The Pummelo island champion challenge

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The day has finally come, the day when Ash finally gets to challenge the Orange league champion, Drake himself. Right now, Lapras was carrying Ash and his friends to Pummelo island, when they saw what looked like a dragon like Pokémon, flying through the sky and heading for the island. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he saw. Pokédex: [Dragonite is a dragon type Pokémon, that's the final evolved form of Dratini, and can fly faster than any other Pokémon in the world.] Lapras: [That Dragonite looked really strong...] Ash: "Yeah, but let's not worry about that, for our upcoming battle is gonna be lots of fun." Pikachu: [I'm sure it'll be too.] soon, our heroes arrived to the island, but once they got the Pokémon center, Nurse Joy told them that Snorlax won't wake up as he was not hungry anymore, due to being fed earlier, so Snorlax won't be able to battle for the challenge. Misty: "You just had to feed Snorlax before the battle, huh?" Ash: "How was I supposed to know that Snorlax won't wake up until a few days later when he's hungry again?" Brock: "What's done is done, you just need to switch Snorlax with another Pokémon." Tracy: "Does he have any other Pokémon?" Misty: "Well he does, and they're currently with Professor Oak." Ash: "Hmm... I think I have an idea who I should switch Snorlax with..." the next day, at the stadium, a lot of people were watching the upcoming battle between Ash and Drake, including Misty, Brock and Tracy. Soon, Ash came to the scene, standing on one side of the battlefield, while Drake (voiced by Scottie Ray), was standing on the other side. Drake: "So you're Ash right?, I hope you'll give a good battle today." Ash: "Funny, I was gonna say the same thing." soon, both trainers sent out their first Pokémon, which was Pikachu for Ash, while a blob of pink goo with a face called Ditto for Drake, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about what he was facing. Pokédex: [Ditto is a special Pokémon that has genetic cells that gives it the ability to transform into other Pokémon and copy their attacks.] it turns out that the Pokédex was right, as Ditto transformed into Pikachu, much to the original's surprise. Ditto: [First time battling yourself?] Pikachu: [Uh... yeah kind of... but that won't mean I can lose so easily.] Ash: "Alright Pikachu, are you ready?" Pikachu: [Sure am, let's do this!] said Pikachu, before he battles against the Ditto, which proved to be as fast as the original. But Pikachu was not willing to give up and was in better shape than Ditto, allowing the electric type to win. Soon Drake sends out his next Pokémon, which was an Onix, while Ash sends out Lapras to battle, which was tough indeed, but thanks to a powerful Water Gun and Ice Beam, Lapras was able to beat Onix. Drake sends out his third Pokémon, which was a Gengar and it was a tough opponent for Lapras, but even though she lost, she was able to take down Gengar with her. Drake then sends out his next Pokémon, which was a Venusaur, the final evolved form of Bulbasaur. As for Ash, he sends out Tauros, which was the Pokémon he switched out with Snorlax. The battle was intense between the two Pokémon, but at last the Venusaur was defeated, meaning Drake only has two Pokémon now. Drake: "Well Ash, I have to say that I'm impressed on getting this far, but prepare to have the shock of your life... go Electabuzz!" called out Drake, before he sends out his Electabuzz to battle. As for Ash, he sends out Bulbasaur to battle, and the electric attacks were not as effective due to him being a grass type, but he was defeated when Electabuzz used a powerful Thunder Punch. Ash then sends out his next Pokémon, which was Charizard, who managed to defeat Electabuzz with his Seismic Toss attack. With only one Pokémon left, Drake sends out his Dragonite, which was his strongest one. Drake: "Well Ash, you've certainly given me a real battle that I've not gotten in a very long time, but it ends here." Ash: "Well I'm not going down without a fight!, let's do this!" so the battle continues, and it was intense, Dragonite was proven to be a powerful opponent, it managed to take down Charizard and the other Pokémon, meaning it was now up to Pikachu, who is still a bit worn out from his battle with Ditto. Ash: "Pikachu, can you still battle?" Pikachu: [I think so... but I've never battled something like a Dragonite before...] Ash: "Yeah, but we can't give up, we've come too far to quit now." Pikachu: [You're right... let's do this!] so with that, the final battle continues, and it was the most intense battle Ash has ever gone to yet. Once the dust settles, Pikachu was still standing, while Dragonite was knocked out, meaning Ash was the winner of the match. Ash: "Alright!, we did it!" Pikachu: [Yeah... I guess we did...] suddenly, a net came down from the sky and caught both Pikachu and Dragonite, much to everyone's surprise. Turns out that the net came form the Team Rocket trio's balloon, and the trio themselves were aiming for both Pikachu and Dragonite. Jessie: "Ha!, told ya it would work, wait for the battle to end so both Pokémon are too tired to fight back." James: "Yes, and now we can finally get Pikachu to the boss." Meowth: "And this Dragonite as a bonus." said Meowth, before Pikachu managed to chew through the net, freeing himself and Dragonite, much to the Team Rocket trio's surprise. Ash: "Pikachu, can you still do an attack?" Pikachu: [I... think that... I can do... one more attack...] Ash: "Then let's send Team Rocket flying with a Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu released a powerful Thunderbolt that make the balloon to explode and send the Team Rocket trio flying into the sky once again. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, as they were blasting off out of the scene. After dealing with the Team Rocket trio, Ash receives the Orange league champion trophy as a reward for beating Drake and saving his Dragonite as well. Drake: "Well Ash, you truly were a worthy opponent, I hope we'll get to battle again someday." Ash: "Yeah, me too." and so Ash has finally got to not only battle Drake, but winning the Orange league too, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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