Balance of the Sun and Moon

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It was a beautiful day on the island region of Alola, when Ash was training now full team. Ash: "Okay guys, we still have some work to do before we can compete in the Alola league, which will no doubt be our toughest challenge ever." Pikachu: [Are you sure?, tougher than saving the world from evil teams like the time in Hoenn with Groudon and Kyogre?, or the time saving Sinnoh when Team Galactic tried to create a new world when controlling Dialga and Palkia?, or that time when Team Plasma tried to control Reshiram?, or that time we saved Kalos from Team Flare's evil plan with Yveltal?] Rowlet: [Wait... time out, are you saying Ash got to save the world a few times?] Ash: "Oh... I guess I haven't told you that, huh?" Torracat: [This is the first I've heard of it...] Poipole: [Yeah... then again I'm still new to the team.] Meltan: [Yeah, me too...] that was when Lillie came to the scene, and had something moving in her bag, which caught the boy's attention. Ash: "Hey Lillie, what's that you got in your bag?" Lillie: "Um... well... it's um..." that was when a Pokémon that looked like it was made out of space clouds came out of the bag. Ash: "Wow, what kind of Pokémon is that?" asked Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Cosmog, the Nebula Pokémon, it's body is gaseous and frail, but it grows as it collects dust from the atmosphere, it's also a legendary of Alola.] Poipole: [Legendary... wait... I think I seen this thing before... from paintings on walls back in Ultra Space...] Ash: "Really?, there were paintings of this Pokémon on walls in your realm?" Poipole: [Yeah... but there were other paintings too... though I never really understood them what they meant... but the drawings inspired me to do paintings when I'm not in battle.] Pikachu: [Oh yeah, I've seen you spray paint from your needles on the ground in your spare time.] Poipole: [Yeah, my favorites are of me and you.] Pikachu: [Um... that's nice...] Meltan: [Hey... I remember this Pokémon, it's one of the legendaries of Alola I told ya about.] Ash: "Really?" Meltan: [Yeah, Cosmog can evolve into Cosmoem, which evolves either the legendary of the sun or legendary of the moon, depending on the day... or if one of the other is gone...] Ash: "What do you mean?" Meltan: [Well... I've heard of a legend that in Alola, there are two legendaries that balance the day and night of Alola, and if anything would happened to one of them, a Cosmog is formed to take their place once they fully evolve.] Pikachu: [Wow... sounds like a lot of the legendaries have a role that keeps the world in balance... like the legendaries of land and sea... time and space... or even life and death...] Ash: "Yeah... they sure do..." Lillie: "They who sure what do?" asked Lillie, before Ash explained to her about what the Pokémon just said. Suddenly, the sky went dark as the moon was blocking the sun as it seems that an eclipse has occurred. Ash: "What the...?" Lillie:: "It's an eclipse... but there was no reports of one happening here today..." Pikachu: [Hey Ash, look over there.] said Pikachu, pointing at a group of people on the other side of the beach, and the sight of them made Lillie gasped in shock. Lillie: "It's Team Skull!" Ash: "You know who they are?" Lillie: "Yeah, a group of thugs who cause trouble for everyone in Alola... they must be causing trouble again... but they couldn't be responsible for the eclipse... could they?" that was when they saw the boss of the group, named Guzma (voiced by Evan Maltby), who was looking at a cage that held what looked like a large bat, which was the legendary Pokémon of the moon. That was was when Cosmog in Lillie's bag started to glow, and evolved into Cosmoem, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Cosmoem is the evolved form of Cosmog, as it absorbs light, it continues to grow, and it's shell is surprisingly hard, and some called it the cocoon of the stars.] unfortunately for the kids, Team Skull saw the light of the evolution, especially Guzma, and they see Cosmoem with them. Guzma: "There it is!, get that Cosmoem!" ordered Guzma, before his grunts went to charge towards the kids. Poipole: [I'm guessing they're the bad guys like Team Rocket?] Pikachu: [Well they have what looks like a legendary Pokémon in a cage and they're about to attack, so I would safely say yes.] they went to battle, and during the conflict, Poipole learned a move called Dragon Pulse, which caused her to evolve into Naganadel, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to find out more. Pokédex: [Naganadel is the evolved form of Poipole, and it can shoot a glowing venomous liquid from it's needles, and the liquid is also very adhesive.] Lillie: "Wow... so that's the evolved form of Poipole..." said Lillie, before Meltan made a sonic sound that called out the other Meltan. Soon, all of the Meltan started to merge into Ash's Meltan, and started to glow and become a larger Pokémon called Melmetal, and once again, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Melmetal is the evolved form of Meltan, which only occurs when the whole group of Meltan fused together, and it's said that Melmetal can deliver the strongest punches of all Pokémon.] Ash: "Really?, well that sounds handy." Lillie: "It better