Living fossils in Ambrette town

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After catching Fletchling and earning his first Kalos gym badge, Ash is on his way to Cyllage city, the location of the second Kalos gym. Right now, Ash and his friends are at Ambrette town, where they discovered a fossil lab that is known to bring fossil Pokémon to life, and Alexa invited them to check it out. Serena: "I can't believe that there are people with the technology to bring fossils to life..." Ash: "I once witness it back in Sinnoh, so it's not too far fetched." Clemont: "I can't wait to see what fossil Pokémon they have here..." Bonnie: "I'll bet they're really cool!" said Bonnie, before they got to a room where they saw two fossil Pokémon called Tyrunt, a rock/dragon type that looks like a little T-Rex, and Amaura, a rock/ice type that looks like a sauropod. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Tyrunt is the Royal Heir Pokémon, and it has powerful jaws that can crush a car, and it once lived the ancient south jungles of Kalos.] [Amaura is the Tundra Pokémon, it used to live in the ancient north of Kalos that was too cold for predators like Tyrunt or it's evolved form.] Alexa: "It's amazing to see both of them alive today..." Ash: "No kidding... I've seen fossil Pokémon before, but it's always such a breathtaking moment..." Alexa: "You have living fossil Pokémon before?" Ash: "Yeah, one time at Cinnabar island and at Oreburgh city." Alexa: "Oh yeah, the gym leader there has a fossil Pokémon in his team, almost forgotten about that." suddenly, a truck burst through the walls, much to everyone's shock, and a pair of large robotic arms came out of the sides and grabbed both of the fossil Pokémon and put them inside of it, before it starts to drive away. Bonnie: "Oh no!, Amaura!, Tyrunt!" Ash: "Come on!" cried out Ash, before he and the others went after the truck, which was driven by the Team Rocket trio, who have their sights on the little fossil Pokémon duo. Jessie: "Ha!, easy as pie." James: "Of course, having a truck with robotic arms do come in handy, no pun intended." Meowth: "That's right, and now we got some rare living fossil Pokémon that will be great gifts for the boss." Jessie: "Hey uh... who's driving?" James: "What do you mean?, Meowth is." Jessie: "He is?" Meowth: "Yeah, why do you ask?" Jessie: "Um... don't you think it's a bad idea to drive towards a cliff?" asked Jessie, as she was pointing at the short cliff ahead of the trio, who freaked out before the truck fell off the cliff and crashed to the ground. Luckily, no one was hurt, but the truck was badly damaged, and a hole was formed large enough for both Tyrunt and Amaura to escape. Due to the heat, Amaura was getting tired as she was not used to the heat, and Tyrunt knew that his friend needed something to cool her down, so he looked around and found a river, which was cold and brought Amaura there so she can cool down a little bit. Tyrunt: [Um... feeling better?] Amaura: [Well... a little better... thank you Tyrunt, this is very kind of you.] said Amaura, which made Tyrunt blush a little, as it turns out that he has a little crush on Amaura. Tyrunt: [Oh... it was nothing... just trying to help out a friend... that's all...] meanwhile, Ash and the others were still looking for the fossil Pokémon duo, when they discovered the tire tracks of the truck, which lead them to the cliff. Serena: "Oh no... you don't think they're..." Ash: "I sure hope not..." said Ash, before he and the others climbed down and found the remains of the truck, just in time for the Team Rocket trio to come out. Jessie: "Oh great, it's the twerp!" Ash: "Team Rocket!, I should have known it was you!" Alexa: "Team Rocket?, I've heard of them, but shouldn't they be in Kanto or Johto?" Ash: "Well these guys have been following me in order to steal Pikachu... even though they fail at it every time." James: "Hey!, we don't fail every time!... we just let Pikachu escape to make it more a challenge!" Bonnie: "That's a lie if I ever heard one." that was when Alexa noticed Tyrunt and Amaura by the river. Alexa: "There they are!, Tyrunt and Amaura are by the river!" Jessie: "Thanks for the tip." said Jessie, which made Alexa gasped in shocked as she realized that she informed the bad guys about the fossil duo's whereabouts too. The Team Rocket trio tried to attack Amaura first, but Tyrunt used his jaws to chomp on Jessie's hair, much to the woman's shock and dismay. Amaura then went to help Tyrunt by using Take Down attack on James. Suddenly, both of the fossil Pokémon glowed and grew bigger as they both evolved into Tyrantrum and Aurorus. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Tyrantrum is the evolved form of Tyrunt, using it's jaws, Tyrantrum can rip through thick metal, and in times past it was considered unbeatable.] [Aurorus is the evolved form of Amaura, when taken by fury, it sends out massive amounts of cold air, coating the surrounding area in ice.] the sight of the towering fossil Pokémon made the Team Rocket trio very scared. Jessie: "Oh boy... I think we're in trouble again..." James: "Make it a double..." Meowth: "Run!" shouted Meowth, before he and Jessie and James tried to make a run for it, only to get hit by a Dragon Breath from Tyrantrum, and an Ice Beam from Aurorus, which sends them flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Aurorus went to nuzzle Tyrantrum, who returned the nuzzle. Alexa: "Strange... they seemed to act like they have a thing for each other..." Ash: "That's because they do." Serena: "How adorable~." Bonnie: "I'll say." Clemont: "I've never heard of two different fossil Pokémon having a crush on each other before..." Alexa: "Guess this shows that love has no boundaries I guess." sometime later, Tyrantrum and Aurorus went back to the lab, and the scientists there thanked Ash and the others for getting the fossil Pokémon back. A day or two later, Ash and his group arrived in Cyllage city, where the boy meets and challenges the gym leader, who uses rock types. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through and won, earning himself the Cliff badge. Ash: "Well... two badges down, six more to go..." Serena: "You're on a roll." Bonnie: "Yeah, you got to be the strongest trainer ever." Ash: "I wouldn't say that, there are plenty of trainers much stronger than me, which is why I have to train my Pokémon as much as possible." Clemont: "Yes, and not to mention that the other gym leader would be much more challenging than the ones we've met so far." Ash: "Yeah, but no matter how strong they are, I will not give up without a fight." and so Ash has stopped Team Rocket from stealing some fossil Pokémon and earned his second Kalos gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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