The Sinnoh Pokémon league

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After catching Gible and earning his final Sinnoh gym badge, Ash was now able to enter the Sinnoh league. But before he can do that, it was time for Dawn's moment to shine, as she finally got enough ribbons to enter the Grand Sinnoh Festival, where the winner would get to be Top Coordinator. However, Dawn lost to Zoey, who became Top Coordinator, but Dawn knew that her dream was not over as she has still much to learn. Soon, the group made it to the Sinnoh Pokémon league, where they ran into Goodshow, the president of the Pokémon leagues of the world once again, well the first time meeting him for Dawn's case. Ash: "Hey Mr Goodshow, how's it going?" Goodshow: "Not good... the torch to start the league... well..." Ash: "Don't tell me... Team Rocket stole it again?" Goodshow: "Well I don't know if it was Team Rocket again, but it was stolen indeed." Dawn: "The torch?" Brock: "Yeah, the Pokémon league starts with the flame of Moltres, or Ho-oh in the case of Johto." Ash: "Team Rocket tried to steal the torch in Kanto, Johto, even Hoenn... I wouldn't be surprised if it was them again... even though it sounds really dumb for them." Goodshow: "Yes, but they were still able to pull it off..." that was when Officer Jenny came to the scene. Officer Jenny: "President Goodshow, we located the thieves, they're trying to use a machine to switch the trainers' Pokéballs with empty ones." Ash: "Really?" Officer Jenny: "Yes, say... you're one of the trainers that went to that machine." Ash: "What?!" said Ash, before he checks out his Pokéballs, and it turns out they were all empty, much to his shock and dismay. Dawn: "Oh no!" Ash: "I can't believe it... I've been had!" that was when he and the others heard a laugh, which came from the Team Rocket trio, who were on a machine that was full of Pokéballs and Meowth was holding the torch. Jessie: "You got that right, twerp, now that we got your Pokémon, you can't stop us from getting the torch this time." James: "Indeed, we're not as dumb as you thought we were." Meowth: "That's right!" Brock: "But you didn't get our Pokémon." Dawn: "Yeah, we can still battle you." Ash: "And I still got Pikachu, you ready?" Pikachu: [You bet I am.] Jessie: "You don't wanna risk damaging the Pokéballs, meaning harming the Pokémon inside, do you?" said Jessie with an evil smile, causing everyone to stop and glared. Suddenly, all the Pokéballs glowed and vanished without a trace, much to the Team Rocket trio's shock and surprise. Meowth: "What the?!, where did they all go?!" James: "Was that magic?!" Ash: "Pikachu, Thunderbolt!" called out Ash, before Pikachu lets out a powerful Thunderbolt on the Team Rocket trio, sending them flying out of the scene. Pikachu then managed to get a hold on the torch, much to Goodshow's relief. Brock: "Nice catch." Pikachu: [Thanks.] Ash: "But... what happened to the Pokéballs?" Dawn: "Look!, there they are!" said Dawn, pointing at the pile of Pokéballs on the ground. Ash: "What a relief... but I still can't understand how they got here..." Officer Jenny: "Well based from the glow... I would say a psychic type Pokémon used Teleport on them." Dawn: "A psychic type?, what kind?" Officer Jenny: "That I have no clue... but I do know that Team Rocket would have gotten away with the torch and the Pokéballs if it didn't used it's move on them..." unaware to the group, the sound of someone giggling was heard only through Pikachu's ears, and the electric type heard somewhere before, but he didn't knew where. Turns out that Mirage Mew was the culprit of teleporting the Pokéballs from Team Rocket, as she had a version of the event happening, so she came to stop them, and now that the threat was over, she teleported herself back to Pallet town. Later, Ash was asked to run the torch to start the Sinnoh league, which he was happy to do so, and once he got the torch in place, the Sinnoh League was finally able to begin. As Ash challenges the first 4 rounds, Ash decided to let Cyndaquil, the fire type he caught from the Johto region, to have a battle as she wanted one more battle before evolve and she did. Cyndaquil evolved into Quilava, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more the Johto starter's new form. Pokédex: [Quilava is the evolved form of Cyndaquil, and it's body is covered in fire proof fur and can withstand any fire type attack.] then