The Alola Pokémon league

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It was a big day for the Alola region, for the first ever Alola League is about to begin, and Ash was really looking forward to compete in it. Ash: "This is so awesome!, we're finally gonna compete in the first ever Alola league." Pikachu: [Yeah, I'm all fired up.] Torracat: [Not as much as I am, and not just because I'm a fire type.] Ash: "I don't blame ya... but we better keep an eye out for Team Rocket." Rowlet: [Yeah, they might show up to steal Pikachu again.] Ash: "Well that would normally be the case, but they also like to try stealing the torch that begins the league." Naganadel: [Why would they want to steal some flame?] Ash: "Because in the other leagues, the torch uses the fire of the legendary fire bird Pokémon called Moltres, or in the case of Johto, the rainbow bird Pokémon known as Ho-oh." Melmetal: [Flames from legendary Pokémon?, I didn't know they use special fire to start the league.] Ash: "Yeah, which is why we need to keep a sharp eye out for them if they try to steal the torch." said Ash, before Professor Kukui, Lillie, and President Goodshow came to the scene. Lillie: "Ash, there you are!, we need help!" Ash: "What happened?" Professor Kukui: "It's the torch..." Ash: "Team Rocket got it already?!" Goodshow: "Well... not exactly... Team Rocket tried to take it, but I came prepared this time as there was a police force lead by Officer Jenny to battle them... however... Team Skull appeared out of nowhere and Guzma stole the torch while we were dealing with his grunts... I'm such an old fool to let the torch get stolen again..." Lillie: "It wasn't your fault, there was no way we would have predicted Team Skull would show up to steal the torch too..." Professor Kukui: "But the question is... why?" Ash: "Hmm... maybe he wanted to make some money out of it?" Lillie: "Wait a minute... I remember hearing Guzma saying that he'll do whatever it takes to be the first ever Alola league champion... maybe he wants to ransom the torch so he can compete in the league." Guzma: "Correct little girl." said Guzma, who came to the scene with an evil smile on his face. Professor Kukui: "Guzma!, return the torch at once!" Guzma: "If you want it back, you'll have to let me compete in the league." Lillie: "You really think we would let you compete after all the trouble you caused in Alola?!, especially that recent incident with Nebby and Lunala?!" Guzma: "You have no choice, for without the torch, you can't start the league." Goodshow: "He's right... we don't have any other choice..." Ash: "That's fine with me..." Lillie: "What?" Ash: "Think about it... if he competes... then one of us will have a chance to take him down in a battle." Professor Kukui: "Hmm... I guess that can work..." Guzma: "So... you accept my challenge?" Ash: "You bet I do." Guzma: "Good, but be warned, I won't be taken down so easily." Ash: "Funny... I was gonna say the same thing..." so with that, the group made a agreedment, and as promised, Guzma hand over the torch back. Goodshow: "Ash, I know I asked you this before... but you're the only one I can trust now to get the torch to the stadium, so can you get it there as the torch runner?" Ash: "Sure thing." said Ash, before he becomes the torch runner once again, determined to make sure the League starts without trouble. Unfortunately, trouble came anyway, in the form of Damian, who not only wants revenge against Ash, but he was after the torch as well. Damian: "How nice of you to bring the torch here, but I'll take it from here." Ash: "Hold on!, President Goodshow asked me to get it all the way to the stadium, and besides, you don't deserve to carry it after all the terrible things you've done!" Damian: "Still sore about Charmander?" Ash: "And a whole lot of other things!" Damian: "Look, if I get to carry the torch to the stadium, I'll be famous, especially after I win this." Ash: "If you think fame and glory is all that matters, then you're a bigger fool than I thought before!" Damian: "Think what you like, but that torch is mine!" suddenly, both Lycanroc and Torracat came out of their Pokéballs, ready to battle. Torracat: [Ash... let us deal with this jerk.] Lycanroc: [Yeah, we owe him a beat down after the way he treated us.] Ash: "Okay, let's do this!" so with that, Ash sends both Lycanroc and Torracat to battle Damian, who sends out a Gyarados and Skarmory. Despite the type disadvantage, Ash's team refused to give up, and that was when Torracat started to glow and evolved into Incineroar, and the newly evolved fire type managed to help Lycanroc beat Damian's Pokémon, much to Damian's dismay. Damian: "What?!, no fair!, I had the type advantage!" Ash: "There's a lot more to battles than just type advantages, you wouldn't know as you're the worst trainer ever!" Damian: "Oh yeah?!, I'll show ya who's the worst!" shouted Damian, ready to send out more Pokémon to attack Ash. However, Incineroar used Flamethrower to burn Damian up and get covered in smoke and soot, causing him to run away from the scene. Once Damian was out of the