The Forest champion appears

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After earning his second Kalos gym badge, Ash and his friends were on their way to Shalour city, the location of the third Kalos gym leader. Fletchling evolved into Fletchinder, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Fletchinder is the evolved form of Fletchling, and it flies faster and faster as the flame sac on it's stomach gradually heats up.] Right now, the group were in a forest, and a bit lost too. Bonnie: "Um... Ash?, do you know where we're going?" Ash: "Me?, I thought you knew." Bonnie: "How would I know?" Clemont: "Don't worry... I'm sure we'll find our way through this forest, we can ask someone for directions." Serena: "But who?, there aren't any people around." Clemont: "Maybe now, but there are lots of Pokémon, and we happened to have a trainer who can talk to them." Ash: "Uh... you mean me?" Clemont: "Of course, you asked Pokémon for directions before, right?" Ash: "Um... not really to be honest... guess the thought never came to me..." Serena: "Well now might be a good time to give it a try." said Serena, before Ash went to try looking for a Pokémon to ask for directions, but so far there was no sign of any to be seen. Suddenly, a large bear Pokémon, which was an Ursaring, came to the scene, ready to attack. Ursaring: [Well looky here... fresh meat.] Pikachu: [Back off!, these humans are my friends!] Ursaring: [Don't worry, you'll be joining them as my dinner!] suddenly, a shadowy figure crashes into the Ursaring, knocking him over, much to the group's surprise. Serena: "What just happened?" Clemont: "Look!" said Clemont, before pointing at the mystery Pokémon that took down Ursaring, which was called Hawlucha, a fighting/flying type. Hawlucha: [You got some nerve on attempting to harm these children, I won't allow it!] Ursaring: [Stay out of this!] Hawlucha: [If it means allowing you to harm the lives of youngsters, then I won't stay out of it!] Ash: "Wow... that is one noble Pokémon..." Ursaring: [If you don't get out of my way, then I'll take you down as well.] Hawlucha: [You know that you can't beat me, as I'm the champion of this forest.] Ursaring: [Perhaps, but I'm not alone.] said Ursaring, before a large robot that looks like a Ursaring with a big red 'R' on it, which belongs to the Team Rocket trio. Jessie: "Oh great... the twerp's here too." James: "Yes, and there is also Pikachu too." Meowth: "And that must be the so called champion of this forest." Ash: "Team Rocket!" Bonnie: "Not those creeps again!" Clemont: "That is some robot..." Hawlucha: [You planned to eat children and teaming up with bad humans... have you got no shame?] Ursaring: [They promised me that I get a chance to take you down if I help take these brats down.] Ash: "We're not gonna lose to a jerk like you!" Hawlucha: [What... did you say?] Ursaring: [Huh?!] Meowth: "So... he can still talk to Pokémon." Jessie: "Wait... what?!" James: "The twerp can talk to Pokémon?!" Meowth: "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that back in Sinnoh... sorry..." Jessie: "So... the twerp can talk to Pokémon... hmm... you know... maybe the boss might be interested in having someone like him along with Pikachu." James: "Yes, maybe catching the twerp too will save us trouble on catching Pikachu..." Meowth: "That's right." back with the kids, they were watching Hawlucha trying his best to beat both Ursaring and Team Rocket, but it was too much for him alone. Fortunately, Ash and the other joined in the battle and managed to take down both Ursaring and the robot. It wasn't long before a four armed Pokémon, called a Machamp, who is a friend of Hawlucha, came to the scene and threw a punch that made the robot exploded, sending the Team Rocket trio, and Ursaring, flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Hawlucha came over to the young heroes. Hawlucha: [So... you can understand me?] Ash: "Yeah... I can talk to Pokémon, through something called Aura." Hawlucha: [Interesting... and I see you have a noble fighting spirit, unlike that rotten Ursaring...] Ash: "Yeah, you're a really cool Pokémon, one I would be happy to have in my team." Hawlucha: [Thanks for the offer, but if I leave, who would protect this forest if Ursaring comes back?" Machamp: [In case you forgotten old friend, I was the champion of this forest before you, I'm sure that the forest will be safe while I'm around, and I think boy will need protection from those Team Rocket people too... now that they're planning to capture him.] Pikachu: [What do you mean?] Machamp: [I overheard them talking about discovering the boy's ability and planning to capture him along with you for their boss.] Ash: "Oh no... it's just like Professor Oak and mom warned me about..." Pikachu: [Don't worry Ash, they won't catch you while I'm around.] Hawlucha: [Well if that's the case, then I might as well come along after all, I'm not the type who would let a child go alone knowing that someone is out to get him.] Ash: "Um... thanks I guess... though I'm not really a toddler..." Pikachu: "Maybe not, but you have a knack on getting into a lot of trouble... so you're gonna need all the help you can get.] Hawlucha: [But first... you must defeat me in battle, see if you are worthy of being my trainer.] Ash: "Sounds fair." so with that, Ash went to battle Hawlucha with Froakie, and the battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through and capture Hawlucha. The boy then pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Hawlucha is the Wrestling Pokémon of a fighting/flying type, due to possessing an artistic was of executing it's moves, this Pokémon takes great pride in their elegance.] sometime after that, Ash and the others arrived in Shalour city, where the boy gets to battle the gym leader, who uses fighting types. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through and beat her, allowing himself to earn the Rumble badge. Serena: "Wow Ash, you sure had it close with that battle." Ash: "Yeah I know, the gym leader had her Lucario use something called Mega Evolution... which is like a temporary evolved form for fully evolved Pokémon that only works with a special key stone and a mega stone..." Clemont: "Yes, it was quite an eventful battle." Bonnie: "Makes me wonder what other Pokémon can mega evolve..." Ash: "Yeah... me too..." and so Ash has caught Hawlucha and earned himself his third Kalos gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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