The Lumiose city gym battle

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After catching Goomy, which later evolved into Sliggoo, and earning his forth Kalos gym badge, Ash is off to head back to Lumiose city so he can battle Clemont for the fifth Kalos gym badge. During some training, Sliggoo evolved into Goodra, and Ash pulls out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Goodra is the evolved form of Sliggoo, and it's very friendly, and one of it's hugs can cover it's trainer with a sticky slime.] which was true as every time Goodra hugs Ash, he gets covered in slime, and she really loves to hug her trainer a lot. Serena: "Hey Ash, are you sure you're a little annoyed by the slime from Goodra?" Ash: "Not really, compared to the flamethrower from Charizard or the hugs from Muk, the slime's not bad." Bonnie: "Wait... you have a Charizard that uses Flamethrower on you as a way to show affection, and a Muk that hugs ya?, even though it's body is made of poison?" Ash: "Yeah, I also have a Bayleef that likes to body slam me, or my Totodile that bites on my head, or course Gible likes to do that too..." Clemont: "Wow... sounds like a lot of your Pokémon have an interesting way to show their affection for you..." Pikachu: [You don't know the half of it...] soon, the group arrived to the Lumiose city gym, but there were a lot of trainers complaining about the robot that's the stand in gym leader was taking their Pokémon after losing to it. Clemont couldn't understand why it would do that, before Officer Jenny came to the scene and threatens the boy that she'll have to arrest him if the robot doesn't return the Pokémon. Bonnie: "Hold on, big brother would never build anything that steals Pokémon!, something must be wrong." Clemont: "That's right, I have no idea what's going on." Officer Jenny: "I would need some proof." Ash: "How about we go into the gym and figure this out." Officer Jenny: "Well... I guess that could work, but I'm coming with you." Ash: "Sure thing." so with that, they went into the gym, and so far they didn't see anything, before they enter the gym battlefield room, where the robot was waiting for them. Ash went to battle it, and it was tough to beat, but Ash was able to pull through and defeated it. Of course that was when the Team Rocket trio showed up. Jessie: "Oh great, looks like even that robot couldn't beat the twerp." James: "Well Pikachu is pretty tough to beat." Meowth: "Perhaps I should have put some weapons into that thing while I was reprogramming it..." Clemont: "What?!, so you reprogrammed my robot to steal Pokémon?!" Jessie: "Of course, no one would expect we would use this gym to collect rare and powerful Pokémon after beating them." Officer Jenny: "That is against the law!, and who are you?!" Ash: "They're part of Team Rocket." Officer Jenny: "Team Rocket?, I've heard of them, but they're supposed to be in Kanto or Johto, what are members of Team Rocket doing in Kalos?" Serena: "To cause trouble no doubt." James: "That's right, and make it double." Meowth: "And now that Pikachu and your other Pokémon are worn out from that battle, they're ripe for the taking." Officer Jenny: "Not if I have anything to say about." said Officer Jenny, before she sends out her Growlithe to battle, and it sure gave the trio a painful bite on their bottoms, forcing them to retreat while Jenny was chasing them. Serena: "Honestly... don't those guys have anything better to do than stealing Pokémon from others?" Ash: "Apparently not..." Clemont: "Hey uh Ash... I think we should have our battle tomorrow, that way your Pokémon can have time to heal up while I fix my robot." Ash: "Good idea." so with that, Clemont went to fix his robot, while Ash takes his Pokémon to the Pokémon center to heal up after the battle with the robot. When the next day came, Ash and Clemont's battle was finally about to begin. Bonnie: "Oh dear... I don't know who should I cheer for... big brother or Ash..." Serena: "Why not cheer for both of them?" Bonnie: "Can I even do that?" Serena: "I'm sure they don't mind." Bonnie: "Hey big brother, would it be okay if I cheer for both you and Ash?" Clemont: "I don't see why not, to be honest I wanna cheer for Ash too." Ash: "I was gonna say the same thing, I hope you can give a good battle." Clemont: "Same here, well let's get this shocking battle going." so with that, the battle begins, and it was intense, both trainers were giving it their all, and their Pokémon were both pretty strong too, especially Goodra. Eventually, the battle comes to an end, and Ash was left as the victor, meaning he has earned the Voltage badge. Ash: "Wow Clemont, you were really something." Clemont: "You were amazing too, so you really earned the Voltage badge for sure." Ash: "Yeah... five down... three more to go..." that was when Goodra grabbed Ash and gave him a big slimy hug. Goodra: [Oh Ash!, I knew you could do it!, this calls for a big victory hug~." Ash: "Goodra... take it easy... I need to breathe...." and so Ash has stopped Team Rocket's plan in the Lumiose gym and earned his fifth Kalos gym badge, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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