The lost Lapras

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Last time, Ash and his friends went to the Orange islands to collect a special Pokéball, called the GS ball, from Professor Ivy, and trouble brewed for our heroes as they ended up in Team Rocket's blimp which ended up crashing into another island. Luckily for our heroes, they managed to get out alive and unharmed, and it turns out they ended up on a populated island as well. Suddenly, Pikachu and Ash head a cry for help, which came from the beach nearby. Once our heroes got to the beach, they were shocked to see what they were seeing. It was a little Lapras being beaten up by a bunch of Krabby, following orders from Damian, the trainer that abandoned Ash's Charizard when he was still a Charmander. Damian: "Stop squirming runt!, you're gonna be my ride to win the Orange league!" Lapras: [Help!] Ash: "Hey!, leave her alone!" shouted Ash, who along with his friends, came to the beach. Damian: "Hey I remember you!" Ash: "Damian!, what are you doing here?!" Damian: "Isn't it obvious?, I'm trying to catch this Lapras so I can have a free ride to travel the islands in order to beat the Orange crew." Misty: "Well I don't know what this Orange crew is, but I know what you're doing to catch Lapras is wrong!" Damian: "Oh please, you can't tell me what to do, Krabby, you all teach these losers a lesson!" ordered Damian, before his group of Krabby charges towards our heroes. Ash was about to send Pikachu to attack, when someone shouted 'hold it!', causing everyone to stop and turned to see a teen around Brock's age. His name was Tracy (voiced by Ted Lewis), and he was a Pokémon watcher. The teen went to examine the Krabby and Pikachu, and did some sketches of them. Tracy: "Just as I thought, these Krabby have been poorly cared for... but the Pikachu is in perfect shape." Ash: "Uh... thanks I guess..." Damian: "Hey!, get out of the way!, we're in the middle of a battle here!, get lost or I'll have to force ya!, in fact... Krabby, you all take him down with that rat!" shouted Damian, before the Krabby jumped to attack, only for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt to give both the Krabby group and Damian the shock of their lives, sending them all flying out of the scene. Once the Krabby and Damian were gone, Ash went over to Lapras, who was scared by the sight of him. Lapras: [Please... don't come any closer... I didn't do anything wrong... don't hurt me...] said Lapras with a cry, before Ash went to pet her, trying to give her comfort. Ash: "It's okay, Damian and his Krabby are all gone now, they won't bother you anymore... and don't worry, I won't hurt you." Lapras: [Y-you're not?" Ash: "Of course not, I promise." Lapras: [Wait... you can... understand me?] Ash: "Yeah... it's a gift I have for a while... trust me... I will not hurt you." said Ash, as he continued to pet Lapras, unaware that Tracy was listening to what the boy said, and he was surprised. Tracy: "That kid... he can understand what Lapras is saying...?" said Tracy in a quiet tone, before Ash turned to the others. Ash: "Is there a Pokémon center nearby?" Tracy: "Yes, I believe so, I'll go get Nurse Joy right away." some time later, Nurse Joy and our heroes brought Lapras to a swimming pool outside of the Pokémon center, where the water/ice type can recover. Ash went to pull out his Pokédex to learn more about the water/ice type. Pokédex: [Lapras is the Transport Pokémon of the water/ice type, it prefers giving people rides on it's back over battles.] after he puts his Pokédex back into his pocket, the Nurse Joy of the island, came over to him. Ash: "Nurse Joy... is Lapras gonna be okay?" Nurse Joy: "She'll make a full recovery... but I fear the mantle injuries are I'm more concerned about... I mean she's only a baby by the looks of it, and when some of the workers here try to help her, she tries to away to the center of the pool, trying to avoid everyone." Misty: "No surprise after the way that creep Damian treated her..." Tracy: "Excuse me Ash, but uh... do you have the ability to speak to Pokémon?" Ash: "What?!, uh... what makes you..." Tracy: "Well I overheard you talking to Lapras earlier, and it sounded like you understood her." Ash: "Um... well... the thing is... that's supposed to be a secret... the