's Snorlax who stopped them." Ruby: "Maybe, but you're it's trainer now, so you deserve as much credit... tell you what, how about I give you and your friends some of our grapefruit." Ash: "Really?, is that okay?" Ruby: "Of course, it's the least I can do to thank you for saving the islands' harvest." said Ruby, before she gives some grapefruit to Ash and his friends, who were happy with their new fruit. And so Ash has saved the grapefruit and caught Snorlax, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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