The three Striaton city gym leaders

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It was a nice day at the Unova region, when Ash and Iris arrived to Striaton city, the location of the first Unova gym leader. Ash: "So this is Striaton city?" Iris: "Yup, and this is the place where the first Unova gym leader should be." Ash: "Great, I am so ready." Iris: "Don't be surprised that you might lost on your first try." Ash: "What are you talking about?, I challenged gym leaders before, this is just the fist one I went in Unova." Iris: "Whatever, you still have only Pikachu, Pidove and Oshawott, and they're not fully evolved Pokémon." Ash: "Maybe not, but a Pokémon doesn't have to be super strong just from evolution, Pikachu has proven that many times before." that was when a teen with green hair, named Cilan (voiced by Jason Griffith), came to the scene. Cilan: "Greetings, are you new here?" Ash: "Yeah, I'm Ash." Iris: "And I'm Iris." Cilan: "Well I'm Cilan, a Pokémon connoisseur." Ash: "A what?" Cilan: "Oh they're those who specialize in identifying the compatibility between trainers and their Pokémon, though they're currently only known in the Unova region." Ash: "Huh... say do you happen to know where I can find the gym leader here?" Cilan: "Of course, I can take you there right away." Ash: "That's great." soon, the trio were on their way to the gym, when Pikachu noticed something in an alley, which turned out to be a little orange pig like Pokémon that had his snout tied up to a pole, unable to get away and he was starving as her was skin and bones. Pikachu: [Ash!, over here!] Ash: "Huh... oh my gosh!" said Ash, before he went over to the Tepig, who was surprised to see someone coming to him. Iris: "Oh the poor thing..." Cilan: "Who could have done this?" Iris: "Hey Ash, ask Tepig what happened, I mean you can talk to Pokémon after all." Cilan: "He can what?" Ash: "Iris, that's supposed to be a secret." Iris: "Oh right, I forgot about that..." Cilan: "Can you really talk to Pokémon?, that's amazing." Ash: "Yeah, I sort of have it due to having strong Aura." Cilan: "Aura?" Ash: "It's a long story, never mind about that now, Tepig, can you tell me what happened?" asked Ash, before removing the ropes from the fire type's snout. Tepig: [Well... my trainer said he needed to go somewhere and it was too dangerous for me to go with him, I refused to leave him, so he tied me up here so I can't follow him.] Pikachu: [Tepig... I hate to tell you this but... I think he abandoned you...] Tepig: [No way!, Damian wouldn't do that!... would he...?] Ash: "Damian?!, that sorry of an excuse of a trainer is here in Unova?!" Tepig: [Wait, you know him?] Ash: "Yeah... I met him before a few times in the past... and he's the worst trainer I've ever met..." Iris: "Huh?, was this Damian guy really as bad as you say?" Ash: "Worse... he's the one trainer you never want to meet... trust me..." said Ash, which left the others puzzled, while Pikachu had an angry look while thinking of his past encounters with the bad trainer in question. Soon they got to the Pokémon center, where Tepig was having a big meal, which soon got him back to full health. Tepig: [Wow, I couldn't remember the last time I had a really yummy meal!] Ash: "I'll bet, I mean you were skin and bones... just when I thought Damian couldn't go any lower than he did in the past..." said Ash, before Tepig started to cry, due to the thought of Damian abandoning him was too painful for his poor little heart. Of course that was when Ash went to hug Tepig to give him comfort, and Iris and Cilan were touched by the boy's kindness. Iris: "Wow... he might be a kid... but he sure knows how to help a Pokémon feel better." Cilan: "That's for sure... a trainer with a pure heart..." said the pair, as they continued to watch Ash giving Tepig comfort. Ash: "It's okay Tepig... if you like... I can be your trainer..." Tepig: [Huh?, for real?] Ash: "Yeah, I promise that I'll make you as strong as possible, show Damian that you're not weak." Tepig: [... Thank you...] soon, Ash catches Tepig, and then pulls out his Pokédex to learn more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Tepig is the Fire type starter of the Unova region, it shoots fire out of it's snout when in good health, but puffs out smoke from it's snout if it gets sick.] Iris: "Come to think of it... Tepig was puffing out smoke when we found it, but then shoots out fire after we treated it here..." Ash: "Hey Cilan... can you still take me to the gym?" Cilan: "Why of course, it'll be a real honor." said Cilan, before the group went to a restaurant, which was also the Striaton city gym, and it turns out that Cilan, along with his brothers, Chilli and Cress, were the gym leaders, much to Ash's surprise. Cilan asked Ash which one of the gym leaders would he battle, and the boy decided to challenge all three of them, much to their surprise, but smiled as it should be interesting. Ash went to battle Chilli first, and managed to beat him, but lost to Cress, then it was Cilan's turn, and the last battle will break the tie and decide if Ash will get the badge or not. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through, and was able to beat Cilan, meaning that Ash has earned the Trio badge. Ash: "Alright!, I got the Trio badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Cilan: "Say Ash... I was wondering... would you like me to travel with you?" Ash: "Not at all... but what about the gym?" Cilan: "I talked to my brothers and said it was okay, they can take care of it while I'm away, and I wanted to expend my skills as a Pokémon connoisseur, and I can perhaps learn something from you." Ash: "Alright, sure, the more the merrier." and so Ash has caught a Tepig, earned his first Unova gym badge, and gained a new traveling companion out of Cilan, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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