The Mikan island gym challenge

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A new day has come to the Orange islands as Ash, Misty, Brock, and their new friend, Tracy, was riding on Lapras, who agreed to let them ride on her back as she wanted to help her trainer in anyway she can. Ash: "Hey Lapras, if you get tired, let me know, okay?" Lapras: [Sure thing, but I'm okay, besides this is the least I can do to help you after helping me more than once.] said Lapras, before Ash pets her on the head. Tracy: "Wow, I still can't believe Ash has the ability to talk to Pokémon." Misty: "Yeah, it sure surprised us the first time too." Brock: "Yeah... so where the closet island?" Tracy: "I believe that would be Mikan island, which is also the island where the first member of the Orange crew is located." Ash: "Then that's our next stop, let's go!" Lapras: [You got it!] soon, they got to Mikan island, and Pikachu and Ash found a picked up a coconut, but once that happened, a bucket of water fell on top of them. That was when a boy named Senta (voiced by Kayzie Rogers), came to the scene laughing. Senta: "Ha, ha, ha!, you should have seen your faces!" Ash: "Hey!, what's the idea?!" Senta: "Just testing to see how dumb you are to fall for such an obvious trap." Ash: "Well it's not funny, and anyway I'm here to challenge the Mikan island gym leader." Senta: "Oh yeah?, what makes you think your tough enough for Cissy?" Ash: "Well I competed in the Pokémon league in Kanto." Senta: "How far?" Ash: "Uh... the top 16..." Senta: "Ha!, if that's how far you've gone, then you have no chance, the Orange crew are way tougher than the challenges in Kanto, and if you want to battle her, then face me first." said Senta, before Cissy (voiced by Tara Jane), who is Senta's older sister and the Mikan island gym leader came to the scene. Cissy: "And who said you can do that?" Senta: "Cissy?!, I uh..." Cissy: "I thought I told you not to pull pranks on the challengers, and clean up your room half an hour ago?" Senta: "Uh, sorry sis..." said Senta, before he leaves the scene, while Cissy turns to Ash and his friends. Cissy: "Sorry about my little brother, I hope you're not angry." Ash: "No it was kind of my fault for not seeing the trap... so you're the gym leader here?" Cissy: "That's right, Cissy the Mikan island gym leader at your service." said Cissy, before Brock went over to her with heart shaped eyes. Brock: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Cissy, I must say you're even prettier in person~." said Brock, before Misty grabs Brock by the ear and pulls him away. Misty: "Knock it off Brock, I doubt she's interested in you if ya keep flirting out of the blue." said Misty as she pulls Brock away. Ash: "Anyway, I was hoping if I can challenge ya for your gym badge, if you have time." Cissy: "Of course I accept, but I must tell you that the challenges here is a bit different compared to the battles in Kanto." Ash: "How so?" asked Ash, before Cissy pressed a button from a remote, and a line of cans appeared with a pool for a battlefield. Cissy: "Here's the first challenge, which happens to be a Water Gun challenge, to test a Pokémon accuracy on how many can they can knock down." Tracy: "That's an interesting challenge for sure." said Tracy, before Cissy sends out what looked like a seahorse Pokémon, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Seadra is the evolved form of a seahorse Pokémon called Horsea, it has a reputation of having a horrible disposition, but has both strength and speed.] Ash: "Okay... I choose you, Squirtle!" called out Ash, as he sends out his Squirtle for the challenge. Both of the water types had good aiming, and both managed to hit as many cans as they could until they both hit the final one. Then the challenge got harder when the water types had to use Water Gun on flying plates, but they managed to get them all and both hit the last plate, ending the round with a draw. Cissy: "Not bad, but now it's time to break the draw with some wave surfing." Ash: "Hoe does that work?" Cissy: "You have to ride on the back of your Pokémon, and swim up to the buoy, go around it and get back to the beach first." Ash: "Got it, in that case, I'll use Lapras." said Ash, as he sends out Lapras for the challenge. Once they got to the beach, Ash rides on Lapras while Cissy rides on her Blastoise, which is the fully evolved form of Squirtle. However, once they got to the buoy, a Magikarp based submarine burst out of the water, and out of it came the Team Rocket trio themselves. Jessie: "Got you now twerp." James: "And Pikachu too." Meowth: "That's right!" Cissy: "Who are they?" Ash: "It's Team Rocket, they're here for my Pokémon!" Cissy: "Well in that case... Blastoise, use Hydro Cannon!" called out Cissy, before her Blastoise fires water from it's cannons at the submarine, sending it flying into the sky with the Team Rocket trio. Ash: "Nice..." Cissy: "I might challenge differently from the gym leaders of Kanto, but that doesn't mean I can't battle at all." Ash: "Good to hear... so back to the race?" Cissy: "Yeah... let's do this!" said Cissy, before she and Ash continued the race and once the pair got close to the beach, Ash and Lapras got to it first by an inch, thanks to using Ice Beam on the sea to slide to the shore, meaning the boy and his Lapras has won the challenge. Lapras: [Uh... did we win?] Ash: "Yeah, we did it!, thanks to you." Cissy: "Well done Ash, you did well, as proof for beating me, here is the Coral-Eye badge." said Cissy, before giving Ash the badge. Ash: "Thanks Cissy... alright, I got the Coral-Eye badge!" Pikachu: [Awesome!] Lapras: [Hooray!] Tracy: "Wow... Ash and Lapras did great..." Misty: "Yeah, they sure did..." Brock: "Though I have a feeling that the other gym leaders will just be as challenging." and so Ash has earned his first Orange island gym badge, meaning he needs 3 more to go. Who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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