The Goldenrod city gym challenge

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After his latest catches of Totodile and Noctowl, Ash and his friends arrived to Goldenrod city, the location where Ash will have his third Johto gym battle, and hopefully the third gym badge. But once they got to the gym, there was a sign that said the gym leader was out for the moment, much to Ash's dismay. Ash: "Oh man... I was looking forward for my third Johto gym battle..." Misty: "Don't worry Ash, how about we go shopping a little while we wait for the gym leader to come back?" Brock: "Yeah, we need to resupply anyway." Ash: "Well... okay, I guess it's better than just stand here and wait..." Pikachu: [Who knows, we might run into the gym leader while we shop.] Ash: "I don't know if we're that lucky on finding the gym leader like that." Pikachu: [I'm just saying of course.] so with that, our heroes went to go shopping, in order to resupply and stuff. During their shopping, Pikachu slipped on a banana peel, which was eaten by someone and missed the trash can, and the electric type hit his head on a wall. Ash: "Pikachu!, are you okay?" Pikachu: [Yeah... I've went through worse... though I wished someone threw that banana peel away...] that was when a teenage girl with pink hair, named Whitney (voiced by Megan Hollingshead), came to the scene and ran up to Pikachu. Whitney: "Oh you poor thing!, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to throw that banana peel on the ground... come here and let me make that booboo feel better~." said Whitney, before she picks Pikachu up right off the ground, gave him a big hug and then kissed him on the forehead, which made the electric type to blush a little. Ash: "So that banana peel was yours?" Whitney: "Yeah, sorry about that, I guess I should have checked to see if it landed in the trash can before I turned around... I'm Whitney by the way." Ash: "I'm Ash, and Pikachu happens to be my Pokémon." Misty: "I'm Misty." Brock: "And I'm Brock... I must say it's a real pleasure to meet a lovely lady such as you." Whitney: "Thank you, but I better be off, and it was nice meeting you though." Misty: "Where are you going?" Whitney: "To the Goldenrod gym of course, I'll a trainer must be waiting for me by now." Ash: "Wait... you mean you're the gym leader?!" Whitney: "Yup, and I'm guessing you want to battle me for the Plain badge?" Ash: "You bet I do." Whitney: "Then we better get to the gym, where we can have our match, but let me warn you, I'm not that easy to beat." Ash: "Funny, the saying would go the same for me." so with that, the group went back to the gym, and Ash and Whitney get to have a three on three match. The first two Pokémon Whitney sends out were Clefairy and Jigglypuff, which were beaten by Ash's Totodile and Pikachu. But then trouble brewed when Whitney sends out her last Pokémon, which was a cow like Pokémon called Miltank, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Miltank is a cow Pokémon that produces lots of good milk and has a powerful Roll out attack.] and that was when Miltank winked at Totodile, and the water type's eyes glowed pink before they turned into hearts. Ash: "What the?, Totodile what's wrong?" Whitney: "Nothing really, Totodile is just under the effects of Attract, which is a move that makes the opponent fall in love with the user for a short time, preventing them to attack back... meaning Totodile can't dodge this... Miltank use Roll Out!" called out Whitney, before Miltank used her Roll out attack to knock Totodile out cold. Ash then sends out Noctowl but got hit by the Attract and Roll out just like Totodile, and the same for even Pikachu, meaning Whitney was the winner, much to Ash's shock and dismay. Ash: "I can't believe it..." Whitney: "Sorry if I got a little carried away... I really hope I didn't hurt your Pokémon too badly..." Ash: "Don't worry... they're tough... though I wished we did better..." Whitney: "It wasn't your fault or your Pokémon, you just need a strategy to county the Attract and Roll out." Ash: "Yeah..." Whitney: "Tell you what, how about you and your friends come with me to my uncle's dairy farm, you might find it interesting." Ash: "Uh... okay..." so with that, the group went to the Miltank dairy farm, and there were lots of Miltank being in a grass field, and some were being milked by the use of a machine. Whitney was teaching the kids on how to brush a Miltank, and Ash learned from the hard way that Miltank don't like having their tails pulled or get a kick in the face. Ash: "Ow..." Pikachu: [You kind of deserved that...] Ash: "Yeah... my bad..." Miltank: [Honestly, you boys need to learn how to treat a lady better.] Ash: "Yeah, I'll try working on that..." Miltank: [Wait... did you... understood what I just said?] Pikachu: [He did... it's a long story though...] Ash: "Yup, it sure is, sorry about pulling your tail, I'll try to be more gentle." Miltank: [Well... alright, I guess since you're new here and you said you were sorry, I'll forgive you.] Ash: "Thanks." Whitney: "You can talk to Pokémon?!" asked Whitney in shock, as she was next to Ash and heard his conversation with the Pokémon, and the boy gulped in a nervous way. Ash: "Uh... well um... maybe?... but you can't tell anyone okay?, it's supposed to be a secret." Whitney: "Sure, not like anyone would believe me about it anyway." Ash: "Fair enough, it's not a common thing to believe in..." suddenly, a giant barrel, which was really a robot, controlled by the Team Rocket trio, came to the scene, and they were after both Pikachu and the Miltank. A pair of robotic arms popped out of the sides of the barrel robot, which grabs both Whitney's Miltank and Pikachu. Jessie: "Ha!, at last we caught Pikachu!" James: "And we got a Miltank as a bonus!" Meowth: "That's right!, and now we can take them both to the boss." Ash: "Not on my watch!, Cyndaquil, Totodile, I choose you!" called out Ash, as he sends out Cyndaquil to tackle the robot, while Totodile used Water Gun to carve trenches on the hill to make the robot bounce and shake around so hard that James broke the controls, allowing Pikachu and Miltank to free themselves. It wasn't long before Pikachu released a powerful Thunderbolt that sends the robot and the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene, blasting off once more. Sometime later, Ash asked Whitney if he can have a rematch, which she agreed of course, only this time his three Pokémon against the Miltank. The battle was tough, but thanks to Ash telling Totodile to use Water Gun on the ground to make a trench, and Pikachu keeping his eyes closed so he can't see Miltank when she uses Attract, the electric type was able stop Miltank and her Roll out attack and zaps her until she was defeated. Ash: "Alright!, we won!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] that was when Whitney came up to Ash and gave him the Plain badge, much to the boy's surprise. Whitney: "You earned it well." Ash: "But it wasn't an official gym battle." Whitney: "Maybe not, but you managed to beat a gym leader, and your strategy on how to stop Miltank was very impressive, so you deserved it." Ash: "Wow... thanks Whitney... alright!, I got the Plain badge!" Pikachu: [Alright!] and so Ash has beaten Whitney and won his third Johto gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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