The Kumquat island gym challenge

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It's a new day at the seas of the Orange islands when Lapras was carrying Ash and his friends to the next island that has the last gym badge, known as Kumquat island. Ash: "So this is it... the last island where I get my last gym badge before I can challenge the Orange league champion himself..." Tracy: "Yeah, this is it." Misty: "I wonder what kind of challenge this gym leader will have...?" Brock: "Well I have a feeling that we're gonna find out soon enough." as soon as they got to the beach, a woman named Luana (voiced by Kayzie rogers), came to the scene and ran up to Ash and hugged him like a mother finally reunited with her child. Luana: "Oh my dear Travis!, I'm so happy you're back!" Misty: "Uh... miss... who are you?" Luana: "Oh, are you friends with Travis?" Brock: "Who's Travis?, the one you're hugging is Ash." Luana: "Huh?" that was when Ash finally got himself free and the woman takes a better look at him and gasped. Luana: "Oh my, I'm really sorry about that, I could have sworn you were Travis." Ash: "So... is he your son?" Tracy: "And he looks a lot like Ash?" Luana: "Yes, and he even has his own Pikachu too." Misty: "Wow, it's no wonder you confused Ash for him..." Ash: "Huh... never thought there would be people that have my looks... so who might you be?" Luana: "I'm Luana, the Kumquat gym leader of course." Ash: "You're the gym leader?!" Luana: "That's right, and I also run a hotel too." suddenly, a large Rhydon robot burst out of the water, and the Team Rocket trio were the ones controlling it. Jessie: "There they are, twerps dead ahead." James: "And Pikachu too." Meowth: "Which we will get this time with our giant Rhydon robot." said Meowth with an evil laugh, ready to attack. Ash: "It's Team Rocket!" Tracy: "Those guys again?" Misty: "Sadly yes." Brock: "And it looks like they brought some big guns this time..." Luana: "Maybe so, but I doubt it'll be a match for my Alakazam, speaking of which... go Alakazam!" called out Luana, before she sends out her Alakazam to battle, which used a powerful psychic attack to send the robot flying with the Team Rocket trio into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, before they blasted off out of the scene. After dealing with Team Rocket, Luana brought the group to a gym building, where the challenge will take place. Luana: "Here are the rules, we will do a double team battle, mean we'll both use two Pokémon at the same time, and if both Pokémon are unable to battle, the match will end with the one trainer with both of their Pokémon be the winner." Ash: "Got it... this should be interesting... go Pikachu and Charizard!, I choose you!" called out Ash, before both Pikachu and Charizard went to the field. Charizard: [Hey, what is Pikachu doing here?] Pikachu: [We're doing a double battle, meaning we both get to battle at the same time.] Charizard: [Why?, it's not like I can't handle whatever this challenge will be.] Pikachu: [That's the rules here, so if we want Ash to win, we have to work as a team.] Charizard: [Fine, but try not to get in my way.] Pikachu: [Funny, I was gonna say the same thing...] Ash: "Alright you two, ya ready?" Pikachu and Charizard: [Yes.] said Ash's Pokémon, before Luana sends out her own Pokémon, which are Alakazam and a Marowak. The battle was tough, especially when Pikachu and Charizard were having a hard time working together. Ash: "Guys!, I know you're used to battle by yourselves, but if we're gonna win this, I need you two to work together." after hearing that Ash needs them both, they finally cooperate and worked together and took down both Alakazam and Marowak, allowing Ash to win the match. Tracy: "Alright!, Pikachu and Charizard did it!" Misty: "Thank goodness..." Brock: "Nice to see those two working together." said Brock, before Ash ran up to Charizard and Pikachu, petting both of them on the head. Ash: "You guys were awesome!" Charizard: [Yeah... we were something alright, who would have thought that our power would be much stronger together?] Pikachu: [Yeah, we did well together, not that I want it to be a regular event, but maybe when we have to do another double battle in the future.] Charizard: [That's for sure.] that was when Luana walked up to Ash and gave him her badge, which was the Jade Star badge. Luana: "Nice work my boy, your Pokémon's teamwork had a rough start, but they managed to pull it off, so as proof of besting me, here is the Jade Star badge." Ash: "Thanks Luana... alright!, I got the Jade Star badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Charizard: [That's hot!] Luana: "Just remember Ash, you might have beaten me and the others, but Drake will be the hardest to beat, and if you ever run into Travis, tell him I said hi." Ash: "Sure thing." and so Ash has beaten Luana and earned his last gym badge before he can challenge the Orange League champion, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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