The Mistralton city gym battle

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After helping out the forces of nature and earning his fifth Unova gym badge, Ash and his friends head out to Mistralton city, the location of the sixth Unova gym leader. When they got to the city, they saw a plane flying in the sky, doing some tricks in the air. Ash: "Wow... that's amazing..." Iris: "Yeah, whoever is flying must be quite a pilot..." Cilan: "Indeed." soon after watching the plane, they got to the gym, but there was also a long line of trainers waiting to battle the gym leader as well. It wasn't long before the plane from earlier landed, and out came a teenage girl named Skyla (voiced by Sarah Natochenny), who was not only the pilot, but the Mistralton city gym leader as well. However, her style of battling is different, for she asked the challenger to show her their Pokémon, and then she thinks about how the battle will turn out in her mind, and if she thinks that they'll win, she gives the badge, but is she think she'll win, the trainers get no badge. Skyla calls it air battles, and it was not something either Ash or Cilan liked at all. Cilan: "This is not how a gym leader should see if the challenger deserves a badge or not!, as a fellow gym leader, I would know." Skyla: "What's the big deal?, everyone else don't mind it." Cilan: "That's because they don't know that it's not the right way for a gym leader to challenge a trainer." Skyla: "Look, it's not like I hate battling the old fashioned way, it's just that with so many trainers who want to challenge me, I hardly have time to do any hobby of flying my plane, and I'm quite strong, so it's no big deal." Cilan: "We'll see about that, for I challenge you to a battle!, and in the proper way!" Skyla: "Oh please, your Pokémon don't stand a chance." Cilan: "We'll see about that!" so with that, the two gym leaders went to battle, but in the end, Skyla won, much to Cilan's shock and dismay. Skyla: "See, my sky battles are never wrong, so if you excuse me, I have to go back to my plane." Ash: "Wait a minute!, you still need to battle me!" said Ash, before showing the Pokémon he'll use, which would be Pikachu, Krokorok and Tranquill. Skyla: "Oh please, I already predicted that your Pokémon, will lose by mine, so there's no use." Ash: "You're wrong!, and we're gonna prove it!" Skyla: "Alright, we'll have the battle tomorrow, but don't say I didn't warn ya." said Skyla, before she leaves for her plane. When night came, Ash was thinking of a strategy on how to beat Skyla. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... are you okay?] Ash: "Yeah... it's just... I hope that I don't lose... otherwise she'll never realize that her sky battles are pointless..." Pikachu: [Don't worry, there's no way she'll beat you easily, I mean how many trainers are there that managed to beat not only a Darkrai, but a Latios too back at the Sinnoh League?" Ash: "Well... not any I know of besides myself... but I only beat them with Mirage Mew and Latias, and they were either mythical or legendary, and my current team here are not in that level yet... well other than you of course." Pikachu: [Maybe... but I doubt they'll be beaten as easily as Skyla believes.] Ash: "Yeah... you might be right... you always know what to say to cheer me up... and it really helps as I can understand what you're saying..." Pikachu: [And even if you didn't, I'm sure you would have figured it out.] Ash: "Yeah... now let's get some sleep, we have a big battle tomorrow..." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went to bed. When morning came, a lot of trainers were watching Ash getting ready to battle Skyla, who was not worried in the slightest. Skyla: "Well kid, I hope you're ready to lose." Ash: "Don't think I'll lose before the battle starts, for you might be surprised." said Ash, before he sends out Krokorok first, while Skyla sends out her Swoobat to battle. In the end of the first round, Swoobat won while Krokorok was no longer able to battle. In the second round, Skyla sends out her male Unfezant to battle, while Ash sends out Pikachu, and in the end, Pikachu won while the male Unfezant was defeated. It was now time for the final round, which was Skyla sends out her Swanna, which was trained to deal with electric types like Pikachu, so Ash had no choice but to recall him and sends out his Tranquill to battle. The battle was tough, but the tables have turned for the better on Ash's side when Tranquill glowed and evolved into a female Unfezant, much to Skyla's surprise. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Unfezant is the evolved form of Tranquill and final form of Pidove, the female Unfezant have flying skills that surpasses the skills of the male.] this caught Skyla completely off guard, and it wasn't long before Unfezant takes down Swanna, meaning Ash has won the battle. Skyla: "No way... he won?" Ash: "Alright!, we did it!" Pikachu: [Way to go Unfezant!, you did it!] Unfezant: [yeah, I guess I did.] Skyla: "I don't understand... how could I have lost?" Cilan: "Because you forgotten how unpredictable the battles can turn out in the end, which is why a real gym leader challenges trainers through real battles, to see if they really deserve the badge or not." Iris: "He's right, even if real challenges take more time, they really show the trainer's the way to get better." Skyla: "Hmm... I guess you're right... hey Ash, sorry for underestimating you." Ash: "That's okay, but I hope that from now on, you give your challengers a real battle." Skyla: "Sure thing, I just need to make a schedule to do my flying and gym battles, and by the way, here is the Jet badge." said Skyla, before she gives Ash the gym badge of Mistralton city. Ash: "Thanks Skyla... alright!, I got the Jet badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Cilan: "Way to go Ash, now you only need two badges left." Iris: "Yeah, and once you get them all, you'll be able to compete in the Unova league." Ash: "Yup, I can't wait." and so Ash has convinced Skyla that real battles are the only way to test a trainer and earned his sixth Unova gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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