be... cause we'll need it against them..." said Lillie, looking at the approaching Team Skull grunts, who send out their own Pokémon to attack. Ash sends both Naganadel and Melmetal to battle, and both of them were able to take down the grunts without even breaking a sweat. Guzma: "Hmm... you seemed to have powerful Pokémon, but no matter, once I capture both Lunala and the soon to be Solgaleo, nothing will stop me from winning the first ever Alola League." Ash: "That's what this is all about?" Guzma: "Of course, think about it, this first ever Alola league means that whoever wins it... gets the title of the first ever Alola league champ, and that title will be mine once I capture both Lunala, the legendary Pokémon of the moon, and Solgaleo, the legendary Pokémon of the sun." Ash: "But you can't!, the legendaries have a role in this world to keep it in balance!" Lillie: "That's right!, messing with them could cause a major disaster!, like this eclipse for example, I'll bet it's a side effect of you taking Lunala." Guzma: "Like I care if the sun is blocked by the moon for a while, nothing will stop me from becoming the first ever champion of Alola." Lillie: "Well there's no way we're letting you capture Nabby!" Ash: "Nabby?" Lillie: "Well... I wanted to give the little one a nickname so it doesn't attract too much unwanted attention, and I think it's cute for him." Guzma: "I don't care what you call it, that soon to be Solgaleo is mine!" suddenly, Cosmoem, or Nabby as Lillie called him, began to glow again, and evolved into what looked like a large lion that let out a mighty roar, and the sun began to show again. Ash: "Whoa... Nabby evolved again..." Pikachu: [That was pretty fast... than again, this is supposed to be the chapter for Nabby...] Snowy: [What chapter?, what are you talking about?] Pikachu: [Oh nothing...] said Pikachu, before Nabby used a powerful move called Flash Cannon, to break the cage in order to free Lunala from Team Skull, and soon both legendaries were glaring at Guzma, who lost his color in fear, before running away to save his own skin. With Guzma and his grunts no longer around, both Nebby the Solgaleo and Lunala came over to Ash and Lillie, who were a little nervous at first, before Lunala spoke to the boy. Lunala: [Fear not little one, we mean you no harm, we want to thank you for helping us.] Ash: "Uh... you're welcome... but we didn't do anything..." Nebby: [That's not true, you were willing to risk your lives to protect me and Lunala from Team Skull, that alone proves that you're good humans... and your heart is as bright as the sun, which I respect a lot.] Lunala: [Not to mention that the girl here has a glow in her heart that is as bright as the moon at night.] Ash: "Really?, she's like the moon while I'm like the sun?" Nebby: [That's right, so if you ever need us again, call us and we will come to aid you.] Ash: "Uh... thanks... oh before you go, mind if I check you two out with my Pokédex?" Nebby: [Not at all, I'm pretty curious about what it says about me and Lunala too.] said Nebby, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about Nebby and Lunala. Pokédex: [Lunala is the legendary Pokémon of the moon, and it says it steals the light of it's surroundings and then it spreads out it's then glowing wings to make it look like the night's full moon, and like Solgaleo, it has the ability to open a wormhole that connects this world to Ultra Space.] [Solgaleo is said to be the legendary Pokémon of the sun, and it lets out light from it's mane to make itself shine as bright as the sun itself, and like Lunala, it has the ability to open a wormhole that connects this world to Ultra Space.] Ash: "Ultra space... that's where Naganadel is from..." Lunala: [Yes, and if she wants to go back to Ultra Space, Solgaleo and I would be happy to take her home.] Naganadel: [Um... thanks for the offer... but I think I wanna stay in this world for a little while longer, I still have so much to learn about it, and Ash needs a full team in order to compete in the upcoming Alola League, and I'm gonna help him like how he helped me.] Lunala: [We understand, for it's easy to see why you have strong loyalty to this boy.] Ash: "Thanks, I always do my best to prove I have what it takes to be a great trainer." Lunala: [And I can tell you will be... sooner than you think...] Nebby: [Now we better get going, before those Team Skull guys come back, farewell Ash and Lillie.] said Nebby, before he and Lunala opened up a wormhole and went into Ultra Space as the wormhole closes. Lillie: "Wow... that was... eventful..." Ash: "Yeah, though it seems I have a knack of running into legendaries during my journey..." some time later, in the next day, Ash gets to challenge another Trial captain, who gives him a Firium Z crystal to try out, and with the teamwork with Torracat, Ash was able to pass the test and earned the right to keep the Z crystal. Torracat: [Well... looks like we got another Z crystal.] Ash: "And just in time too, for I heard that the first ever Alola league will begin tomorrow." Lillie: "I hope you'll go far in it." Ash: "Yeah... me too." and so Ash has met both Solgaleo and Lunala and earned one more Z crystal before the upcoming Alola league, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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