The Petalburg city gym challenge

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After earning his third Hoenn gym badge, catching Torkoal and earning his forth Hoenn gym badge, Ash has returned to Petalburg city in hopes to battle Norman, who happens to be the father of both May and Max. Ash: "Well... this is it, I'm finally gonna challenge Norman..." Max: "Oh please, like I said before, your chances of beating him are zero." May: "Max, just because the gym leader's our dad doesn't mean you have to be a jerk to Ash." Max: "I'm not, I'm just saying dad is too tough for Ash to beat." Brock: "Well the only way to find that out for sure is seeing the battle itself." it wasn't before they got inside the gym, and both Norman and Caroline were happy to see the kids again. Caroline: "I'm so happy you're back, did you catch any Pokémon?" May: "Sure did, see for yourself." said May, before she sends out her first caught Pokémon, which has finally evolved into a gorgeous Beautifly, and the adorable Skitty, which Caroline really adored a lot. Caroline: "They're so adorable!, you're so lucky." May: "Thanks." that was when Norman came up to Ash. Norman: "So... you got enough badges and got enough Pokémon?" Ash: "Sure do." Norman: "Well then let's get this done, I'm looking forward to see what you got." Ash: "I was gonna say the same thing with you." soon, Ash and Norman went to their sides of the battlefield, while the others took their seats to watch. Ash: "Pikachu, let's go!" Pikachu: [Got it!] Norman: "Go Slakoth!" called out Norman, who sends out what looked like a little sloth Pokémon called Slakoth, which looked slow and lazy, but it was actually tougher than it looks. Slakoth: [So... this... is... my... opponent?] Pikachu: [You bet I am... but can't you talk a little faster?] Slakoth: [Not... really... but... beware... I... don't... fall... so... easily...] Pikachu: [Same with me.] Ash: "Let's do this." so with that, the battle begins, and while Pikachu was fast, it turns out that Slakoth was pretty fast too and dodged the electric type's speed attacks. Brock: "Wow... that Slakoth sure is faster than it looks..." Max: "That's my dad's Slakoth for ya, it might be slow, but with the right training, it can take down fast and powerful opponents." the battle continued with Slakoth using the Blizzard attack, until Ash decided to switch Pikachu with Torkoal, who was able to fire a power Flamethrower that plows through the Blizzard and takes down Slakoth with one shot. Torkoal: [Huh... that's it?, I was expecting the battle to be tougher...] Ash: "Well your Flamethrower is pretty powerful." Torkoal: [Good point.] Norman: "Not bad Ash, not a lot of trainers were able to take down Slakoth with one attack, but now it's time for my next Pokémon, go Vigoroth!" called out Norman, before what looked like a bigger version of Slakoth with a red tuff of hair on his head and sharp claws came to the scene. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out what he was dealing with. Pokédex: [Vigoroth is the evolved form of Slakoth, and it's not only more active than Slakoth, but it never goes to sleep unless it feels like it and takes down opponents with speed and it's sharp claws.] Ash; "Hey Torkoal, can you still battle?" Torkoal: [Sure, it's not like I got hit by that last opponent.] Ash: "Good, just checking." Caroline: "Hmm... you know May... maybe you might be right about Ash able to talk to Pokémon..." May: "Yeah, but Ash told us to keep it secret." Max: "Well even if he does talk to Pokémon, it won't help him beat dad, especially now that Vigoroth is in the battlefield." said Max, before the battle continues, which was tough for both Ash and Torkoal, as Vigoroth was not only tougher than Slakoth, but must faster too, and soon Torkoal was defeated, leaving Pikachu to return to the battle. Both Pikachu and Vigoroth were beginning to feel worn out from their battle, and with one last Iron Tail, Pikachu was able to take down Vigoroth before he too passed out. Norman: "Nice job Ash, now I'm really beginning to get fired up, I hope you're ready my last Pokémon, go Slaking!" called out Norman, before a large ape/sloth like Pokémon called Slaking came came to the scene, while Ash sends out Treecko to battle. Max: "Are you kidding?, is Ash really gonna use Treecko, a Grass starter against a fully evolved Slaking?" May: "I'll admit, that seems a little risky..." Brock: "Well it's not like he had any other choice, the only other Pokémon he could send was Taillow or Corphish, and I doubt even those two can take on Slaking..." said Brock, before the finally battle begins. Slaking had the upper hand at first, but then all of a sudden, Treecko started to glow and evolved into what was called a Grovyle, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Grovyle is the evolved form of Treecko, and it has long thing blades of grass on it's arms that can be use like sword blades.] Norman: "Now this is getting interesting..." Ash: "Whoa... Treecko evolved..." Grovyle: [It's about time I evolved... now it's time to get serious.] Ash: "You said it, let's go!" so with that, the battle rages on, and thanks to Grovyle using his new Leaf Blade attack, Slaking was defeated, meaning Ash was the winner, much to everyone's shock and awe. Max: "No way... he... beat dad?, but that's impossible..." May: "Wow... that was the most intense battle I've seen from dad... and to top it off, Ash won..." Caroline: "Not bad..." Max: "But... dad wasn't supposed to lose..." said Max, while looking sad and his head was down, before Norman came up to him. Norman: "It's okay Max, being a gym leader means more than just winning... it's our job to help other trainers grow and give them the badges as proof that they have what it takes to be great trainers in the future." Caroline: "He's right Max, and Ash has proven that already." Max: "Well... okay I guess..." said Max, before Norman came over to Ash and gave him the Balance badge. Norman: "You earned this Ash, I hope you'll do great in the other gyms, along with the Hoenn league." Ash: "Sure thing Norman... alright!, I got the Balance badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] and so with that, Ash has challenged Norman and earned his fifth Hoenn gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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