The Celestic town heist

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After catching Gligar, meeting Team Galactic for the first time, and earning his third Sinnoh gym badge, Ash and his friends traveled to Pastoria city, the location of the forth Sinnoh gym leader, who uses water types. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull though thanks to the help of his Buizel and Pikachu, and managed to earn himself the Fen badge. After that, they head off to Hearthome city, and while on the way, Gligar discovered a Razor Fang and picked it during the night, which made her evolve into a Gliscor as a result. Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more about his latest catch's new form. Pokédex: [Gliscor is the evolved form of Gligar, it watches it's prey as it hangs from trees by it's tail and attacks from above when it sees the chance.] on the way to Hearthome city, our heroes arrived in Celestic town, which is said to be the home town of Cynthia, the Sinnoh League champion. Once they got to the Pokémon center, they met a young woman with long yellow hair, who was in fact Cynthia (voiced by Emily Jenness), the Sinnoh league champion herself. Brock tried to flirt with Cynthia, but stopped when he noticed that Croagunk was not jabbing him like he always does, in fact, Croagunk was looking outside, with a glaring look on his face. Brock: "Huh... what's with Croagunk?" Dawn: "Hey Ash, maybe you should ask him what's wrong." Ash: "Me?" Dawn: "Yeah, don't tell me you forgot that you can talk to Pokémon, have ya?" Ash: "No I..." Cynthia: "Hold on, did you say that this young man can talk to Pokémon?" Dawn: "Uh... I meant uh..." Ash: "Yeah... I can... but don't tell anyone, it's supposed to be a secret, as it could put me and my friends in danger if the wrong people find out about it." Cynthia: "Don't worry, I can keep a secret, but can you show me that you can talk to Pokémon please?" Ash: "Sure... here goes... [walks over to Croagunk] hey Croagunk... what's wrong?" Croagunk: [He's here... that Toxicroak we met back in Veilstone city... I can sense it...] Ash: "Really?" Dawn: "What did he say?" Ash: "He said that he senses the Toxicroak we met in Veilstone city here." Brock: "At Veilstone city?, we didn't run into any Toxicroak there... except for the one with..." Dawn: "Team Galactic!" Ash: "That's right... I guess that means Team Galactic is here somewhere..." Cynthia: "They are?!, they must be here for the Lustrous orb!" Ash: "What's that?" Cynthia: "It's supposed to be a special orb that's in the Celestic town's historical research center, legend has it that is can summon the legendary Pokémon that controls all of space... Palkia... it's also the counterpart of the Adamant orb, which summons the Legendary Pokémon that controls all of time... Dialga..." Ash: "Then I'm guessing Team Galactic must be here for that Lustrous orb." Cynthia: "I must warn my grandmother right away, she's in the research center as we speak." Brock: "Then we better hurry." said Brock, before our heroes, and Cynthia make a run for it, heading towards the Celestic town's historical research center, only to see that it was surrounded by a lot of bat Pokémon called Golbat, and there were a lot of Team Galactic grunts. Dawn: "Oh no... we're too late!" Ash: "Not if I can help it!" said Ash, before he charges into the building, while the others followed behind him. It wasn't long before the group see Saturn and grunts, along with a young woman with red hair named Mars (voiced by Liza Ortiz), and an elderly woman with a lab coat all tied up, who was Cynthia's grandmother, Carolina (voiced by Rebecca Soler), much to Cynthia's shock. Cynthia: "Grandmother!" Saturn: "So... the Sinnoh League champion is here..." Mars: "And some kids too." Cynthia: "Release my grandmother at once!" Ash: "And don't you dare steal the Lustrous orb!" Mars: "As if we take orders from a little kid, and we already have the Adamant orb, so it's only fair we take the Lustrous orb to complete the set." Cynthia: "I won't allow you to do that!, you're not getting any of the Sinnoh region's treasures!" Saturn: "I beg to differ." said Saturn, as he sends out his Toxicroak to battle, while Brock's Croagunk comes out of his Pokéball, and ready to battle. Of course it wasn't long before Croagunk got defeated by Toxicroak, and Brock went over to check on