Ghosts of Lavender town

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After what happened at the SS ANNE, Ash and his friends arrived to Saffron city, where the forth gym leader is located, who uses psychic types. The only problem is that the gym leader was nowhere to be seen, who has been absent for a while. The Nurse Joy of Saffron city told our heroes that she was last seen at Lavender town, home to some wild ghost type Pokémon. Our heroes went to Lavender town in hopes to find the gym leader. Ash: "I don't get why the gym leader would be at a place full of ghost types when she uses Psychic types..." Brock: "I heard that the gym leader befriended the ghosts types there when she was little, and visit them whenever she ever needs to be cheered up." Misty: "Really?, how?" Brock: "Well ghost types are like known to be pranksters, so they do some silly things to cheer the gym leader up... but who knows." Pikachu: [I hope we don't run into actual ghosts...] Ash: "Don't worry little buddy, I'm sure there are only ghost Pokémon there." Misty: "Uh... you make it sound like you knew exactly what Pikachu said..." Ash: "Huh?, oh uh... yeah... well it's only a guess... I mean ghost types would make you think of real ghosts, right?" Brock: "Yeah... but I'm sure we'll be find." said Brock, before he and the others arrived to Lavender town, which was like a spooky town with fog. Not far off was a tower that's the home of the ghost type Pokémon of Lavender town. Once they got inside to check it out, there was no sign of life anywhere. Suddenly, the dishes, silverware and even the table started to float up into the air and charges towards our heroes, who make a run for it. Just then, the sound of someone laughing was heard, and that was when a trio of 3 different ghost type Pokémon appeared, one was a Gastly, the second was a Haunter, and the last one was a Gengar. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to know more about the ghost types, only to learn that there was not much information about them in the device. Gastly: [Sorry kids... but as much as we love our jokes... we have to make you leave for her sake...] Ash: "What do you mean?, for who's sake?" Haunter: [Huh?, you can understand us?] Ash: "Yeah... don't ask why, I don't really know how I do it either... so what's going on?" Gengar: [Well... our friend, Sabrina is being held hostage by those bad people that have taken over this tower, and they'll harm her if we don't obey.] Ash: "I see... and the bad people?" Gengar: [They're called Team Rocket.] Pikachu: [Team Rocket?!, not them again!] Ash: "Hold on... since when we're they the type who kidnap people... and how were they able to pull it off if she's a gym leader?" Gastly: [They forced her to be their hostage in exchange for freeing us... but now we have to do what they say... as for our fellow ghost types... they're forced to help those people train some super powerful psychic type Pokémon somewhere in the tower...] Ash: "What kind?" Haunter: [No idea... it's unlike we've ever seen... and it seems to be pure evil..." Ash: "Evil?... but that can't be..." meanwhile, Misty and Brock were lost in the tower, looking for Ash and Pikachu. Misty: "Where did they go?" Brock: "Who knows... but we better find them fast... there's no telling what other surprises awaits us in this tower..." said Brock, before a pair of shadows loomed over him and Misty, causing them to turn around and screamed in terror, which caught the attention of both Pikachu and his trainer. Ash: "That's Misty and Brock!" Pikachu: [Sounds like they're in trouble!] cried out the pair, before they make a run for it towards the source of the scream, only to be stopped by Gengar and the other ghost types. Haunter: [Hold on!, your friends have most likely been captured by the bad people.] Gengar: [You have to get out of here or they'll get you too!] Ash: "And forget about my friends?!, no way!" said Ash, before he makes a run for it, with Pikachu following behind him, while the ghost types were amazed by this boy's bravery. Soon enough, Ash and Pikachu got to a room that had not only Misty and Brock tied up, but Sabrina herself, inside some sort of special psychic proof cage. Suddenly, the door behind the boy was closed, and soon a woman with yellow hair named Cassidy (voiced by Megan Hollingshead), and a man with green hair named Butch (voiced by Eric Stuart), came to the scene. Cassidy: "Prepare for trouble little twerp." Butch: "And make it double as we introduce ourselves." Cassidy: "To infect the world with devastation." Butch: "To blight all people from every nation." Cassidy: "To denounce the goodness of truth and love." Butch: "To extend our wrath to the stars above." Cassidy: "I'm Cassidy." Butch: "And I'm Butch." Cassidy: "Team Rocket circles the world all day and night." Butch: "Surrender now for you'll surly lose the fight." Ash: "Huh... I knew it was Team Rocket... but you're not the ones I'm familiar with..." Cassidy: "If you're talking about Jessie, James and Meowth, well beware, we're much more dangerous than those losers." Butch: "That's right, and we don't fail like they do either." Ash: "There's a first time for everything, and I will free my friends and the gym leader." Cassidy: "We'll see... go Raticate!" Butch: "Go Primeape!" called out Cassidy and Butch, before a big rat like Pokémon and a monkey with no tail but a pig like nose Pokémon came out of their Pokéballs, ready to battle. It was intense for Ash as these members of Team Rocket were much tougher than the trio he faced before, but Pikachu was able to beat both the Raticate and Primeape, and it seems that the ghost type trio helped Misty, Brock and Sabrina to free themselves while Ash kept the Team Rocket duo busy. With her finally free, Sabrina used her psychic powers to send Cassidy and Butch flying out of the Pokémon tower and into the sky. Ash: "Wow... I heard you have psychic powers... but I never thought they were real..." said Ash, while Sabrina remained silent. Misty: "Won't you say anything?" Brock: "I've heard that she lost her ability to speak long ago, from some sort of accident when she was little, but she can speak through telegraphy." said Brock, before Sabrina said 'you are correct young man' through their minds. Ash: "Cool..." sometime later, Ash and the others returned to Saffron city, where they witness the gym battle between Ash and Sabrina, and the ghost type trio were there to cheer for their friend. The battle was very tough, due to the fact psychic types were the toughest to beat. But then Haunter, who was eating a banana, threw a banana peel on the ground by mistake, and Pikachu slipped on it. Ash went over to see if Pikachu was okay, only for him to slip on the banana peel as well. This caused Sabrina to laugh non stop, along with her psychic type Pokémon, Kadabra, which left it unable to battle, meaning Ash was the winner, though he wished he won the battle properly. Soon, Sabrina gave Ash the badge as a way to thank him for saving her and the ghost type Pokémon from Team Rocket and making her laugh as she needed it. Ash: "Well... I might not have beat her in the normal way... but at least I got my forth gym badge... which is the Marsh badge." Pikachu: [Yeah... but hey, making people laugh is a good way to win a battle... I mean it works for cartoon characters.] Ash: "Yeah... but I still wonder what the ghost types were talking about... something about an evil Pokémon being trained in the tower..." said Ash in puzzlement, trying to figure out what the ghost types were talking about some evil Pokémon that Team Rocket has in their control.

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