The Safari Zone

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After earning his fifth gym badge, Ash and his friends continued their journey, and soon arrived to Fuchsia city, the location of where Ash's sixth gym battle will take place. It was also the location of the famous Safari Zone, where trainers can catch rare Pokémon that you won't find or catch anywhere else in the Kanto region, but you can't use your own Pokémon and you must only use the Safari balls to catch the Pokémon. Right now, Ash and his friends were in the middle of the Safari Zone, and so far no luck on catching any new Pokémon. Ash: "Oh man... I was hoping to catch some new Pokémon here... but we can't even catch at least one..." Misty: "I know, it's a lot harder to catch them without the aid of our Pokémon." Brock: "Yeah, but that's what makes this more interesting, right?" Ash: "Yeah, but it looks like we might leave here empty handed..." Brock: "Don't worry Ash, there's always next time, right?" Ash: "Yeah I guess..." suddenly, the ground started to shake, and Pikachu looked up ahead and gasp. Pikachu: [Stamped!] Ash: "What?!" asked Ash in shock, before seeing what looked like a stamped of cow like Pokémon with three tails called Tauros, and they were all heading towards our heroes' direction. Brock: "It's a Tauros stamped!" Misty: "Run for it!" cried out Misty, before she and the others make a run for it, trying to escape from the stampeding Tauros. Brock: "Ash!, you gotta catch their leader!, that way the others will stop chasing us!" Ash: "What?!" Misty: "Come on Ash!, you wanna catch at least one Pokémon here, and now's your chance!" Pikachu: [Hurry!] Ash: "Okay!" called out Ash, before he throws out a Safari ball at the leading Tauros, which of course catches it. But once that happened, all the other Tauros vanished without a trace. Ash: "Huh?, where did they all go?" Misty: "They're all gone..." Brock: "Hmm... I think we were only chased by one Tauros that was using Double Team to make it look like it had a herd with him." Ash: "You really think so?" Brock: "I'm sure, otherwise all the other Tauros wouldn't have vanished when you caught the leading one." Misty: "Well one or a whole herd... Tauros are tough normal types..." Ash: "Oh that reminds me..." said Ash, before pulling out his Pokédex to learn more about his latest catch. Pokédex: [Tauros the a bull Pokémon that uses it's tails to whip itself to continue it's stampeding, it can normally be found only in the Kanto region's Safari zone.] that was when Pikachu noticed a familiar hot air balloon floating near by. Pikachu: [Ash!, look over there!] Ash: "Huh [sees the balloon] It's Team Rocket's balloon!" Misty: "What are they doing here?!" Brock: "It looks like they're heading for that lake." Ash: "Whatever they're up to, it can't be anything good... come on!" said Ash, before he and the others ran off to where the balloon is hovering, which was indeed the lake. Jessie: "So this is the place, right?" Meowth: "Yeah, this is where we'll find some Dratini, the perfect Pokémon as a gift for the boss." James: "Then let's get them out of that lake." Jessie: "And this bomb will surly do the trick." said Jessie, holding a bomb in her hand. It wasn't long before Ash and the others came to the scene, and they were shocked by the sight of Team Rocket's little bomb. Misty: "That's a bomb!" Meowth: "Oh great, it's the twerps again!" Ash: "I don't know what you're up to, but I won't let you do it!" Jessie: "Oh yeah?, well you're too late." said Jessie, before she sets it off, and drops it into the lake, much to the kids' shock and horror. Ash jumped into the water, swimming down in hopes to get it out before it could explode. That was when something that looked like a blue dragon/snake like Pokémon swam up to Ash and carried him and the bomb out of the water, much to everyone's surprise. Misty: "Whoa... so beautiful..." Brock: "It's a Dragonair..." Meowth: "No way... I was expecting some Dratini... but a Dragonair...?!" Jessie: "So lovely!" James: "This must be our lucky day!" Ash: "Hey Team Rocket!, I think this is yours!" called out Ash, before he threw the bomb to the Team Rocket trio, and the device exploded in their faces, causing them to be sent flying out into the sky. Team Rocket trio: "Looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again!" shouted the Team Rocket trio, as they blasted off out of the scene. Once the Team Rocket trio were gone, Ash came back on land, and takes a look at Dragonair before a little Dratini pops out of the water. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to learn more about the dragon types. Pokédex: [Dratini is a small dragon type that shads it's skin like a snake so it can grow until it's ready to evolve.] [Dragonair is the evolved form of Dratini, it has ears that functions as wings and some could mistake it for a snake type Pokémon due to it's appearance.] Dratini: [Thanks for saving our lake from those bad people.] said Dratini while rubbing it's head on Ash's leg, while Dragonair rubbed her head on the boy's face. Ash: "You're welcome you two." while the dragon types show affection to Ash, Misty and Brock were amazed by how well the boy was able to earn the trust of such rare Pokémon as them. Misty: "Man... Ash has a way with Pokémon." Brock: "Yeah... you can say that again..." some time later, our heroes left the Safari Zone as there was a time limit to be there, which has ran out. After that, they went to the Fuchsia gym, where challenges the gym leader, who uses poison types. The battle was tough, but thanks Charmeleon, and Muk, Ash was able to earn his sixth gym badge, which was the Soul badge. As our heroes begin to leave, Misty decided to ask Ash about something at the Safari Zone. Misty: "Hey Ash, why didn't you catch either Dratini or Dragonair?" Ash: "Cause I think it's better that they stay in the Safari zone and keep their location a secret, for I heard from Professor Oak that the Safari Zone was almost destroyed when a lot of trainers tried to catch a Dratini long ago, besides I managed to catch a Tauros and that's enough for me." Brock: "Well that's pretty mature of you." Ash: "Oh you think so?" Misty: "Okay, who are you and what have you done to Ash Ketchum?" Ash: "Very funny." and so our heroes have saved the Safari Zone from the Team Rocket trio, and Ash has caught a Tauros, who knows what's next for them as the journey continues.

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