picture, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newly evolved fire type of Alola. Pokédex: [Incineroar is the final evolved form of Litten, and it's capable of shooting fire from it's midsection, and a circle of fire wraps around it's hips like a belt.] Ash: "Wow, looks like you got to evolve into your final form just before the league." Incineroar: [Yeah, I can't wait to see how strong I am now once the league starts.] Pikachu: [Speaking of which, we better get going or the league won't ever start.] Ash: "Oh right, let's go!" and so with that, Ash continues to run the torch, and soon arrived to the stadium, where he placed the torch to it's place, starting the first ever Alola league at last. The trainers in the league were Ash, Lillie, Guzma and some of the trial captains too, and eventually, it was time for the runner up, and the only trainers left was Ash and Guzma, meaning whoever wins this last match will earned the title of the first ever Alola League champion. Guzma: "So... it's just you and me... I must say that I'm impressed that you got this far... but it's the end of the line for you." Ash: "I'm not going down so easily without a fight, so you better get ready, for I'm not gonna lose to someone like you!" so with that, the battle has begun, the battle that will decide who gets the title of champion. Guzma has proven to be a really tough trainer, but Ash has proven to be tough as well. In the end, only Pikachu and a water/bug called Golisopod, and thanks to the bond they have, Ash and Pikachu were able to take down Golisopod, meaning Guzma was defeated, which was when the announcer called out to the people of Alola and the people watching on the TV, that Ash has won the league, meaning he was now the first and current Pokémon league champion of Alola. Pikachu: [Wait... we... we won?] Ash: "We won... we did it... we won!, Pikachu!, we finally did it!, we won a league!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] said Pikachu and Ash, before they went to hug one another, celebrating their first ever league victory. Guzma: "I... lost...?... no way!" Ash: "Sorry, but yeah, oh by the way, Officer Jenny and her force are behind ya." Guzma: "Huh?" said Guzma, before he turned around to see Officer Jenny and her police force standing behind him, with handcuffs. Officer Jenny: "Guzma, boss of Team Skull, you and your grunts are under arrest for robbing the torch, attempting to throw Alola off balance when you tried to capture the region's legendaries, and other charges against Alola." said Officer Jenny, before she puts the cuffs on Guzma and took him away. Sometime later, after getting the trophy, Ash discovered that he became a big celebrity in Alola, a lot of trainers asked Ash for his autograph, asked to have a battle him, and there were even some girls that wanted to date him, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, especially since he was already taken by Serena in a way. Lillie: "Wow Ash, you sure got popular." Ash: "Yeah, never thought I would become so famous after winning a league..." Snowy: [Well what did you expect, not every trainer gets the chance to win a whole league.] Ash: "Yeah, but still, never thought I would get so popular..." Pikachu: [One thing's for sure, you're took a big step closer in becoming a Pokémon master.] Ash: "Hmm... maybe... but I think my journey to becoming a Pokémon master is not over yet." Lillie: "So... what are you gonna do now?" Ash: "Um... I don't know... now that I won the Alola league... I'm not sure what to do next..." Lillie: "Maybe you could travel the world, to visit some friends or something." Ash: "Hmm... you know... that's not a bad idea, maybe I'll do that... but first I should get back to Pallet town, I could use a rest." that was when Professor Kukui came to him. Professor Kukui: "Then I wish you good luck Ash, it was fun having you around." Ash: "Yeah, it was fun being here too, I hope that I can visit ya again." Lillie: "Yeah... me too." said Lillie, before Ash ran off to the Air port, and took the flight back to Kanto. Pikachu: [Hey Ash... this better be the right plane this time.] Ash: "Don't worry, I doubled checked to make sure we got on the right plane, no way I could make the same mistake twice." said Ash, unaware that the Team Rocket trio were hiding in the cargo of the plane. Jessie: "So... the twerp has become a champion, eh?" James: "I kind of feel proud for the twerp, he has traveled far since we first met him." Meowth: "Never mind that, the twerp might have won the league, but he's soon going to lose to us, and Pikachu will be ours for the taking." said Meowth, before the scene went back to Ash and Pikachu, who let out a big sneeze. Pikachu: [Hey... did you get the feeling someone was talking about us?] Ash: "Yeah... I just got that feeling too... wonder who it could be?" Pikachu: [Team Rocket?" Ash: "Maybe... but then again, a lot of people are gonna talk about us for a while." and so Ash has beaten both Damian and Guzma and became the first ever Alola league champion, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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