Let's Goh for Mew

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It was a nice day in Pallet town, and Ash was taking a much needed rest after his journey in Alola. Pikachu: [Oh man... a lot has changed since we first left Pallet...] Ash: "What do you mean?" Pikachu: [Well... you became my best friend... made a lot of friends... caught a lot of Pokémon... and after many tries... we finally won a league...] Ash: "Yeah... we sure did..." Pikachu: [So does this mean you're a Pokémon master now?] Ash: "Uh... I don't know... I don't feel like one..." Pikachu: [Huh... I thought for sure you would fulfill your dream once you won a league, right?] Ash: "Well... I believe there's more to it than just winning a league... and even so... there are still trainers a lot stronger than me... like the Elite 4 or the league champions for example." Pikachu: [Oh right... once you won a league, you get to challenge the region's elite 4 and champion... but there were no one in those positions back in Alola, right?] Ash: "Yeah... but let's not worry about it now, after our trip in Alola, we could use some rest." Pikachu: [It's been at least a week since we got back, how much longer do we need to rest?] Ash: "I don't know... but maybe until we figure out where to go next." meanwhile, outside of the house, Mew was sleeping in the open field, sunbathing, when a trainer named Goh (voiced by Zeno Robinson), came to the scene and sees Mew. Goh: "Oh wow... there it is... I didn't think I would find it so soon... but I'm not complaining... I'm finally going to catch Mew..." whispered Goh, trying not to wake up Mew, before throwing a Pokéball that let out a bunny like Pokémon called Scorbunny, which was ready to battle. Scorbunny: "Bunny!" Goh: "Alright Scorbunny, let's catch Mew!" that alone woke up Mew, who was confused to see the new trainer with a Pokémon she never saw before. Mew: [Who is that?] Goh: "Go Scorbunny!, use Flamethrower!" called out Goh, before Scorbunny used Flamethrower at Mew, who managed to dodge it, and felt a bit scared and decided to flew off, only to see that Goh and Scorbunny going after her. Mew: [Ash!, Pikachu!, anyone!, help!] cried Mew through telegraphy, which both Ash and Pikachu heard through their minds, which made them jumped up. Ash: "Did you hear that?" Pikachu: [Yeah, that was Mew calling, it sounded like she's in trouble.] Ash: "We better help her." said Ash, before he and Pikachu ran out of the house and began searching for Mew. It wasn't long before they found her being chased by a trainer and a Pokémon they've never seen before. Mew: [Ash!, help!] Ash: "Mew!" Goh: "Flamethrower one more time!" called out Goh, before Scorbunny let out a Flamethrower at Mew. Ash: "Stop!, what do you think you're doing?!" Goh: "Trying to catch Mew of course." Ash: "But she's my Pokémon!" Goh: "Sorry, but I've been waiting too long to catch Mew, if you want to catch Mew, then you should have gotten here earlier." Ash: "But I already caught her!" Goh: "Nice try, but you're not gonna trick me so you can catch it yourself." Ash: "It's not a trick, it's the truth, Mew is my Pokémon!" Goh: "Man you're stubborn, Scorbunny use Flamethrower again!" said Goh, before Scorbunny fired another Flamethrower attack, only for Latias to appear and used Psychic to send the attack away from Mew. Suddenly, all of Ash's Pokémon appeared and stood in between Goh and Mew, protecting their teammate. That was when Professor Oak came to the scene. Professor Oak: "Goh?, is that you?" Goh: "Professor Oak?" Ash: "Wait, you know this trainer?" Professor Oak: "Yes, he's a trainer from Vermillion city, who is working for Professor Cerise, but Goh, what brings you here?" Goh: "Well you know my goal is to catch Mew right?, well I heard a rumor about one here and I can finally catch it, but then this kid showed up and tried to catch it for himself." Professor Oak: "Actually... that boy is Mew's trainer." Goh: "... What?!" Professor Oak: "It's true, he caught her for a while now, and all the Pokémon here are Ash's too, protecting their teammate from harm." Goh: "So... Mew's not wild?" Ash: "That's what I'm been trying to tell ya, Mew's my Pokémon." said Ash, before Mew flew over to Ash, sitting on top of his head while purring. Goh: "Oh man... my dream..." Ash: "Why do you wanted to catch Mew, it's because you wanted to be famous or make money of her?" Goh: "What?!, no, nothing like that, it's just... when I was a little boy, I saw Mew battle a Nidoking and saw how it battled... with so many moves and stuff... it was no doubt the coolest Pokémon I've ever saw... since then... I wanted to catch it as my own... and also... become friends with it." Mew: [But attacking me is not a good way to be my friend.] Goh: "Who said that?" Mew: [I did, I'm using telepathy to talk to you.] Goh: "Really?, you never did that before last time I saw ya..." Mew: [What are you talking about?, we never met before.] Ash: "Um... Goh... I don't believe the Mew you saw long ago and my Mew are the same." Goh: "What do you mean?" Ash: "Well... it's like this..." said Ash, before he tells Goh his story about how he met Mew in Hoenn and how she became a real Pokémon. Goh: "Whoa... she was first a living hologram before she became real through Ho-oh's feather?" Ash: "That's right, so there's no way the Mew you saw as a kid was mine here." Goh: "But then... if that's the case... then there's a chance I can still catch Mew!" Professor Oak: "You might be right, but remember, Mew would only appear to those with pure hearts, and those who have good intentions on why they seek it." Goh: "I understand... hey uh... sorry about attack your Mew like that... I thought for sure it was wild..." Ash: "That's okay, it's understandable as Mew is rare so the chances of one having a trainer already is rare." Mew: [So... I'm really the only Mew with a trainer?] Ash: "I guess so, but that might change once Goh catches one, and speaking of which, Goh, I think you owe Mew an apology too." Goh: "Oh right... sorry about attacking you Mew, I hope you're not mad..." Mew: [That's okay, I looked into your thoughts and I didn't see any bad thoughts about once you catch me, and I can sense that you're a good person, we can be friends, right?] Goh: "Sure, while catching Mew has been my goal, being friends with one is good too." Mew: [Yeah, I love having new friends to play with, but who's that Pokémon?] Goh: "Oh you mean Scorbunny?, it's a Pokémon native of the Galar region, as for how I got him, well Professor Cerise gave him to me as a gift so I would have a Pokémon to protect me." Scorbunny: [Yeah, and my goal is to help Goh find and catch Mew... well one that's still wild of course, and even if it's powerful, I can still beat it without a problem.] Ash: "I wouldn't count on it, for if my Mew is pretty tough before I caught her, then the Mew in the wild would no doubt be tough to beat too." Scorbunny: [How would you know?, you never met other Mew besides your own.] Ash: "Well I know that many Pokémon are pretty tough, and Mew is a mythical Pokémon, which makes it not only rare, but powerful too." Scorbunny: [Which makes it a greater opponent for me to... wait... did you... understood me?] Ash: "Yeah, I have the ability to speak to Pokémon." Goh: "What?!, seriously?!" Ash: "Oh uh, yeah... but it's supposed to be a secret, can't let the wrong people know about it." Professor Oak: "He's right, a gift like that would attract the attention of people that would no doubt use him for their own selfish agenda, like Team Rocket or Pokémon hunters for example." Goh: "Whoa... I had no idea... but Ash, how do you do that?" Ash: "Um... through something called Aura." Goh: "Hmm... I've heard from Professor Cerise that there is a Pokémon called Riolu, and it's evolved form Lucario use something like that... but I didn't knew humans have it too..." Ash: "Actually Aura is in all living things, but very few are able to use it, like those that have strong amounts of it that can connect people with Pokémon, and even rarer to find those who can use it for battle, at least that's what I learned in my trip of Sinnoh." Goh: "Hmm... hey Ash, how would you like to meet Professor Cerise?, I'm sure he would love to meet you, and get a chance to study Mew." Ash: "Well... I don't know if I should let another professor know about Mew..." Professor Oak: "Don't worry Ash, Professor Cerise is a friend of mine, he's a good man and wants to study Pokémon to understand them better and the world itself, if there's one professor that's trustworthy to study Mew besides me, it's him, and I think Mew wants to see more places besides here." Mew: [He's right, I'm tired of sticking here and sitting around like a rock, I want to see more of the world, please~?" said Mew with baby doll eyes, trying to look cute as much as she can, before Ash let out a sigh of defeat. Ash: "Oh alright, I can't say no to you... and I guess it's time we spend some time together." said Ash, before Mew gave her trainer a big hug. Goh: "Wow... you Mew really loves ya huh?" Ash: "Well I did saved her life when I first met her, and she's very loveable." Goh: "Yeah... that's kinda another reason why I wanted to catch one..." Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get a Mew of your own sooner or later." and so Ash has made a new friend out of Goh, and may have found something to do as well, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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