The old tree of Taillow and Treecko

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It was a nice day when Ash and his friends were on their way to Rustboro city in hopes for the boy to get his first Hoenn gym badge. Of course at the moment, they were a bit lost, despite the fact that Max has a PokéNav. They got a bit hungry and May was about to have a chocolate bar when something flew down and stole it from under her nose. The culprit turned out to be a bird Pokémon called Taillow, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Taillow is a bird Pokémon of Hoenn, despite being small, it's a strong fighter and refuse to give up until it has no strength left to battle.] Ash: "Sound like my kind of Pokémon." May: "That Taillow stole my chocolate bar!, and I'm so hungry!" Max: "We better be careful, for if there's one Taillow, there's bound to be a whole flock of them nearby." Brock: "Look, it's heading for that big tree over there." said Brock, as he and the others noticed that the Taillow was indeed heading for the biggest tree in the forest, which was looking like it was dying. It wasn't long before the Taillow went to a branch which had a wild Treecko on it, and he seems to have a habit of having a twig in his mouth. Taillow: [There are humans here.] Treecko: [The same ones with the talking Meowth that tried to steal us?] Taillow: [No, a different group, but they look like trainers.] Treecko: [Hmm... well if they plan to harm this tree... they'll have to get through us first.] Taillow: [Agree.] it wasn't long before Ash and the others got to the big old tree and they were amazed by the size of it. Ash: "Wow... that's the biggest tree I've ever seen..." Pikachu: [No kidding...] May: "But it looks like it's dying..." Brock: "I believe you're right..." Max: "That's sad..." suddenly, Taillow and Treecko came down from the tree and went to a battle stance. Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to find out more about the grass type in front of him. Pokédex: [Treecko is the grass type starter of Hoenn, and it can climb trees really well and has a strong tail for defense.] Max; "Now that's the kind of starter I want when I'm old enough." Brock: "Looks like that Taillow and Treecko are working together." said Brock, before Treecko and Taillow went to battle Pikachu, who was able to beat, but just barely, and Ash used two Pokéballs to catch them both. Ash: "Alright!, I caught a Taillow and Treecko!" called out Ash in joy, before lets them out so Brock can use a potion to heal their injuries. Brock: "There, that should do it." Treecko: [You might have beaten us, but we're not gonna let you harm this tree!] Ash: "Why would you think we would want to harm this tree?" asked Ash, which of course surprised both the Max and the Pokémon. Treecko: [Wait... you can understand me?] Pikachu: [Not just you, but all Pokémon, pretty cool huh?] Taillow: [But... he's a human.] Ash: "I might be human, but I can still understand you, though don't ask me how... for I don't know how I do it either... anyway, is that tree important to you?" Taillow: [Yes, for Treecko and I were born on this tree, and we wanted to take care of it like how it took care of us.] Pikachu: [But it looks to me that it's dying.] Treecko: [Yes... as much as I hate to admit it... so Taillow and I are doing our best to keep it alive as much as possible.] Taillow: [Which became difficult when some troublemakers with a talking Meowth tried to attack it for they believe that some buried treasure is under the tree... when there isn't...] Ash: "Did you say a talking Meowth?" Pikachu: [Team Rocket no doubt.] Ash: "Yeah, should have known they wouldn't be somewhere close by without causing some trouble..." Max: "Wait... so you really can talk to Pokémon?!, I thought May was only joking!" May: "Oh come on, you think I would make a joke of something like that?" Ash: "I can't blame you Max, I still find it hard to believe myself." suddenly, the hot air balloon of the Team Rocket trio came to the scene, and the trio themselves came down with some shovels. Jessie: "Alright twerps, if you think you can have the treasure all to yourselves, then you got another thing coming." James: "Yes, we found the spot first, so you might as well get out of our way." Ash: "But there is no treasure here, what makes you think there is?" Meowth: "Well our newest gadget, the treasure finder, says so, and with that, we'll have it all to ourselves." James: "Which we will need as we're a bit broke." Jessie: "Don't tell them that!" Ash: "We won't let you harm this