Regigigas at Snowpoint city

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After earning his sixth Sinnoh gym badge and saved Iron island from destruction, Ash heads off to Snowpoint city, which is the location of the seventh Sinnoh gym leader. While on the way, Staravia evolved into Staraptor, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Staraptor is the evolved form of Staravia, and it's a very fierce fighter with talons that not only captures it's prey but to battle powerful opponents.] soon, our heroes arrived to Snowpoint city, where they meet the gym leader, who uses her ice types. When Ash got to battle her, she and her Pokémon proved to be really tough, but Ash was able to pull through and won the Icicle badge. Soon, Ash and his friends were getting ready to leave, but that was when Pikachu saw a familiar ship flying in the sky and glared at it. Pikachu: [This can't be good...] Ash: "What's wrong?" Pikachu: [Hunter J's here...] Ash: "What?!, Hunter J?!, are you sure?" Pikachu: [Look." said Pikachu, pointing at the ship in the sky, and both Ash and his friends noticed it. Dawn: "It's Hunter J's ship alright..." Brock: "What's she doing here?" Ash: "No doubt after some Pokémon... we gotta stop her." Dawn: "Hold on Ash, are you sure that's a good idea?" Ash: "We can't let her steal any more Pokémon." Brock: "Even so, she's much more dangerous than the Team Rocket trio we normally deal with... and she plans to catch you the next time she sees you." Dawn: "Yeah, she knows your secret ability to talk to Pokémon, and plans to sell you." Ash: "I don't care, I won't let her get away this time." Pikachu: [Um... I think we'll have to deal with her anyway... cause here comes some of her men!] said Pikachu, before some vehicles with some of Hunter J's men came to the scene, sending out a lot of Golbat to attack the group. Our heroes tried to fight back, but some of the men sent out spider like Pokémon called Ariados which used String Shot to capture the group. It wasn't long before the men take Ash and the others to what looked like some kind of temple, and Hunter J herself was there. Hunter J: "Well... so we meet again boy, I told you that I will have you the next time we meet." Ash: "You're wasting your time and energy just to capture me!" Hunter J: "You were just the bonus, the real reason I'm here is because there's supposed to be a Regigigas in this temple, along with Regirock, Regice and Registeel, which are all legendary Golem Pokémon that should have a good price." Dawn: "You can't have any of them!" Brock: "Can't you for once see that Pokémon are much more than just something to sell?!" Hunter J: "What I think about seeing what Pokémon are to me is noun of your business, now I have some legendary Pokémon to capture." said Hunter J, before she went into the temple and ordered her Salamence to fire a Hyper Beam to attack the inside of the building. It wasn't long before Regigigas, along with the other three legendary Golems came and attacked, and they proved to be too much for Salamence. By the time Ash and the others finally free themselves, Regigigas, Regirock, Regice and Registeel came out of the temple and began to go on a rampage. Hunter J's men tried to attack, but they were easily defeated by Regigigas. Ash: "Oh man... what is that?" Dawn: "That must be Regigigas... the Pokémon Hunter J came here for..." Brock: "And it looks really angry... probably due to Hunter J attacking it." Pikachu: [We better stop it before it before it attacks Snowpoint city... though that can be a challenge with Hunter J and her followers around.] Ash: "Well either way, we gotta do something quick..." said Ash, before Hunter J showed up again, and was ready to aim her weapon at Regigigas, only for Ash to block the blast and ended up turned to stone instead, much to the shock and horror of the boy's friends. Dawn: "Ash!" Brock: "No!" Hunter J: "Meddling boy... at least that saves me on catching him..." suddenly, the boy's stone form started to glow blue, and soon Ash broke free of his stone state, much to everyone's shock. Ash: "Whoa... what just happened?" Hunter J: "Hmm... that must be how he got freed last time... his Aura must have saved him..." said hunter J, before she hears the sound of the police coming, leaving her with no choice but to make a retreat. One the police came, they were getting ready to battle Regigigas, but Ash told them that it wasn't it's fault as it was Hunter J that attacked first. The legendary Golems, now knew that the danger was over, head back to their temple where they'll continue to rest. Dawn: "Ash, are you okay?" Ash: "Yeah... I think so... but how did I got myself freed from being stone?" Brock: "It must have been your Aura... and maybe that's how you freed yourself last time we ran into Hunter J." Dawn: "Speaking of which... she got away again..." Ash: "Oh man... that woman... causing so much harm to others just to make a quick buck..." Pikachu: [Don't worry buddy, we'll get her next time.] and so Ash has earned his seventh Sinnoh gym badge, and faced Hunter J again, who knows what could be next for our heroes, as the journey continues.

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