Enter Unova and the future dragon master

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It was a nice when Ash and Pikachu were both taking a ride on a plane, as the next chapter of their journey takes place in the far away Unova region. Ash: "Well buddy, we're almost there..." Pikachu: [Yeah, the Unova region is almost upon us... and Professor Oak says that it's full of Pokémon that you won't find in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn or even Sinnoh.] Ash: "Yeah, this is gonna be fun..." unaware to the pair, the Team Rocket trio were on the plane too, waiting for the right moment to make their move. Jessie: "There's the twerp." Meowth: "Along with the world's most powerful Pikachu..." James: "Yes, and it'll soon be in the hands of the boss." Meowth: "That's right..." soon, Ash and Pikachu made it to the air port of the Unova region, and arrived to Nuvema town, which is supposed to be the location where Professor Juniper should be. Ash: "Hmm... I hope we're at the right place..." Pikachu: [Well Professor Oak said she should be at Nuvema town, and this is the place, so her lab should be close by...] just then, a large storm cloud appeared in the sky, and at the center of it looked like a large black dragon like Pokémon. Ash: "What is that?" Pikachu: [I don't know... but I think it might be a legendary...] Ash: "What makes you say that?" Pikachu: [Well it looks big, powerful, and majestic like the other legendaries we've met in the past... so it might be one too...] suddenly, the Team Rocket trio's balloon appeared and a robot arm with a rubber glove came out of the basket and grabs the unknown legendary. Jessie: "It might not be Pikachu, but it's a good catch." James: "Yes, it's something the boss will like for sure." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!" that was when the unknown Pokémon used it's arm to break the robotic arm, and a powerful Thunderbolt was released to send the trio flying once more. It wasn't long before the mystery Pokémon came down and stood before the boy and Pikachu, who were both nervous, before the Pokémon, named Zekrom, spoke up. Zekrom: [Don't be afraid Ash, I mean you no harm.] Ash: "How did you knew my name?" Zekrom: [I know more than just your name... you are the chosen one...] Ash: "What do you mean?" Zekrom: "That will be explained when the time comes... but just to let you know, Unova will need your help in the future... which is why I came to wish you good luck.] Ash: "Uh... thanks I guess... who might you be?" Zekrom: "I am Zekrom, the legendary of Ideals, and I hope we met again...] said Zekrom, before he flew away from the scene, and the scene became clear again. Pikachu: [Uh... what just happened...?] Ash: "I'm not sure... but I think that legendary wants us to help it's home region in the future..." Pikachu: [Somehow... after what happened in the other regions... I'm not that surprised if that was the case...] that was when a woman in a lab coat, who was in fact Professor Juniper (voiced by Khristine Hvam) herself, came to the scene. Professor Juniper: "Are you alright, young man?, I saw Zekrom here and..." Ash: "I'm okay, and so is Pikachu, I'm Ash by the way." Professor Juniper: "Oh so you're the boy Professor Oak told me about, I was waiting for you, come to my lab and we'll get you registered." Ash: "Thanks." soon, after getting into the lab, Professor Juniper updated the boy's Pokémon to not only have the data of the Pokémon native to Unova, but let Ash be registered to compete in the Unova league. It wasn't long before the boy noticed what looked like a little otter Pokémon with a scallop on his stomach, and he was looking sad. Professor Juniper: "Oh I see that you've noticed Oshawott over there." Ash: "Is that what he is?" Professor Juniper: "Yes, one of the starters of Unova... unfortunately for this Oshawott, nobody ever picks him." Ash: "Why not?" Professor Juniper: "Not sure... but I do know that Oshawott was looking forward to have a nice trainer to travel with... and the trainers before just aren't interested in him..." Ash: "Poor little guy..." suddenly, a girl with brown skin named Iris (voiced by Eileen Stevens), came to the scene, and acting like she was looking for something. Iris: "Where is it?, I know it came here..." Ash: "Uh... are you looking for something?" Iris: "Well kind of kid, the legendary Pokémon Zekrom, I know it was here in this town." Professor Juniper: "It was, but it already left." Iris: "What?!, oh man... I was so hoping to catch it..." Ash: "Are you sure that's a good idea?, I mean Zekrom might have a duty to do in Unova and it can't do that if it gets captured..." Iris: "What do you know?, you're just a kid." Ash: "You're a kid too." Iris: "Maybe, but I'm older." Ash: "How would you know?, you don't even know how old I am, and I'm 10." Iris: "Well I'm 12, which makes me older." Ash: "Only by 2 years." Professor Juniper: "Listen Iris, I know you want to catch powerful dragon types... but I don't think you're ready to take on a dragon type in the same level of Zekrom just yet." Iris: "I am too!, and I will become a dragon master!" Ash: "Dragon master?, you mean you want to be a master at Dragon types?" Iris: "That's right, name's Iris by the way." Ash: "Well I'm Ash." Pikachu: [I don't know why... but she kind of reminds me of Misty for some reason...] that was when Iris noticed Pikachu, and she was confused. Iris: "What is that?" Ash: "That's Pikachu." Iris: "Aww... it looks so cute, I've been around Unova, and I've never seen anything like it." Professor Juniper: "That's because