The Kalos Pokémon league

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After earning his eighth Kalos gym badge and defeating Team Flare, Ash and his friends arrived to the Kalos Pokémon league, and there they meet President Goodshow, who was looking annoyed right now. Goodshow: "Hey Ash... we uh... got a situation here..." Ash: "Please don't tell me..." Goodshow: "Yeah... they did it again..." Serena: "Who did what again?" Ash: "Team Rocket stole the torch that is used to start the league..." Clemont: "What?!, but without the torch, the league can't start!" Bonnie: "And this has happened before?" Ash: "Yeah... this is like sixth time they pulled it off." Serena: "Seriously?" Ash: "Yeah, but I was able to get it back, though I'm not sure where they went this time..." Goodshow: "Yes, they could be anywhere by now..." Pikachu then sniffed the air, in hopes to catch Team Rocket's scent, and luckily for him, he caught it, and soon he lead the others to the Team Rocket trio, who were currently sleeping behind a tree. Ash: "You stay here... I'll get the torch." Serena: "Be careful..." said Serena, before Ash tiptoed his way to the torch, and managed to get it. Bonnie: "Alright!, you did it!" shouted Bonnie, which unfortunately woke up the trio. Jessie: "Huh?!, what was that?!" James: "The twerp!" Clemont: "Bonnie!, you woke them up!" Bonnie: "Oops... sorry... my bad..." Meowth: "Alright twerp, we got you surrounded." Ash: "Are you sure?" asked Ash, before Pikachu came in front of his trainer, and the Kalos team came out of their Pokéballs and glared at the trio, who simply gulped in fear. Jessie: "Uh oh..." James: "Maybe we should have brought a powerful team of our own..." Meowth: "You think?!" Ash: "Okay guys... you know what to do." Pikachu: [With pleasure.] said Pikachu, before he and the rest of the team went to use their strongest attacks to send the Team Rocket trio flying right out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash gave Goodshow the torch, which was safe and not burnt out. Goodshow: "Good work Ash, you really have a knack when it comes to protecting the torch from those jerks." Ash: "Yeah, I guess so, but never mind that, let's start the league." Goodshow: "Not yet though, we need a torch runner, and it seems the current one caught sick today... so I was wondering, would you like to do the honors again?" Ash: "Sure, it would like old times." Serena: "You run the torch before?" Ash: "Yeah, counting this, I would say 6 times." Clemont: "6 times in a row?!, that's gotta be a new record!" Bonnie: "Wow..." Ash: "Oh it's not that big of a deal, but it sure is fun to do, now let's start the league." said Ash, before he begins to run the torch to the stadium, which officially begins the Kalos Pokémon league. Of course trouble brewed as Damian, the bad trainer that gave Ash trouble in the past was there, and he attempted to keep Ash from competing, but the boy was able to beat him in a battle and was still able to compete. Ash went through the first four different battlefields with ease, and then went through the Top 16, then the Top 8, even the Top 4, and now it was the Runner up, which was the final battle of the league, meaning who wins the battle will be the winner of the whole league. Ash's opponent was a trainer named Alain, and has a Charizard that can mega evolve. The battle was no doubt Ash's toughest yet, and when it was over, Greninja was defeated, leaving Alain be the victor. After the league was over, Serena came over to Ash, who was looking a little sad after losing again. Serena: "Hey Ash?, are you okay?" Ash: "Yeah... I'm fine... it's not the first time I lost a league... but I was so close this time..." Serena: "Yeah, but look at it this way, if you got this close to winning a league, then you might win the next one." Ash: "Yeah... you might be right about that, thanks for cheering me up." Serena: "My pleasure, say uh... I was wondering... could I perhaps uh..." Ash: "Yeah?" Serena: "Um... what I'm trying to say is... will you..." that was when Pikachu came to the scene. Pikachu: [Hey Ash, what time is it?] Ash: "Uh... it's after lunch time, why?" Pikachu: [Um... weren't we supposed to go by the airport already?] Ash: "The airport... oh nuts!, my flight home!" Serena: "Oh no!, we forgot about that!" Ash: "We better get there quick!" so with that, the group went to the airport as soon as possible, and luckily for Ash, the plane that flies to Kanto was still around. Bonnie: "So you're really leaving?" Ash: "Yeah, I have to see how my mom's doing, and I need a break until I'm ready for next journey." Clemont: "Well... it was great traveling with you." Ash: "Yeah, you guys were a lot of fun too, I hope we meet again." Clemont: "Yeah." Serena: "Uh... Ash... before you go... there's something I want to tell you..." Ash: "What is it?" Serena: "Well... it's more of an action that a word..." said Serena, before she wraps her arms around Ash's neck and planted a kiss right on his lips with her own, much to everyone's surprise. Ash: "Uh... what was..." Serena: "The thing is... I had this crush on you for a long time now... and if we ever meet again... would you like to go out with me?" Ash: "Uh... well uh..." Pikachu: [Come on Ash, this is a chance of a lifetime.] Ash: "Well... sure, I like that." Serena: "Good... until we meet again." Ash: "Yeah." said Ash, before he and Pikachu went to their plane, which soon took off into the air and flew away back to Kanto. Pikachu: [Well Ash... looks like you got yourself a girlfriend after all, you owe me some berries.] Ash: "Yeah... I know... hey uh... how do you think mom will react if she finds out that a girl kissed me?" Pikachu: [I'm sure she'll be very surprised, but happy at the same time...] Ash: "Yeah... what do you think we're gonna go next?" Pikachu: [Beats me... but I'm sure it'll be fun.] Ash: "I wouldn't be the least bit surprised." and so Ash has competed in the Kalos league, and although he lost, he's not giving up, and Serena has made herself the boy's girlfriend as well, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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