Night at the Nacrene city museum

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It was close to evening when Ash and his new traveling companions, Iris and Cilan, arrived in Nacrene city, the location of the second Unova gym leader, and right now they were checking out the city's museum. Ash: "Wow... this place looks amazing..." Iris: "Yeah... but we better go, it's almost closing time." Cilan: "Shame that we didn't get here sooner." Iris: "There's always tomorrow." suddenly, the lights went out, and the group were surprised by this. Ash: "Hey, what happened to the lights?" Iris: "It can't be closing time already... right?" Cilan: "I don't think that's the case..." that was when Pikachu noticed something moving in the shadows, and the electric type had sparks on his cheeks, ready to attack in case it was an enemy. Ash: "What's wrong?" Pikachu: [There's something moving in the shadow...] Ash: "Huh?" said Ash, before he looks at the direction Pikachu was glaring, but saw nothing. Iris: "What is it?" Ash: "Pikachu said he saw something moving in the shadows... but I don't see anything..." that was when Oshawott came out of his Pokéball, looking around. Oshawott: [Hey, is it dinner time yet?, I'm hungry.] Ash: "Now's not a good time for that, the museum's power went out and Pikachu thinks he saw something moving in the shadows." Oshawott: [Really?, let me see...] said Oshawott, before he went off to the direction where Pikachu saw the unknown figure, and was out of sight. Ash: "Oshawott!, come back!, you can get lost!" said Ash, before he went off to follow Oshawott, while Iris and Cilan followed behind. By the time the boy found Oshawott, he had hearts for eyes and having a hard time balancing himself. Oshawott: [Wow... what a beauty... I think I'm in love...] Pikachu: [Oshawott, what happened?, snap out of it!] said Pikachu, before he slaps Oshawott on the face a few times, which got the water type to come back to his senses. Oshawott: [Huh?, what?, where did she go?] Pikachu: [Where did who go?] Oshawott: [That pretty Snivy girl.] Ash: "A Snivy?" Oshawott: [Yeah, I saw a female Snivy, and when I got closer to her... she winked at me and hearts appeared... and the next thing I knew... I feeling like I was in love... but hey... she was a real looker...] said Oshawott while blushing a little. Pikachu: [Hmm... sounds like she must have used Attract on you, the attack that makes the opponent fall in love with the user... at least that's I've heard it does...] Oshawott: [Really?] Pikachu: [Yeah, and since it worked on you, it means this Snivy was a girl as you said, for attract only works if the user was the opposite gender of the opponent.] Ash: "Oh man... that could be a problem, as most of my Pokémon are male..." Pikachu: [You have Pidove, she's a girl too.] Ash: "Oh yeah, nearly forgot about that... but hold on... what's a Snivy doing here in the first place?] Pikachu: [No idea... but I'm wondering if she was the one who turned off the power...] Oshawott: [No way, I don't believe she did it.] Pikachu: [Are you just saying that because you like her?, you only just met her.] Oshawott: [Well... maybe... but still... even if she is an enemy... I can't hit a girl... it's wrong...] Ash: "You have a thing for girls, huh?" Oshawott: [Yeah... it's kind of one of the reasons why the other trainers never picked me... I'm sorry...] Ash: "Don't beat yourself up, you're just trying to be a gentleman, and I respect that." Oshawott: [Really?] Ash: "Yeah." that was when a little green snake with leaf like arms and tiny legs showed up, who was in fact Snivy herself. Snivy: [So you're the boy I heard rumors about, the one who can talk to Pokémon.] Ash: "Yeah, and I'm guessing you're Snivy, right?" Snivy: [Correct, and in case you're wondering, no I didn't shut down the power in the museum.] Oshawott: [Yes, I knew it!, no way a nice girl like you would do that.] Snivy: [I don't know if I'm really nice, I did used Attract on you.] Oshawott: [Yeah... but it's not like you really needed to for your beauty alone has already stolen my heart.] Pikachu: [Smooth Romeo.] said Pikachu while rolling his eyes a little. Snivy: [Thank you, but I don't think you're my type.] Oshawott: [Maybe a few dates could change your mind.] Pikachu: [Now is not the time or place for asking that!] Snivy: [The yellow one is right, for there are some people here trying to cause trouble here, ones they call Team Rocket.] Ash: "Team Rocket's here?!" Snivy: [Yes, they're the ones who shut down the museum so you can't escape, and they planning their next move even as we speak.] said Snivy, before an evil laugh was heard, and the Team Rocket trio themselves made an appearance, just in time for Iris and Cilan to come to the scene. Jessie: "There's no escape from us this time twerp." James: "The Pikachu is ours." Meowth: "And we'll take the rest of your Pokémon too." Cilan: "Wait... is that a Meowth?, and he can talk?!" Ash: "Yeah, but be careful, Team Rocket are a group of bad guys who steal Pokémon from others." Iris: "Yeah, they tried to steal Oshawott one time." James: "But this time we'll win, for we have new teammates, go Yamask!" Jessie: "You too Frillish!" called out James and Jessie, before they send out a ghost type that was carrying a mask, and a large pink floating jellyfish, and Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Yamask is the Spirit Pokémon that wanders the ruins of ancient civilizations.] [Frillish is the Floating Pokémon, and it numbs it's opponents with it's poison as it binds them with it's thin veil like tentacles.] Ash: "I see you have new Pokémon." James: "Yes, and now witness their power." said James, before Yamask used it's psychic to make a skeleton of a Dragonite move and attack the group. That was when Snivy used her Attract on Yamask, which was very effective, much to the Team Rocket trio's dismay. Frillish tries to grab Ash, but Pikachu then used a powerful Thunderbolt to zap her and the trio, causing them to be sent flying out of the museum and out of the scene. That was when the lights came back on and the police came, asking the kids about what happened, which they were happy to explain. After leaving the museum and heading to the Pokémon center, Snivy asked the boy if he would like to be her trainer. Ash: "Why do you want me?, is it because I can talk to Pokémon?" Snivy: [That's partly the reason... but you see I'm looking for a trainer that has a kind heart, and when I heard the rumor about you, I had to see you for myself, to check if you have what it takes... and there's one more test... if you can beat me in a battle, I'll join you.] Ash: "Fine by me, I'm sure you'll be a great addition." Pikachu: [Hold on Ash, Snivy knows Attract, so if you send either Oshawott, Tepig or even me to battle... well...] Ash: "That's why I've decided to use Pidove." Pikachu: [Good idea.] so with that, Ash goes to battle Snivy by using Pidove, and because they were both girls, the Attract won't work. It was still a tough battle, but Pidove was able to pull through and beaten Snivy, allowing Ash to catch her. The boy then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Snivy is the Grass type starter of the Unova region, normally have a cool, calm, collected personality, and it also uses photosynthesis to collect energy with the leaf on it's tail.] Ash: "Well... it looks like we got a new member." Pikachu: [Yeah, we better get back to the Pokémon center now though, it's getting late.] Ash: "Yeah, good idea." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went back to the Pokémon center to get some rest. When the next day came, Ash gets to challenge the gym leader, who uses her normal types. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through and beaten her, allowing him to win his Basic badge. Cilan: "I have to say I was a bit worried, but you managed to do it." Iris: "Yeah, you did well... for a kid anyway." Ash: "I might be a kid, but I have experience dealing with gym leaders." Cilan: "So this is your second gym badge, right?" Ash: "Yeah, meaning there are six more to go, I can't wait to battle the other gym leaders." and so Ash has caught Snivy, had an eventful night at the Nacrene city museum, and earned his second Unova gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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