tree!, it's special to Taillow and Treecko here!" Jessie: "Who cares about some stupid tree?, I think now is a good time to show them our new Pokémon." James: "Indeed." Jessie: "Seviper!, go!" James: "Go Cacnea!" called out Jessie and James, before a snake like Pokémon with red saber teeth, and a small rounded walking cactus Pokémon came to the scene, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about them. Pokédex: [Seviper is a snake Pokémon that has a poisonous tail to capture it's prey.] [Cacnea is a cactus Pokémon which trainers should be wary of as while they like to give hugs to their trainers, the hugs will be painful due to their quills.] Ash: "Looks like Team Rocket has some new Pokémon with them..." Brock: "We better be careful, for they might be dangerous." said Brock, who was right as Seviper and Cacnea have already to be a harder challenge than either Arbok and Weezing were in the past. But thanks to the help of Taillow and Treecko, Pikachu was able to take down Team Rocket's Pokémon. However, much to everyone's horror, Meowth had planted some dynamite on the tree during the battle, and set them off before Ash and the others could stop them. The explosion knocked the tree over, much to our heroes' horror. Ash: "You... how could you do that to that poor tree?!, have you got no hearts at all?!" shouted Ash in anger, before his eyes started to glow blue and some blue ball of energy was forming in his palm. May: "Ash...?" Max: "What's going on...?" Brock: "Oh no... it's happening again!" May: "What's happening again?" Max: "Wait, this happened before?" Jessie: "Oh my... he's doing that thing again..." James: "This can't be good..." Meowth: "You got that right..." said the Team Rocket trio, before Ash threw the ball of energy at the them, sending them flying out of the scene. Once the trio were gone, Ash began to clam down and fell to his knees, feeling tired and confused. Ash: "What... just happened?" May: "You don't remember?" Max: "You were glowing and threw some kind of Pokémon attack... how did you do it?" Ash: "I did an attack...?, I don't remember doing that..." Brock: "Perhaps it's best you don't..." May: "Wait... Brock... was this..." Brock: "Yeah... the reason we didn't want to tell Ash what would have happened to Pikachu if we didn't helped him in time..." then our heroes see Taillow and Treecko looking at their now destroyed home, feeling sad and angry, before Ash came up to them. Ash: "I'm really sorry about your old home... I should have seen that the battle was a distraction..." Pikachu: [Hey... there's something in under the dirt.] said Pikachu, pointing at something shiny under the dirt and the dead tree roots. Ash picked it up and sees that it looked like some sort of green orb. Max: "Could that be the treasure that Team Rocket was after?" Ash: "I don't know... maybe..." May: "What is it?" Brock: "Don't know... never seen anything like it..." Ash: "Me neither... but for some reason... I feel like there's some kind of power inside it..." Max: "Really?" Ash: "Yeah..." Taillow: [Huh... I never knew something like that was even under the tree...] Treecko: [Me neither... but if you ask me... the real treasure was the tree itself to me...] Ash: "Yeah... it's like the old saying... there's no place like home..." Taillow: [I don't know what we'll do now...] Ash: "Well I caught ya both, so you can come with me." Treecko: [Yeah... it would be interesting to have a trainer like you.] Ash: "Thanks." so with that, the group went off to continue their trip to Rustboro city, and while on the way, they witness a Pokémon contest, which was really interesting for May, making her decide to be a Pokémon coordinator. They also encountered a bug type called Wurmple, which would eventually evolved into a Beautifly, which May wants to have as her first catch, which she did with the help of Torchic. At last they made it to Rustboro city, where our heroes meet the gym leader, who uses rock types. The gym leader proved that her rock types were tough for Ash's new Pokémon, but thanks to Pikachu's Iron Tail, Ash was able to win and earned himself the Stone badge. Ash: "Well... one down... seven more to go..." Brock: "And three more to go before you can challenge Norman again." Max: "Oh please, even if he does get enough badges, he won't beat my dad." Ash: "We'll see about that." and so Ash has caught a Taillow and a Treecko and got himself his first Hoenn gym badge, who knows what will be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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