Pikachu and his trainer are from the Kanto region." Iris: "Really?, so you're new here in Unova?" Ash: "Yeah, we just got here today to travel through Unova." Iris: "Well good luck with that." said Iris, before Ash and Pikachu head out to begin their journey through the Unova region. At first they didn't get much luck on catching any Pokémon, but eventually managed to catch a female pigeon like Pokémon called Pidove, and pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Pidove is a Tiny Pigeon Pokémon, and although it's not the sharpest, trainer still love them for their friendliness and it's cooing can be very noisy.] of course that was when Iris came to the scene, and she was in a panic. Ash: "Iris?, what's wrong?" Iris: "It's awful!, some people broke into Professor Juniper's lab and captured that poor Oshawott!" Ash: "What?!" Iris: "I followed them here and that was when I found you." suddenly, a robotic arm with a glove appeared and grabbed Pikachu, leaving Ash and Iris in shock, before seeing the culprits themselves, which turned out to be the Team Rocket trio, riding on their balloon. Jessie: "Look at that, now that we finally caught Pikachu, and can give it to the boss." James: "And with this Oshawott as a bonus." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!, should have known it was you!" Iris: "You know them?" Ash: "Yeah, they're a group of bad guys who steal Pokémon from other trainers, they've been after Pikachu for a while now." Meowth: "Yes, and this time it's finally ours." Iris: "How can that Pokémon talk anyway?" Meowth: "That's not for you to know, and we'll be taking that Pokémon in your hair too." said Meowth, before he pushes a button that summoned another robotic arm out of the balloon, and it grabs Iris, and tries to pull her up when what looked like a little dragon type named Axew fell out of her hair and Ash caught it. Axew: [No!, mama!] Ash: "Iris is your mama?" Axew: [Huh?, how did...] Ash: "It's a long story... now I need to stop Team Rocket." said Ash, before he sends out Pidove to battle, and she used her beak to pop the balloon, which landed on the ground, and Iris, Pikachu and Oshawott all landed on top of Ash, which was a bit painful for the boy. Iris: "Wow... thanks for the soft landing." Ash: "You're welcome... now can you get off of me please...?" Iris: "Sure." said Iris, before she, along with Pikachu and Oshawott got off of the boy. Oshawott: [Are you okay?] Ash: "Yeah... I'm alright, what about you, they didn't hurt you right?" Oshawott: [No, I'm fine... thanks for saving me...] Ash: "It was nothing really." Oshawott: [But you saved me, that's the first time a trainer has ever done anything nice to me... they always ignore me and chose either a Snivy or Tepig...] Ash: "Sorry to hear that, if you ask me, I'm sure any trainer would be very lucky to have you on their team." Oshawott: [Thanks for... wait... did you just... understand what I just said?] Ash: "Well yeah, I can talk to Pokémon." Iris: "What?!, no way!" Ash: "Oh... I forgot you were still here..." Iris: "What do you mean by that?!, are you saying I'm invisible to you or something?!" Ash: "No I was more focused on Oshawott and his well being at the moment." Pikachu: [Hey Ash, maybe you forgotten... but we still have to deal with Team Rocket.] said Pikachu, as the Team Rocket trio got back on their feet and ready to attack again. Pikachu was ready to battle, but it seems that Oshawott wants to join the battle too, and thanks to the water type, Ash was able to beat the trio again and sent them flying into the sky. Ash: "Wow Oshawott, that was one powerful Water Gun you got there." Oshawott: [You really think so?] Ash: "Yeah." hearing this made Oshawott very happy and went to hug the boy's leg. Iris: "I think Oshawott really likes you." Ash: "Yeah... I think so too." some time later, when the trainer pair got to a Pokémon center, Ash went to make a call with Professor Juniper, saying that Oshawott is okay. Professor Juniper: "Say Ash, would it be okay if you take care of Oshawott for me?, you have showed that you cared for the water type's well being and he seems to like you a lot." Ash: "Sure, I'm Oshawott and I will be a great team." said Ash, before Professor Juniper transport the water type's Pokéball and ended the call, and then the boy went over to Oshawott. Ash: "Hey Oshawott, Professor Juniper said that I'll be your trainer from now on, is that okay?" Oshawott: [Of course it is!, you're strong, awesome, and you think I'm awesome too, I'll be more than happy to have you as my trainer!] Pikachu: [Welcome to the team then.] said Pikachu, before Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest teammate. Pokédex: [Oshawott is the Sea Otter Pokémon, it can attack and defend itself by using the scalchop that can be removed from it's stomach.] that was when Iris came over. Iris: "I still can't believe that you can talk to Pokémon... do all trainers of Kanto do that?" Ash: "No just those with very powerful Aura like me." Iris: "Aura?" Ash: "It's a long story... anyway, I should be off now." Iris: "Hold on, do you even know which way to the next city is?" Ash: "Um... well now that you mention that... no idea..." Iris: "I thought so... tell you what, I'll accompany you as your guide through Unova, think of it as to thank you for saving me." Ash: "Sure, it would be nice to travel with someone." and so Ash has started his journey through Unova and gained a new traveling partner out of Iris, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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