A living fossil on Cinnabar island

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After earning the Soul badge, Ash and his friends were on a boat that goes to Cinnabar island, the location of Ash's upcoming seventh gym battle. While on the way, they learned that Gary was there. Gary: "Well looky here, who let this loser get on this ship." Ash: "Gary?!, what are you doing here?" Gary: "Just going to Cinnabar island to have my little vacation." Ash: "A vacation, can't you save that after your battle with the gym leader there?" Gary: "Oh come on, that island is nothing more than a tourist spot now, the gym leader left a long time ago." Ash: "What?!" Gary: "Well it's no surprise you didn't knew that, a loser like you wouldn't know anything." Ash: "Watch it Gary!, you might have gotten ahead of me, but I'm catching up!" Gary: "Whatever, I should get to the island before I get sick with the loser disease." said Gary, before he left the scene. Misty: "Geez... what a jerk..." Brock: "No kidding, no wonder Ash has a strong dislike for him..." Pikachu: [No kidding... he's a real jerk...] Ash: "You could say that again...] Brock: "Say what again?" Ash: "Huh?, oh nothing." said Ash, as he remembered that his friends don't know his secret ability to understand Pokémon speak. As they got to the island and take a look around, they saw nothing but places for tourists and almost no trainers around. Misty: "Wow... maybe Gary might be right about there's no gym here." Ash: "But there has to be... I mean my mom once told me about the island having a gym leader here... she said that the gym leader was named Blaine, who uses fire types..." Brock: "Yeah... but it doesn't look like he's around..." that was when Pikachu noticed the Team Rocket trio on a cliff, planting some explosives into rocks, ready to blow up. Pikachu: [Ash!, it's Team Rocket!] Ash: "What?!" yelped Ash, before the explosives blew up and a large hole was made, which the Team Rocket trio used to get into the interior of the cliff. Misty: "What are those three up to?" Brock: "Beats me, but we better stop them before they hurt someone." said Brock, before he and the others climbed up the cliff and went into the hole to follow the Team Rocket trio. Once they got inside however, they were shocked to see the trio being chased by what looked like Pokémon from prehistoric times. Ash: "Are those Pokémon?" Brock: "Yeah... but those should be extinct!" Misty: "They sure look alive to me..." suddenly, a large flying fossil Pokémon, called Aerodactyl, came to the scene, and it let out a loud screech. Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about it. Pokédex: [Aerodactyl is a rock/flying type of a fossil Pokémon, from the research of the bones of it's teeth, researchers believe that it was a carnivore.] Ash: "Does that mean... it eats meat... like us?!" Brock: "I'm afraid so..." Misty: "And it looks like it sees Team Rocket as it's next meal..." said the kids, before the Team Rocket trio make a run for it again. Jessie: "This was supposed to be a simple fossil stealing plan!, instead we're getting chased by living fossils!" James: "How are they even alive today to begin with?!" Meowth: "I heard rumors that there is a lab here that's determined to bring fossil Pokémon back to life... and I'm guessing this is where they were storing them!" Jessie: "Great, but is there a way to stop them?!" Meowth: "No clue, but right now we gotta get out of here!" shouted Meowth, as he and his team mates make a run for it, out of the cave and out of the scene. As for Aerodactyl, it sees Ash and used it's foot to capture the boy and fly away out of the cave. Misty and Brock: "Ash!" Pikachu: [No!, please not Ash!] shouted Pikachu, before he noticed a Pokéball on the ground. The electric type opened it, and out came Charmeleon, who was shocked to see his trainer in danger. Charmeleon: [Hey you big bully!, leave my trainer alone!] Aerodactyl: [Why would I give up my meal?, and why should I listen to a little runt like you?] said Aerodactyl in Pokémon speech, before sticking his tongue out, making Charmeleon mad. Suddenly, the fire type started to glow and grew bigger and sprouted wings, evolving into a Charizard. Pikachu: [Whoa...] Misty: "Charmeleon evolved into Charizard!" Brock: "That might be our big break..." Charizard: [As I said before... leave my trainer alone!] called out Charizard, before he punched Aerodactyl in the face, freeing Ash from the living fossil's grip, and the boy landed in the fire type's arms just in the nick of time. Ash: "Charizard... you saved me..." Charizard: [Well I owed you my life back when we first met... so let's say we're even.] Ash: "Yeah..." once Ash was safely back on the ground, Charizard went to battle the Aerodactyl, and the battle was intense, but it wasn't long before Charizard beat the fossil type, and let out a mighty roar of victory. It wasn't long before a group of scientists came and explained to our heroes about their work on bringing fossils to life, before apologizing for Aerodactyl trying to harm Ash as it's still a bit untamed. After the scientists took care of the fossil Pokémon, Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more about the fully evolved fire type. Pokédex: [Charizard is the fully evolved form of Charmander, and it has powerful wings to let it fly and can unleash a powerful flamethrower, and the stronger the opponent, the more intense it's fire gets.] Ash: "Wow... while it would have been cool to catch a living fossil Pokémon, having Charmeleon evolved is great too, he has grown a lot since he joined..." said Ash, feeling proud of his Charizard. Sometime later, the group of young heroes meet a man, who was secretly Blaine, that gave them a card that had a riddle on it, which said 'the gym is located somewhere where a firefighter can never win', and they had no idea what that meant. It wasn't until they saw a little image of a volcano on the card, and Misty managed to figure it out that the gym was inside the island's volcano. After searching for the secret entrance, our heroes arrived inside the volcano, and that was where they not only found the gym, but Blaine the gym leader as well. The battle between Ash and Blaine was intense, but thanks to Squirtle's powerful water gun and Charizard's great strength and Seismic Toss attack, Ash was able to beat Blaine and earned the Volcano badge. Ash: "Alright, now that I got seven badges, all I need now is one more..." Misty: "Well that would be the gym in Viridian city." Ash: "Wait, there was a gym there?!, why didn't you tell me?" Misty: "Cause the gym leader only accepts challenges from trainers that have seven badges as that gym's the strongest in Kanto." Ash: "Oh... I see... well that makes me more excited, looking forward to earn that badge even more now." and so Ash has faced a fossil Pokémon, his Charmeleon evolved and earned his seventh gym badge, who knows what kind of battle awaits for Ash in Viridian city as the journey continues.

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