him, before the Team Galactic grunts caught the kids and tied them up. Mars: "Don't think your Pokémon have what it takes to defeat us, we won't stop until we can summon both Dialga and Palkia for the new world." Dawn: "What are you talking about?, you can't summon them." Cynthia: "I think they can with the orbs..." Brock: "Oh yeah... just like how the blue orb and red orb controlled Kyogre and Groudon!" Ash: "Oh yeah... so there are more orbs that controls legendary Pokémon out there?" Saturn: "Well yes, but Groudon and Kyogre are nothing compared to Dialga and Palkia, as they can control the power of all of time and space." Pikachu: [Whoa... that does sound like they're much more powerful... but I doubt they can control them...] Ash: "You got that right." Saturn: "Got what right?" Ash: "Uh... nothing... anyway, release Cynthia's grandmother!" Cynthia: "And these kids as well!" Saturn: "Tell you what... if you hand over the Lustrous orb... we'll give her and the children back in return, sound like a deal?" Carolina: "Don't listen to them!, forget about me!, you mustn't let them get the Lustrous orb!" Ash: "Don't do it!" Cynthia: "I'm sorry grandmother... but I can't risk your safety, or these kids either..." said Cynthia, knowing that she had no choice, before guiding the Team Galactic grunts, and their commanders, to the Lustrous orb, which they took with an evil smile on their faces, before they left the scene. Soon, our heroes were free again, along with Cynthia's grandmother. Ash: "Oh man... I can't believe Team Galactic took the Lustrous orb..." Dawn: "Not to mention that they have the Adamant orb too..." Cynthia: "It's alright... I would rather lose the orbs than the lives of others... especially my grandmother here..." Carolina: "Yes... and although they have the orbs now, I doubt they can control the legendaries with ease... even if they can summon them." Ash: "I don't know... I witness some special orbs before in Hoenn... and they were able to allow the bosses of Team Aqua and Team Magma to control both Kyogre and Groudon... if those orbs could do that... I wouldn't be surprised if the Adamant and Lustrous orbs can do the same..." Cynthia: "You mean... you're the boy that Lance told me about?" Ash: "You know Lance?" Cynthia: "Yes, and he told me a lot about you... I can't believe that I didn't realized it sooner..." Dawn: "Wait... you know Lance of the Kanto Elite 4?!" Ash: "Yeah... it's a long story." said Ash, while rubbing the back of his head with his hand. When the next day came, Ash finally made it to Hearthome city, and while battling another trainer, Turtwig evolved into Grotle, and the boy pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his Sinnoh grass type's new form. Pokédex: [Grotle is the evolved form of Turtwig, and it lives near water in forests and can grow berries or acorns on the small bushes on it's back.] due to it's larger size, Grotle lost most of his speed, but learn to use it's body to do attacks like body slam or something similar to it. Soon Ash made it to the Hearthome city gym, where he challenges the gym leader, who uses her ghost types, which were tough to beat, especially with their hypnosis attacks. But Ash and his Pokémon were able to pull through and beat the gym leader, and the boy earned himself the Relic badge. Pikachu: [Okay, now that we got Sinnoh gym badge number five, that means only 3 more to go before we can enter the Sinnoh league.] Ash: "Yeah, but I still worried about the Adamant and Lustrous orbs... what plans does Team Galactic have for them..." Pikachu: [Well... we can't worry about it now, I'm sure that if we get the chance, we'll stop them, just like how you beat Team Aqua and Team Magma back in Hoenn.] Ash: "But I had the help of another legendary last time... I don't know if I would be as lucky..." Pikachu: [Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be okay.] said Pikachu, trying to help Ash feel better, even though he was feeling worried too. Dawn: "No need to worry Ash, I'm sure we can stop Team Galactic next time." Brock: "Yeah, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Ash: "Yeah... I guess..." and so Ash has earned his forth and fifth Sinnoh gym badges, and Team Galactic had taken both the Adamant and Lustrous orbs, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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