New Mega stone and new Z crystal

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It was a nice day in the Kalos region, when Ash was with Goh, searching for something. Goh: "So... we're looking for a special stone that's supposed to make Lucario evolve even further for a short time in battle?" Ash: "Yeah, it's called Mega Evolution, though I never tried it as I didn't had any Pokémon that could do that last time I was here." Pikachu: [The only time we saw a Lucario Mega evolve was when we battled the Shalour gym leader.] Ash: "Yeah, that was one of the coolest Mega Evolutions I've ever seen, and now that I have a Lucario of my own, and that Professor Sycamore gave me a key stone to activate the mega evolution, I can finally give it a try." Goh: "But you'll need to find the Mega stone for a Lucario first." Ash: "That's why I brought out Lucario with me, he can use his Aura to track it down." said Ash, before he lets out Lucario, who then begins to use his Aura to track down the closest Mega stone. Lucario: [It's close by... in that cave.] said Lucario, before leading the trainers and Pikachu into a cave, which is supposed to be the location of the Mega stone. It took some time, but at long last, Lucario finally found the Mega stone. Pikachu: [So that's it?] Lucario: [Yes... no doubt about it... it has the same energy as my Aura... and it was like... it was calling for me...] Ash: "Okay... now that we found it... we just need to figure out how to activate the Mega evolution part... and controlling it..." Goh: "Yeah, a power up won't do much if you can't handle it." suddenly, an explosion burst through the rock wall, and once the smoke cleared away, the Team Rocket trio showed up. Jessie: "Hello twerp, you better prepare for trouble." James: "And make it double as we're here." Meowth: "That's right!" Goh: "Ugh!, those losers again?" Jessie: "Hey!, who are you calling losers?!" James: "We're not losers!, we're part of Team Rocket!" Ash: "We're fully aware of that, it's just that we're tired of you trying to steal my Pokémon." Jessie: "And you as well twerp, for I'm sure the boss will love to have someone with the ability to talk to Pokémon." Goh: "Hold on, stealing Pokémon is one thing, but kidnapping people?, and how did you knew about Ash's ability?" James: "It took a while for us to realize it, but Meowth here was the one who figured it out." Meowth: "Don't take it personally, but we need to get something for the boss, otherwise he won't pay us... or worse..." Ash: "Well sorry to hear that, but there is no way I'm letting you steal Pikachu or me." that was when Lucario stood in between his trainer and the Team Rocket trio. Lucario: [If you jerks think I'll let you kidnap my father without a fight, then you're dead wrong... father... I think it's time we test out the stones.] Ash: "Good idea... let's do this!" said Ash, before he and Lucario use the stones and soon Lucario Mega evolve into Mega Lucario, much to the Team Rocket trio's surprise. Jessie: "What the..." James: "Lucario can evolve?" Meowth: "It Mega evolved!" Jessie: "Oh right... I've heard of that evolution thing last time we were here..." James: "Wow... it certainly looks much stronger now..." Meowth: "And that means a whole lot of trouble... for us..." said Meowth, before Lucario went to use Aura Sphere that was much more powerful than normal and managed to send the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky and out of the scene. Goh: "Whoa... I knew Lucario would be much stronger through Mega evolution... but not that much stronger..." Ash: "Yeah... that was something else..." said Ash, before Lucario changed back to his normal form. Lucario: [Wow... that was intense... and that was just with one attack against those clowns...] Pikachu: [Yeah... just imagine what it would be like when you go into a full on battle...] just then, Ash got a call from his Pokédex, which was from Professor Cerise, who was feeling worried at the moment. Professor Cerise: "Ash, is Mew with you?" Ash: "You mean my Mew?, no she's not, why do you ask?" Professor Cerise: "Because I can't find her anywhere, she just disappeared." Goh: "What?!, where did you last saw her?" Professor Cerise: "Well... she was really curious about a photo of the Alola region... and she was looking rather bored too..." Ash: "I think I have an idea where she is... don't worry Professor, we'll get her back." said Ash, before ending the call. Goh: "You know where she is?" Ash: "Well it's only a guess, but it's the only lead we have." so with that, after heading to the airport, they took a plane and flew to the Alola region. While searching for Mew, Ash had a run in with some fans that remember him from his big victory in the first ever Alola league, and had to give them his autograph. Goh: "You seemed to be famous here." Ash: "Yeah, I've gotten really popular here after becoming the first