The rock type puppy

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Ash was training both Pikachu and Rowlet, to pass the time while looking for the next Trial captain. Rowlet: [Oh man... I'm getting tired... can we take a nap?] Pikachu: [How can you be tired already?, we haven't trained for more than 5 minutes?" Rowlet: [Sorry, I'm just not used to train this much... actually I haven't trained myself before until now...] Ash: "Well you need to work on your stamina and other things, otherwise you'll be beaten by your opponent before you could say ow." Rowlet: [Well... when you put it that way...] that was when Pikachu saw something at the beach, and went over to take a look, which made him gasp in shock. Pikachu: [Ash!, come quick, I think this Pokémon needs help!] called out Pikachu, before Ash went over to Pikachu, to see that he was next to what looked like a little puppy like Pokémon covered in bruises. Ash: "Oh no... what could have done this...?" asked the boy to himself, before he picks up the injured Pokémon and takes it to Professor Kukui, in hopes to heal the poor thing. Professor Kukui: "This is Rockruff, a rock type, and you did the right thing to bring it here." Ash: "Wait, it's a rock type?" Professor Kukui: "Yes, it might not look like one compared to other rock types, but it is, and Rockruff is more unique as it can evolve into two versions of Lycanroc, one of midday during the day, or one of Midnight during the night." Ash: "Wow... that's amazing... but what could have hurt this one?" Professor Kukui: "I don't know... if only we can talk to Pokémon... then we could ask it... but the chances of that happening are not likely..." Ash: "Uh..." Pikachu: [Should you tell him?] Ash: "Tell him what?" Pikachu: [You know... about your gift...] Ash: "I don't know... there's already a handful of people who know about my secret..." Pikachu: [I know... but the longer we're here, the more likely that he'll discover it... so either he'll know now or he'll learn it later...] unaware to the pair, Professor Kukui was watching them, and began to realize that they were having a conversation that both sides understood. Professor Kukui: "Uh... Ash...?, are you having a conversation with your Pikachu?... and understanding him?" Ash: "Uh... maybe... look, you can't tell anyone about this, you have a... special ability to talk to Pokémon, but if the wrong people discover it, me and my Pokémon could get in danger." Professor Kukui: "I understand... still... I never imagined there could be someone with an ability like that... how did you get it?" Ash: "Through something called Aura... I'm not an expert about it, but it's supposed to be something that all living things have, but few can use it for battle... like a Lucario for example." Professor Kukui: "Oh yes, I've heard about them... and I once heard legends about the Aura Guardians... are you by chance..." Ash: "No I'm not an Aura guardian, just someone who can use Aura... though I don't have experience with it yet... other then being used when I'm in danger or something." Professor Kukui: "Interesting..." said the professor, before Rockruff finally started to wake up. Once the little rock type pup saw Ash and the professor, he freaked out. Rockruff: [No please!, don't hurt me!, I never meant to be so weak!, I'll try to be stronger!, just don't...] Ash: "Whoa there little guy, we're not gonna hurt ya, honest, otherwise we wouldn't have helped ya." Rockruff: [Huh?... you're not gonna hurt me?] Ash: "Of course not, why would I wanna hurt ya?" Rockruff: [Well because... wait... you can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon, my name's Ash Ketchum by the way." Rockruff: [... So you're the one he wanted revenge so badly...] Ash: "Who wanted revenge on me?" Rockruff: [My former trainer... his name is Damian...] Pikachu: [Damian?!, he's in Alola too?!" Ash: "Damian... that rotten trainer... it's always him..." Professor Kukui: "Damian?, who's he?" Ash: "The most rotten trainer I know..." said Ash, before Lillie and Snowy came to the scene, surprised to see Rockruff on a table. Lillie: "What's going on?" Ash: "Huh?, oh Alola Lillie, what brings you here?" Lillie: "I came to give Snowy a checkup, what's with the Rockruff?" Professor Kukui: "Ash found it at the beach earlier, and learned that it used to be own by someone named Damian." Lillie: "Really?, so are you planning to give it back to him?" Ash: "If only it were that simple... but you see... Damian is the one trainer that doesn't deserve to be a trainer in the first place..." Lillie: "What do you mean?" Ash: "Well... let me tell you my past encounters with him during my journey before I got here..." said Ash, before he did just that, and both Lillie and Professor Kukui were shocked. Lillie: "No way..." Professor Kukui: "My goodness... no wonder you speak so low of him..." Ash: "I know... it's cruel to say, but he really was the worst trainer I've ever met..." Lillie: "No joke... that kind of treatment to Pokémon and other people... I can't believe he didn't get arrested..." Ash: "Believe me, nothing would make me more happier than that... well except maybe becoming a Pokémon master..." Professor Kukui: "Hmm... well I think it's safe to say that Rockruff should stay here for a bit, at least until it fully recovers." Ash: "Yeah... I'll stick around to make sure he recovers." said Ash, which made Rockruff surprised as he never witnessed a human being so kind to him before. Suddenly, the Team Rocket trio showed up and they tried to capture Pikachu and Rockruff with a net. However, Ash still had Rowlet, who used his talons and beak to break the net. Once both Pokémon were free, Pikachu used Thunderbolt while Rockruff used Accelerock to send the Team Rocket trio flying. Jessie: "Oh come on!, we didn't get a lot of time in this chapter!" James: "At least we were mentioned..." Meowth: "Never mind that... we're blasting off again!" shouted Meowth, as he and his teammates were sent flying out of the scene. A few days later, Rockruff got a whole lot better, and he began to feel attached to Ash, looking up to like an idol as he keeps hearing the boy's stories of his adventures. Rockruff: [Hey Ash... can I ask you something?] Ash: "Sure, what is it?" Rockruff: [Um... you've been so kind to me... and after hearing about your adventures from Pikachu... and saving me from those Team Rocket jerks, I wanted to be strong too... and to prove Damian wrong about me... can I be part of your team?] Ash: "Sure Rockruff, I'll be more than happy to help ya get stronger and show Damian wrong too." said Ash, before he catches Rockruff inside a Pokéball, marking the rock type puppy as the boy's newest catch. The boy then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his new rock type catch. Pokédex: [Rockruff is the Puppy Pokémon of the rock type, and they've been with humans since ancient times, and train themselves by running around.] Some time later, Ash meets another Trial captain, who uses electric types, he taught Ash how to use the Electrium Z crystal, and when he tries it in a battle, Ash was able to prove he was worthy of it, meaning he had the right to keep one. Pikachu: [Alright, a Z crystal that's my type.] Ash: "Yeah, I wonder what other Z crystals we'll get..." and so Ash has caught a Rockruff and earned the Electrium Z crystal, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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