A ghostly ghost type encounter

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It was a dark and stormy night at Professor Cerise's lab, when everyone inside were sleeping, except for Mew of course, as she was feeling scared by the lightning. Mew went to find her trainer, in hopes to get comfort, when she saw something moving in the shadows. Mew: [Hello?, is that you... Ash?... Pikachu?] asked Mew, before seeing a pair of big glowing red eyes that made her scream in fear. Inside a bedroom, Ash and Pikachu both woke up in shock, as they heard Mew's scream. Goh woke up as well, puzzled about what he just heard. Goh: "Wow... the lightning sounds loud tonight..." Ash: "That wasn't lightning, that was Mew, she might be in trouble!" said Ash, before he came out of the room and saw Mew flying through the hallway in fear and crying. When Mew saw Ash, she flew into Ash's arms, and the boy was doing his best calm her down. Pikachu: [Mew, what happened?, you looked like you seen a ghost.] Mew: [I did... it had glowing red eyes and had a scary smile... it was so scary...] Ash: "Where did you see it?" Mew: [Over there... down the hallway...] said Mew in fear, before Ash and Pikachu walked down the hallway to check it out. So far there was nothing there, but then they noticed a shadow that had a pair of red eyes and a toothy grin. Pikachu: [Is that a...] Ash: "Only one way to find out..." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to find out if it's a Pokémon or not. Pokédex: [Gengar is the final evolved form of Gastly, it can pass through walls like a ghost and hides in the shadows, and because it absorbs any warmth around it, the temperature drops wherever it appears.] the boy then noticed something different about this Gengar, for it has a substantially lighter color compared to a normal Gengar, though it wasn't a shiny either. Ash: "Looks like we found the found Mew's ghost..." Pikachu: [Yeah, but what's a Gengar doing here?] Gengar: [What?, I'm not allowed to go wherever I want?] Ash: "Nothing like that, it's just that all the Pokémon here are either sleeping with their trainers or in their Pokéballs at this hour." Gengar: [Well I like the night life and... wait... did you... understood me?] Ash: "Yeah, I can talk to Pokémon." that was when Goh came up and saw Gengar: "Whoa, a Gengar, what's it doing here?" Ash: "That's what I'm trying to figure out." Pikachu: [Go ahead Gengar, tell us.] Gengar: [Well... I needed to find shelter, due to the rain and all that... and after my trainer abandoned me...] Ash: "You were abandoned by your trainer?" Gengar: [Yeah... though to be honest, it might have been a good thing, Damian was a really bad trainer...] Ash: "Damian?!, that guy again?!" Gengar: [Wait... you know him?] Ash: "Yeah... Pikachu and I ran into him a few times in the past... guess it was only a matter of time before we hear of him again..." Goh: "So this Damian guy... is he really that bad?" Ash: "He's the worst trainer I've ever met..." said Ash, before telling Goh the story of his past encounters with Damian, and the more Goh heard of what Damian did, the more he got mad of him. Goh: "Oh man... I can't believe there's a trainer who would do that to his own Pokémon... and other trainers too..." Ash: "I know... I hope that one day he would get the punishment he deserves, but so far he always gets away... almost as much as Team Rocket..." Gengar: [So you're the trainer he wanted to take down so badly...] Ash: "You mean Damian?" Gengar: [Yes, he's in this city right now, but I don't know where exactly, though I doubt he would be going anywhere now in this weather and hour...] Ash: "Yeah... well we need to get some sleep, mind if you join us?" Gengar: [Not at all... but be warned, I can cause the room to be cold due to my kind's power to absorb heat.] Ash: "Don't worry, our room was a little hot anyway, and you can't sleep by yourself in this weather." Mew: [Yeah... I would feel much safer knowing I'm not alone.] Pikachu: [So you don't mind Gengar now?] Mew: [I was at first... but after hearing what he went through, and the fact he wasn't trying to hurt anyone, I see that he's a good Pokémon, and if Ash trusts him, that's good enough for me.] so with that, the group went back to their room, with Gengar joining them and soon went back to sleep, even when the storm was still going. The morning finally came, Professor Cerise was surprised to learn about Gengar and the his connection with the bad trainer known as Damian. Professor Cerise: "Hmm... this Damian fellow sounds like bad news..." Ash: "He is, and I had enough of him mistreating both people and Pokémon, so I'm gonna find him and stop him once and for all." Professor Cerise: "How so?" Ash: "Um... I haven't thought that out yet... but I'm sure to figure something out." Goh: "Even so, you don't even know where he is." Ash: "Well I know he's here in the city, that's good enough for me." Pikachu: [Where to start?" Ash: "My guess would be the Pokémon center, come on." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went off to find Damian, unaware that Goh and Gengar were following behind them. Soon, the pair arrived to the Pokémon center, where they saw Damian himself, who glared at them. Damian: "Well... it seems we meet again." Ash: "Damian... you got some nerve to abandon another one of your Pokémon." Damian: "What makes you think I abandoned one?" Ash: "Don't play dumb with me!, I know you had a Gengar before you abandoned him!, what I wanna know is why?!" Damian: "I don't know how you knew about that, but it's true that I did had a Gengar, but it was not the right color, and it always makes me cold whenever it's near me." Ash: "So you left him in the rain?!" Damian: "Why does it matter to you?, it ain't your Pokémon." Ash: "Maybe not, but all Pokémon are living things with feelings!, they're just tools for battle!" Damian: "You call Gengar a living thing?, it's a ghost, it's not even alive." Ash: "Ghost type or not, they're still alive in a way!, even they don't deserved to be treated so poorly!" Damian: "And what are you gonna do about it?, battle me?" Ash: "If that's what it'll take to stop you from hurting any more Pokémon... yeah." Damian: "Be warned, I'm not going down so easily." Ash: "The same goes for me." said Ash, before Gengar came to the scene, glaring at Damian. Pikachu: [Gengar?, what are you doing here?] Gengar: [I have a score to settle with Damian too, for I was the one he abandoned, so Ash, you mind if I battle for you?] Ash: "Sure, let's do this!" Damian: "So... you caught the freaky Gengar eh?" Ash: "Well... not exactly, but he wants to battle for me, so that's close enough." Damian: "Whatever, it's not like it'll be a match against my new ghost type." said Damian, before he sends out a Pokémon called Dusclops, which was a ghost type as well, ready to battle. Ash: "A ghost type vs ghost type battle, this should be interesting... alright Gengar, ready?" Gengar: [Sure am.] Ash: "Then let's do this!" said Ash, before he and Gengar went to battle against Damian and his Dusclops. Due to both being ghost types, both of their ghost type attacks were effective against each other. Unaware to the trainers, the Team Rocket trio are watching the battle. Jessie: "Look at that, the twerp is having a battle." James: "Yes, and it looks like he has a Gengar now." Meowth: "Yeah, ghost types are tough Pokémon, the kind that the boss would love to have more of." Jessie: "Yes, so should we strike now?" Meowth: "Not yet, wait till the battle's over, that way, Gengar would be too weak to fight back against us." James: "Good thinking." back with the trainers, they continued to battle, and that was when Gengar used a Shadow Ball attack to knocked down Dusclops, who was no longer able to battle, meaning that Ash was the winner. Ash: "Alright!, we did it!" Damian: "No fair!, I should have been the winner!" Ash: "Don't be a sore loser, you might have won if you took much better care of your Pokémon." that was when a police motorcycle came to the scene, and Officer Jenny was the one riding it. Officer Jenny: "Which one of you is Damian Cross." Damian: "That's me, what do you want?" Officer Jenny: "I got word from a trainer that his Dusclops was stolen by a trainer named Damian Cross, which is you." Ash: "That Dusclops wasn't even yours?!, you stole it?!" Damian: "So what if I did?, that trainer was too much of a weakling to have it." Officer Jenny: "He would take much better care of it than you have, so Damian Cross, I'm placing you under arrest." Damian: "You have to catch me first!" said Damian, before he sends out a Fearow, which he uses to ride on and flew away from the scene. But Gengar managed to get the Pokéball that held Dusclops inside, and it landed into Officer Jenny's hands. Ash: "Oh man... Damian got away..." Officer Jenny: "Yeah... but at least Dusclops is out of his hands... thanks to your Gengar." Ash: "Well he's not really mine, he just wanted to help me battle against his former trainer, but if he wants to be my Pokémon for real, I'll let him join." Officer Jenny: "I see... well I better make a report about this Damian character, making sure that the next time he visits a Pokémon center, we'll nab him." Ash: "Good to know, that guy has given me the most trouble in my journey as a trainer." Jessie: "What do you mean by that?!, we're the ones who has given you the most trouble!" James: "That's right!, and make it double!" Meowth: "You boneheads!, you gave us away!" shouted the team Rocket trio, which got the attention of Ash and Officer Jenny. Ash: "Oh... right... the only ones who gave me more trouble than Damian... Team Rocket." Officer Jenny: "Don't worry, I'll take care of them." Jessie: "What does she mean by that?" James: "I think she means arresting us..." Jessie: "Oh..." Meowth: "Run for it!" shouted Meowth, before he, Jessie and James make a run for it, trying escape from the policewoman, who was riding on her motorcycle again to go after them. Ash: "Well... looks like Team Rocket won't bother us for now..." Pikachu: [Yeah, but I'm not complaining...] Gengar: [Are they really that much of a pain?] Ash: "Unfortunately... yes..." that was when Goh came to the scene, trying to catch his breath. Goh: "Hey... what did I missed?" Ash: "Well I battled Damian with Gengar, and he managed to get away from getting arrested by Officer Jenny for stealing a Pokémon, and Team Rocket showed up, but Officer Jenny's after them." Goh: "Wow... sounds like I missed out a lot..." Gengar: [Hey Ash... did you really mean it?, about letting me join your team if I want to?" Ash: "Of course, you're a really cool Pokémon, and you deserve a trainer that takes special care of you." Gengar: [Than in that case... may I join you for real?] Ash: "Sure, welcome to the team." said Ash, before he uses a Pokéball to catch Gengar, making the ghost type the boy's newest catch. Goh: "Oh man... I was hoping to catch Gengar myself... but at least I know the ghost type is in good hands." Ash: "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll catch a really cool ghost type of your own too." and so Ash has faced Damian again and caught a Gengar as well, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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