ever Alola league champion." Goh: "...What?!, you're a league champion?!, why have you never told me?!" Ash: "You never asked, and I was busy with training too." suddenly, they heard a giggle, which Ash knew too well, before Mew showed up and went to give her trainer a big hug around his neck. Mew: [Hi Ash!, I'm so happy you came.] Ash: "Mew, why did you come here?, didn't you knew that you made Professor Cerise to worry?" Mew: [I'm sorry... but a group of legendaries of this region wanted to give me something.] Pikachu: [What legendaries?] Mew: [The ones over there.] said Mew, pointing at the group of legendaries showed up. The first was Tapu Koko, the second was Tapu Lele, the third is Tapu Bulu, and the forth and last one was Tapu Fini. Ash then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about these legendaries that appear before him and Goh. Pokédex: [Tapu Koko is the Land Spirit Pokémon of the Electric and Fairy type, it summons lightning to attack anyone who is a threat to the balance of the nature of the Alola region.] [Tapu Lele is the Land Spirit Pokémon of the psychic and fairy type, it is said that whoever touches it's scales is intently healed.] [Tapu Bulu is the Land Spirit Pokémon of the grass and fairy type, although quite lazy, it creates lush vegetation and absorbs it's energy.] [Tapu Fini is the Land Spirit Pokémon of the water and fairy type, and it creates and controls water that washes away anything unclean.] Goh: "Whoa... the guardians of the Alola region..." Tapu Koko: [Which one of you is Ash Ketchum?] Ash: "Uh... that's me..." Tapu Lele: [We have something for you that should help you and Mew in the battle of the future... or more like the battle of the past.] Pikachu: [What do you mean?] Tapu Lele: [That's something you'll have to figure out cutie.] said Tapu Lele with a wink, which made Pikachu blush a little. Tapu Bulu: [Yawn... can we hurry this up?, I want to go back home and finish my nap...] Tapu Fini: [Patience Tapu Bulu, we need to show them the gift first.] said Tapu Fini, before Tapu Koko gave Ash what looked like a Z crystal, one that was pink and had what looked like the tail of a Mew. Ash: "A Z crystal?" Tapu Koko: [Not just any Z crystal, this is a Mewnium Z crystal.] Ash: "Wait... this is a Z crystal for Mew?!" Goh: "What?!, Mew has her own Z crystal?!" Mew: [Pretty cool, right?" Pikachu: [How come we never found this out last time we were here?] Tapu Lele: "Well you weren't ready for it at the time, and you didn't had Mew with you either, so it would have been pointless back then.] Pikachu: [Oh... that makes sense...] Ash: "Wow... a Z crystal for Mew... I wonder how it works..." Mew: [How about we try it out?] Ash: "Good idea, but we'll need an opponent..." Tapu Koko: [That's another reason why we're here, for we're your opponents.] Ash: "Wait... you?!" Goh: "What are they saying?" Ash: "They said that they'll be my opponents to test out Mew's Z crystal." Goh: "Seriously?!... well I guess it would make sense as they're much closer to Mew's level than more common Pokémon..." Ash: "Yeah... well... hey Mew, are you ready to test it out on them?" Mew: [Sure am, it's been a while since I had a battle.] Ash: "Alright... let's do this!" once Ash said that, the battle between the legendaries and Mew began, and thanks to Ash's guidance and determination, Mew was able to use the Z Move and managed to beat all four of the Alola legendaries. Tapu Koko: [Oh... that wasn't bad kid... you have truly earned the Z crystal...] Ash: "Yeah... you hear that Mew?, we did it!" Mew: [Yay!, we really did it!] said Mew, before she used her psychic powers to pick up Pikachu and kiss him on the cheek, which made him blush bright red. Pikachu: [Uh... what was that?] Mew: [What?, the winner normally gets a kiss from someone they like, right?] Pikachu: [Uh... where did you get that logic?] Mew: [From some movies that Ash's mom likes to watch sometimes... I visit her every once in a while...] that was when Ash's Pokédex received another call from Professor Cerise, who wanted to check on the trainers. Professor Cerise: "Hey Ash, did you find your Mew?" Ash: "Yeah, and not only that, but I also got myself a Z crystal for her." Professor Cerise: "There's a Z crystal for Mew?!, I had no idea... that's something I looking forward to research on." Goh: "Oh man... I wished I had a Mew... than maybe I could have a Mew Z crystal too..." Ash: "Don't worry Goh, I'm sure you'll find the Mew you met before sooner or later, just don't give up." Goh: "You're right... I will find the wild Mew someday... and then I'll catch it and make it become my friend." Mew: [We have genders like you humans, you know.] Goh: "Oh right, sorry..." and so Ash has gotten a Mega stone for Lucario while Mew got herself a Z crystal, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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