only people who knows it besides myself is my mom, misty, Brock, Gary, and Professor Oak." Tracy: "Wait... the Professor Oak?!" Ash: "You know him?" Tracy: "Well of course, he's my idol, he was once one of the greatest Pokémon watchers back in his youth, and I happened to be one myself, but how do you know him?" Misty: "Ash is from Pallet town like the professor, and he got his license and Pikachu from him as well." Tracy: "That makes sense." Brock: "Hey... speaking of Professor Oak, we better give him a call." Ash: "Good idea." so with that, Ash makes a call with Professor Oak, who was happy to hear that the group got the GS Ball. Professor Oak: "Good to know you got it." Ash: "Yeah, by the way, I heard something about an Orange crew here, who are they?" Professor Oak: "They're the special gym leaders of the Orange islands, like the ones in Kanto, but their challenges are a little different, and tougher, if you beat all four of them, you'll not only get their badges, but get a chance to battle the Orange league champion, Drake." Ash: "Wow... sounds like a challenge I'd like to try out." Professor Oak: "I'm guessing you want to do it." Ash: "Yeah." Professor Oak: "Tell you what, as soon as you're finished with the Orange league, come back with the GS ball." Ash: "Sure thing, thanks." said Ash, before the call ended, and Tracy was amazed. Tracy: "I can't believe that I got to meet people who knows Professor Oak personally, say uh... would you mind if I tag along for a while?, I mean I can help ya as a guide." Ash: "Sure thing, but please keep my ability to talk to Pokémon a secret, okay?" Tracy: "Cross my heart, you have my word, besides I doubt a lot of people would believe me anyway." Misty: "He makes a good point." suddenly, Lapras let out a loud cry for help, as the Team Rocket trio were forcing her to get inside a truck. Jessie: "Quit crying, you're the boss's Lapras now." James: "Indeed, this will be perfect for the boss." Meowth: "That's right." said the trio, before Ash and the others went outside. Ash: "Lapras!" shouted Ash, as he jumps onto the truck, as it drives away from the Pokémon center. Misty: "Ash!" Tracy: "Is he crazy?!" Brock: "No, he's just being Ash." said Brock, before he, Misty and Tracy follow the truck. As for Ash, he and Pikachu went on top and swung into the drivers seat to try stopping the trio from going any further. Pikachu: [Uh oh...] Meowth: "What are you... uh oh..." Jessie: "What's... oh..." James: "Cliff!" shouted James, as the truck falls over a cliff, heading towards the sea. Ash knew that the impact could hurt Lapras, so he throws out a Pokéball that catches the water/ice type, meaning he had caught her just in the nick of time as he hits the water. After some time swimming, Ash made it back to the beach, where he meets the others and lets out Lapras at last. Ash: "Hey Lapras... are you okay?" Lapras: [I... think so... you saved me...] Ash: "Of course I did, because unlike that jerk Damian, I care about a Pokémon's well being." Lapras: [So I see... thank you...] Pikachu: [So uh... you don't mind being Ash's now?" Lapras: [Well... I didn't want to be caught... but this human risked his life to save me... and has been so kind to me... and... it's not like I can go back to my pod...] Ash: "What do you mean?" Lapras: [My pod... are all gone... thanks to bad humans that called themselves pirates... lead by a mean man named Captain Crook... who captured every member of my pod... except me... thanks to my mother... now I'm all alone...] said Lapras as she began to cry, and Ash couldn't help but cry a little too, couldn't bare the thought of the terrible fate of Lapras' pod. Ash: "I'm so sorry Lapras... I promise that I'll take good care of you from now on..." Lapras: [Really?] Ash: "Yes... I'll help you get stronger, maybe strong enough to make those pirates pay." Lapras: [... Thank you...] said Lapras, as she begins to nuzzle Ash to show affection and gratitude, while the boy's friends couldn't helped but feeling touched by the moment. Tracy: "That kid is something else." Brock: "You can say that again..." and so Ash has not only saved a baby Lapras but also caught her as well, and who knows what awaits for Ash on the Orange islands as the journey continues.

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