Ash gets to use Phanpy to battle a trainer, and he was ready to evolve too, which was a Donphan, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex again to find out more. Pokédex: [Donphan is the evolved form of Phanpy, and just like it's pre-evolved form, it attacks by rolling it's body into a circle and charges it's opponents, but with more power with it's armor and large tusks.] When Ash beaten that trainer and then got to the Top 8, he was facing a trainer named Paul, who was not only a cold trainer, but his Pokémon were really tough, but Ash and his team were able to pull off and beat him. As the boy plans for his strategy in the Top 4, Ash heard from some trainers talking about a trainer named Tobias, who managed to beat all the gym leaders by using only one Pokémon, which was the mythical Darkrai. Dawn: "No way... a trainer with a mythical Darkrai?, one that's known to give others nightmares...?, that will be a problem..." Brock: "Yeah, as most Mythical or Legendary Pokémon are known to be very powerful..." Ash: "I'm sure my team can handle it." Dawn: "I don't know Ash... your Pokémon would have to be either mythical or Legendary to do much against something like Darkrai..." hearing this gave Ash an idea, and decided to get a call with Professor Oak. Soon, in the Top 4 round, Ash gets to battle Tobias (voiced by J. Michael Tatum), who sent out his Darkrai to battle. Tobias: "So you're the trainer who got to run the torch, it's nice to meet you, but this is about as far as you can go." Ash: "We'll see about that." said Ash, before the battle between the two trainers began, and it was tough, as the Darkrai proved to be very powerful, even Pikachu couldn't beat it. Tobias: "See?, noun of your Pokémon have what it takes to beat my Darkrai, and even if you beat it, I still have five more Pokémon, while you only have two." Ash: "Maybe... but let me warn you... these two are in the same rank as your Darkrai." Tobias: "Oh?, how so?" Ash: "You're about to find out... I choose you... Mirage Mew!" called out Ash, as he sends out Mirage Mew into battle, and the sight of her made not only Tobias to gasp in shock, but the whole audience in the stadium and those who were watching through the TV. Dawn: "Wait... Mew?, isn't that mythical Pokémon?, and Ash has caught one?!" Brock: "Yeah, near the end of Ash's trip in Hoenn just before the league there, so this is her first league battle." Dawn: "Wow... amazing..." Brock: "Yeah... though I don't know if Mew's the best choice as she's a psychic type, and Darkrai is a dark type..." Dawn: "That's right, Psychic types are weak against ghost, bug and dark types..." Brock: "Even so... I doubt Mew is gonna be beaten easily..." back at the battlefield, Tobias was still shocked by this, he wasn't expected to battle a trainer with a mythical Pokémon of his own. Tobias: "Well... this is a surprise... you have a Mew?" Ash: "Yeah, and she's not gonna be taken down without a fight." Tobias: "Well... this should be an interesting battle..." said Tobias, before the battle continues, this time it was Darkrai vs Mirage Mew, and the while the Mirage Pokémon had a type disadvantage, she was able pull through and managed to defeat Darkrai. Ash: "Alright!, way to go Mirage Mew!, you did it girl!" Mirage Mew: [Yay!, I really did it!] Tobias: "Well... I'm impressed, you're the first trainer who ever managed to defeat my Darkrai... but now it's time for my next Pokémon... go Latios!" called out Tobias, before he sends out what looked like a Latias, only larger, white and blue instead of white and red, and it was male, called a Latios. Ash: "What?!, you have Legendary too?!" Tobias: "That's right, of course Latios is my only Legendary while Darkrai is my only Mythical, but even if you can beat Latios, I still have four more, and you only have two, and one of them seems to be tired now." said Tobias, who was right about Mirage Mew being tired after her battle against Darkrai. Ash: "Mirage Mew... can you still battle?" Mirage Mew: [I think so... and if I no longer be able to battle... you still have her...] Ash: "Yeah... let's do this..." said Ash, before Mirage Mew continues to battle, and this time against Tobias' Latios. The battle was intense, but in the end, Latios won while Mirage Mew was defeated. Tobias: "Your Mirage Mew was well trained... but this is the end, whatever your last Pokémon be... it'll be no match for my Latios." Ash: "We'll see about that... I choose you... Latias!" called out Ash, before he sends out Latias to battle, and the sight of her made both Tobias and the audience to gasp in shock. Dawn: "No way!, Ash has a Latias too?!" Brock: "Yeah, he caught her near the end of his trip in Johto." Dawn: "Does he have any more legendaries or mythical Pokémon?" Brock: "No, Mirage Mew and Latias are the only ones... and they're probably what Ash wanted to call Professor Oak for when he heard about Tobias and his Darkrai earlier." Dawn: "I see..." back at the battlefield, Tobias was soon came back to his sense and smiled. Tobias: "Well... first Mew... and now a Latias?, it seems we both have some mythical and legendary Pokémon, however, you still have a long way to go." Ash: "Maybe... but I can at least try taking down your Latios." Latias: [Hmm... I never imagined that my opponent would the same kind as my late brother... but I know that's not him... and I won't let Ash down...] said Latias, before she and Tobias' Latios begin their battle. It was tough, and both Legendaries were giving each other everything they got. Eventually the battle came to an end, and both of them were unable to battle any further, but since Tobias still had four other Pokémon, he was declared the winner, while Ash lost another league, but he was happy as he was able to beat not only Darkrai but the Latios too, not to mention that he manged to make it to the Top 4 too. Later, Tobias went to the final round and was able to win, making him the winner of the whole Sinnoh League. With a winner now, the Sinnoh League comes to a close, and soon the trainers were on their back home to get some rest and get ready for the next time the League renews. As for Ash and his friends, they were at the docks, waiting for a ferry that will take both Ash and Brock back to Kanto, while Dawn will wait for a ferry that will take her to Johto. Ash: "Are you sure you're gonna be okay without us?" Dawn: "No need to worry, I've learned so much from you and Brock during our travels... I think I can take care of myself now." Brock: "Well good luck in Johto." Dawn: "And good luck on your dream on becoming a Pokémon breeder or doctor." Brock: "Yeah." Ash: "See ya Dawn, it was really fun traveling with ya." Dawn: "Yeah... you too." while saying their goodbyes, Piplup couldn't help but feel sad and wanted to cry, but Pikachu used his paw to pet the little penguin's head for comfort. Pikachu: [Don't cry buddy, this isn't goodbye forever... I'm sure we'll see each other again someday.] Piplup: [Yeah... I know... I just wished we can travel more together...] Pikachu: [Yeah... me too, but don't worry, I'm sure you and Dawn will be alright.] Piplup: [Uh huh... I think so too...] soon, the trainers went to their ferry rides and sailed off to either Johto or Kanto, waving goodbye one last time. Once Ash and Brock got back to Kanto, the pair looked at each, and Ash was looking a bit sad. Ash: "So... you're no longer able to travel with me?" Brock: "Not at the moment, I'm afraid my training to be a Pokémon doctor won't let me travel with you like I used to... but don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to take care of yourself now." Ash: "Yeah... you might be right, but tell me, why suddenly decided to be a Pokémon doctor?" Brock: "Well there aren't as many of those as there should be, and I always had the skills of one." Pikachu: [Maybe he wanted to be one just to win Nurse Joy's heart.] Ash: "Yeah, you might be right." Brock: "What did Pikachu say?" Ash: "Oh something about wanting to be a Pokémon doctor to impress a certain nurse." this made Brock gulp and blush a little. Brock: "Well... maybe that too..." Ash: "Well either way... I'm sure you can do it... and I want you to know that it was really fun traveling with you this long..." Brock: "Yeah... same here, good luck on your dream." Ash: "Yeah... yours too." said the pair, before the shook hands and went their separate ways. Pikachu: [I can't believe it... first Misty... Tracy... then May and Max... Dawn... and now Brock... it sure feels lonely without them...] Ash: "Yeah, but I'm sure we'll make new friends on our next adventure." and so Ash competed in the Sinnoh League, and although he lost again, he was able to show the world a legendary battle they'll never forget. Who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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