A legendary battle on Milos island

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After catching new Pokémon and earned his forth Unova gym badge, Ash travels to Driftveil city, the location of the fifth Unova gym leader. However, the gym leader said he was too busy to challenge Ash, but made a deal that he will accept the boy's challenge if he can get some medical herbs, namely Revival Herbs. So Ash and the others went off to the only place where the herbs should be, known as Milos island. But when they got there, a lot of the plants there were dried up and dead, even the Revival Herbs. Ash: "I wonder what happened here..." Iris: "It looks like a drought came here..." Cilan: "Maybe... I mean it looks like there has not been any rain here for a while now..." Ash: "But this is surrounded by water..." Iris: "It's sea water, it won't help land plants grow, what a kid..." Ash: "Oh right... forgot about that... but still... what am I gonna do... if I can't get any Revival Herbs, I'll never get my gym battle..." Cilan: "Yes, that does represent a problem..." suddenly, storm clouds started to appear, but something was wrong as Pikachu could sense something off about it. Pikachu: [I don't like those clouds... there's something off about them...] Ash: "What do you mean?" Pikachu: [Look closer.] said Pikachu, before Ash looks at the clouds again, and saw shapes of some beings inside them. Ash: "Hey... there's something hiding in those clouds..." Iris: "What?" Ash: "I don't know... Pokémon maybe...?" Cilan: "Wait... I heard of a legend that this island was the home of a trio of Legendary Pokémon... Tornadus... Thundurus and Landorus... the forces of nature... who have the power to control the weather of Unova..." Ash: "Really?, you think... they can be what's hiding in the clouds?" Cilan: "I don't know... but it's a possibility..." Iris: "Oh please, the chances of us seeing legendaries is very little." Ash: "Says the girl who wants to find Zekrom." Iris: "Okay... good point, but my chances of finding it are much higher than you seeing a legendary." Ash: "Actually... I kind of ran into some legendary Pokémon during my trips in the other regions..." Iris: "Yeah right, I would believe that when I see it." Cilan: "Well don't forget that he can talk to Pokémon, so there's a chance he's telling the truth." Iris: "Whatever, we came here to get these Revival Herbs, not to talk about who saw a legendary or not." suddenly, the storm clouds started to get more wild and out of it came Landorus, Tornadus and Thundurus, who all three crashed into the ground, badly hurt, before three little flying cubes flew down and they created force field cages to capture them, much to our heroes' surprise. That was when the Team Rocket trio showed up, riding on jet packs it seems. Jessie: "Well look at that, these new gadgets really did the trick." James: "Now we can deliver these legendaries to the boss." Meowth: "That's right!" Ash: "Team Rocket!" Iris: "Not them again!" Cilan: "It looks like they're trying to steal the forces of nature!" Iris: "Yeah we kind of already figured that when we saw them getting trapped in some energy cages!" Jessie: "Oh great, it's the twerps again." James: "I can't tell if we're the ones following them or the other way around..." Meowth: "Never mind that, let's get out of here before they mess things up again!" shouted Meowth, before pushing a button on a remote, which turns off the energy cages, releasing the legendary Pokémon, much to the trio's shock. Jessie: "You idiot!, you pushed the wrong button!" Meowth: "It's not my fault!, the buttons weren't labeled and I was in a rush!" James: "Um... guys... I think we're in trouble... and make it a double..." said James, before the legendary forces of nature used their attacks to send the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene. Once the danger of Team Rocket were gone, the legendaries fell to the ground, feeling weak and tired due to Team Rocket used gadgets to hurt them in order to capture them earlier. Ash: "Oh no!, we gotta help them, and fast!" Cilan: "Hey look!, I found some Revival Herbs, we can use them to help them." Ash: "Good, than let's hurry." said Ash, before he and the others use the herbs to heal the legendaries, who soon felt better and floated up into the air. Landorus: [Thank you chosen one.] Ash: "Again with the chosen one thing..." Iris: "What are you talking about?" Ash: "It's a long story..." Iris: "Yeah... you said that before a few times in the past..." Ash: "Well let's just say this is not the first time I helped out a legendary." Landorus: [No it is not, nor will it be the last... and now that we're free, it's time to restore the life on this island.] said Landorus, before he and the other legendaries used their powers to restore the Revival Herbs on the island, more than enough for Ash to give the gym leader to, before the trio vanished without a trace. Pikachu: [Wow... look at all the Herbs...] Ash: "Yeah, this should be more than enough, now let's get some and beat the Driftveil city gym leader." Pikachu: [Yeah!] soon, after getting the herbs and returned to the gym, Ash finally gets to challenge the gym leader, who uses ground types. The battle was tough, but Ash was able to pull through when his Sandile evolved into Krokorok and Roggenrola evolved into Boldore, and finally defeated the gym leader and earned himself the Quake badge. After the battle, Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the new forms of his recent catches. Pokédex: [Krokorok is the evolved form of Sandile, and the special membrane that covers it's eyes detect heat, which allows it to see in the dark.] [Boldore is the evolved form of Roggenrola, and because it can't contain it's massive energy, orange crystals formed on it's body, which glow when it's energy overflows.] Ash: "Well... five down, three more to go..." Iris: "Yeah, but I have a feeling that the last three gym leaders are gonna be much tougher." Ash: "That's what I'm hoping, for I love a good challenge." and so Ash has helped out the forces of nature and earned his fifth Unova gym badge, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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