Bugs in the Pinwheel forest

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After catching Snivy and earned his second Unova gym badge, Ash and his friends were on their way to Castelia city, which is the location of the third Unova gym leader. Right now, the gang were in the Pinwheel forest, which was between Nacrene city and Castelia city. Suddenly, without any warning, a small bug type Pokémon, called Sewaddle, came to the scene, tried to attack Pikachu, who tries to attack back, only to hit Ash with his Thunderbolt instead. Sewaddle: [Ha!, you're really bad at aiming!] Pikachu: [Hey!, what's the big idea on attacking?!] Sewaddle: [I want to see if you can give me a challenge, after all, I'm the toughest Sewaddle in this forest.] Ash: "Oh... is that a fact?" asked Ash, who managed to recover from Pikachu's attack and the bug type was surprised. Sewaddle: [Wait... did you just... understood what I just said?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon, it's a long story though." Sewaddle: [Huh... I never heard of a human that can talk to Pokémon before...] suddenly, a robotic arm with a rubber glove came down and grabbed Sewaddle, much to everyone's surprise. Turns out that the arm came from the Team Rocket trio's balloon, and Sewaddle was struggling to break free. Jessie: "James, why did you catch that bug?" James: "Me?, but Meowth's the one with the remote." Meowth: "Well it's hard to see what the arm grabbed when you're as short as I am compared to you two." Ash: "Team Rocket!" Iris: "Not them again!" Cilan: "Let that Sewaddle go!" Jessie: "Fine by us, we were trying to capture Pikachu anyway." said Jessie, before ordering Meowth to let Sewaddle go, and the bug type was sent flying, forcing Ash jumped to catch him just in the nick of time. Sewaddle: [You... saved me... why?] Ash: "Because if I didn't, you would have gotten seriously hurt, and I couldn't let that happen." Sewaddle was touched by this, never had a human ever been so kind to him before. Jessie: "Alright, now it's time to capture Pikachu for real." James: "You got it, probably should have let me done it in first as Meowth's too short to see what he's grabbing." Meowth: "Hey!, it's not my fault that I'm shorter than you!" Jessie: "Whatever, just catch Pikachu!" Ash: "That's not gonna happen!" shouted Ash, before Sewaddle used String Shot to trap the Team Rocket trio into a big ball of silky string, and they were having a hard time getting out. Meowth: "I don't believe this!, we couldn't have lose to a little bug of all thing!" Ash: "Okay Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" Pikachu: [You got it!] shouted Ash and Pikachu, before the electric type unleashed a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky and out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash went over to Sewaddle. Ash: "Thanks for helping us." Sewaddle: [Well you saved me first, so it was only fair that I returned the favor... hey um... can I ask you something...?] Ash: "Sure, what is it?" Sewaddle: [Would it be okay if I join the team?] Ash: "Sure, I was hoping I would, you were really awesome." Sewaddle: [Thanks.] soon, Ash pulls out a Pokéball to catch Sewaddle, and then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Sewaddle is the Sewing bug type Pokémon, it hides from it's enemies by covering it's head with a hood made from a leaf, and would eat it if food is scarce.] Iris: "Looks like you caught it." Ash: "Yeah, I can't wait to train him." sometime after that, Ash and the others finally arrived to Castelia city, and the boy finally gets to battle the gym leader, who uses bug types. The battle was tough, but thanks to Sewaddle evolving into Swadloon, Ash was able to beat the gym leader and earned himself the Insect badge. Ash then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the new form of his latest catch. Pokédex: [Swadloon is the evolved form of Sewaddle, it's body is covered with leafs to protect it from the cold.] Pikachu: [This is awesome, not only did we get the third Unova gym badge, but Sewaddle also got to evolve.] Ash: "Yeah, I can't wait to see what other surprises that Unova has to throw at us." Iris: "You are such a kid..." and so Ash has caught a new bug type and earned himself the third gym badge of Unova, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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