A Primeape champion

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After earning his forth gym badge, Ash makes a call with Professor Oak, giving him an update on his journey so far. Professor Oak: "Really, you only have four badges?" Ash: "What do you mean?" Professor Oak: "Well I got word from Gary that he already has five badges and is getting close to earning his sixth, and not to mention he caught 30 more Pokémon as well." Ash: "What?!" Professor Oak: "Which means you still have a lot of catching up to do, good luck." said Professor Oak as the call ended. Ash: "Aw man... Gary's always a lot of steps ahead of me..." Pikachu: [Don't let that keep you down, so what if he has more Pokémon than you, I doubt they're all stronger than the ones on our team.] Ash: "Yeah... you might be right... and maybe it's time I catch a new Pokémon." Pikachu: [Okay... but what kind?" Ash: "Hmm... I'm not sure..." that was when something came out of the bushes and attacked the young trainer, much to Pikachu's surprise. Once Ash got back on his feet, he noticed that his hat was gone. As he looked around, searching for his hat, he saw the culprit who attacked him and stole his hat. Turns out that it was a Mankey that attacked him so he can have the hat for himself. Ash: "Hey!, that's my hat!" Mankey: [Not anymore loser, it's mine now!] said the Mankey while laughing and running away. Ash begins to chase down the Mankey, with Pikachu following behind him. As he chases the Mankey, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out what he's dealing with. Pokédex: [Mankey is a pig monkey Pokémon of the fighting types, trainers beware, when angered, this Pokémon will not stop attacking until it's opponent is unable to battle.] Ash: "Wow, sounds like a tough Pokémon... hmm... I think I just found my next catch..." Pikachu: [You're not thinking about catching that Mankey, are ya?] Ash: "Why not?, I need to catch a new Pokémon, besides it might be the only way to get my hat back." said Ash, as he and Pikachu continued chasing Mankey. It wasn't long before Misty and Brock, who were waiting for Ash to come back from his call with Professor Oak, see Mankey coming towards them with Ash and Pikachu behind him. Misty: "What in the world?" Brock: "I think Ash is trying to catch that Mankey..." Misty: "And it's heading this way..." said Misty, as she and Brock jumped out of Mankey's way, before he tripped on a rock and rolled around like a ball until it crashes into a tree. Ash: "Oh my gosh!, Mankey!" cried out Ash, before he ran up to Mankey, checking to see if he was okay. The fighting type was confused, why was this boy more concerned about his well being than getting his hat back. Ash: "We better get Mankey to a Pokémon center to see if Mankey's okay, Pikachu you get my hat, okay?" Pikachu: [Sure.] so with that, our heroes went to the Saffron city Pokémon center, to see if Mankey wasn't too hurt, when Nurse Joy came up to them. Nurse Joy: "Mankey's just fine, they're tough fighting types after all, so a little ramming into a tree shouldn't hurt them that much." Ash: "Oh... thank goodness..." Nurse Joy: "But it was very kind of you to help Mankey, especially since you're not even it's trainer." Ash: "Well I was planning on catching him... huh... what's this?" said Ash, as he noticed a poster that said 'Pokémon Grand Prix'. Nurse Joy: "That's the Pokémon Grand Prix, which is a special tournament where trainers use fighting types to battle one another, if you have a fighting type, then you can enter." said Nurse Joy, while Ash was having deep thoughts. Not long after Mankey got up, Ash went over to him. Ash: "Hey Mankey, have you ever heard of the Pokémon Grand Prix?" Mankey: [Of course I have, I always wanted to enter... but due to being a wild Pokémon, I can't enter.] Ash: "How about if you let me catch you, then I'll help you win the tournament, deal?" Mankey: [Hmm... alright, deal... wait... you can understand me?!] Ash: "Yeah, it's a little gift I have..." Mankey: [Whoa...] said Mankey, before Ash uses a Pokéball to catch Mankey, and then the Pokéball glowed and vanished. Ash: "Aw man... I forgot that I already have 6 Pokémon with me..." Misty: "You could just ask Professor Oak to switch one of your Pokémon for Mankey." Ash: "I can do that?" Brock: "Of course." Ash: "Well that's good news... but which one should I switch?" Misty: "How about Butterfree?" Ash: "Um... you really think I should?" Brock: "That's for you to decide." said Brock, while Ash does some thinking. After having a chat with Butterfree, which he does privately so no one would know the boy's secret, the bug type agreed and Ash made another call with Professor Oak, who seems to have gotten beaten up. Ash: "What happened?" Professor Oak: "That Mankey you caught recently sure has a lot of fighting spirit... anyway, you need something?" Ash: "Yeah, I like to switch Butterfree for Mankey please." Professor Oak: "Alright then, that might be a good idea, it'll allow the fighting type to burn off some of that extra energy it has... now pressed the button that has the word 'switch teams options' on your Pokédex, and select which of your Pokémon you like to switch with." said Professor Oak, before Ash did that, and soon Butterfree's Pokéball was switched with the one that has Mankey in it. Ash: "I got it." Professor Oak: "Good, now if you ever want to switch some of your Pokémon again, just call me." Ash: "Sure thing." soon after that, Ash entered the Pokémon Grand Prix tournament, and Mankey was showing how tough he was. Soon, they made it to the final round, and the Pokémon that Ash and Mankey had to face was called a Hitmonlee, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Hitmonlee is known as the kicking fiend, for it has powerful kicks that can do serious damage on the opponents, but if the attack misses, then the Pokémon itself will take damage.] Ash: "Alright Mankey, you ready?" Mankey: [I was born ready.] so with that, the battle between Mankey and Hitmonlee begins. During the battle, Hitmonlee kicks Mankey almost out of the ring, but Ash used his own body to soften the crash, which made both Pikachu and Mankey watched their trainer with concern. Pikachu: [Ash!, are you okay?!] Ash: "Yeah... ah... my back..." Mankey: [I didn't hit ya too hard, did I?] Pikachu: [No, he hurt his back some time ago... and it looks like he hurt it again...] Mankey: "But then... why did he...] Ash: "Because I care about your well being, you're my Pokémon... and my friend." hearing this made Mankey feel like he wanted to cry, before he turned around and gave Hitmonlee and angry glare. Suddenly, Mankey glowed and evolved into Primeape, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Primeape is the evolved form of Mankey, it's a powerful fighting type that the opponent must not look right in the eye, or it'll chase them forever.] Pikachu: [Whoa... Mankey evolved...] Primeape: "Time to make this guy pay for hurting my trainer!] said Primeape in anger, before Ash got back up on his feet and ready to call out some attacks for Primeape to use. At last, the battle was over, Hitmonlee was defeated, leaving Ash and Primeape to be the winners. As a reward for winning the tournament, Primeape earns himself a champion belt, much to the fighting type's delight. Ash: "You did it Primeape!, I'm so proud of you!" Primeape: [Yeah... and it was all thanks to you, I hope there be more battles for you us together in the future.] Ash: "Yeah, me too." and so Ash has caught a fighting type and has won the Pokémon Grand Prix, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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