The Viridian forest

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After what happened in Viridian forest, Ash and Pikachu went into the Viridian forest, when they heard a scream from behind them, which turned out to be Misty herself. Ash: "Misty?, what are you doing here?" Misty: "Never mind that, there's a bug here!" shouted Misty in fear, seeing a caterpillar like Pokémon in front of her. Ash then took out his Pokédex to check it out. Pokédex: [Caterpie is a bug type that has suction cup like feet to climb on trees and the perfect bug types for starters to catch.] Ash: "Alright, this should be perfect for my first catch." Misty: "What?!, you wanna catch that thing?!" Ash: "Why not?, I need to catch a Pokémon sooner or later, and this Caterpie is perfect." said Ash, before he throws out a Pokéball to catch the bug type, and once it got sucked into the ball, the beeped a few times before a 'ping' sound was heard, letting Ash knew that he caught it. Ash: "Alright!, I caught my first Pokémon!, isn't this great Pikachu?, we got a new friend!" Pikachu: [Yeah... I guess we did.] Misty: "I can't believe this!, out of all of the Pokémon to catch, you caught that one?!" Ash: "What do you have against Caterpie?" Misty: "Nothing personal, it's just... I really dislike bug types... especially the ones that have stingers... like Beedrill..." Ash: "Huh... well Caterpie is not dangerous, nor a poison type, and even if he was, I would accept him as my own." Misty: "Are you serious?" Ash: "Yeah... so um... why are you following me and Pikachu?" Misty: "Because I want to make sure you pay me back my bike, and also to make sure you recover completely, I mean you did took a lot of damage yesterday." Ash: "Yeah... I guess so... and I guess it's better to travel with someone by my side." Pikachu: [Figures, she is a pretty girl after all.] Ash: "What's that supposed to mean?" Pikachu: [Oh nothing for you to worry about.] Misty: "Uh... what's what supposed to mean?" Ash: "Uh... nothing... anyway we should get moving." said Ash, trying to walk through the forest, while Misty was looking puzzled. Suddenly, a bird like Pokémon called Pidgeotto appeared, ready for battle, while Ash takes out the Pokédex to find out more about what he's facing. Pokédex: [Pidgeotto is the evolved form of Pidgey, and it has talons to capture it's prey, trainers beware, this one is more of a fighter than Pidgey.] Ash: "Alright!, another Pokémon!, if I'm lucky, I can catch this one too." Misty: "Hold on, you can't just throw a Pokéball at it, you have to weaken it first in a battle with your own Pokémon." Ash: "Really, it worked before on Caterpie." Misty: "That bug was already weak, so of course it was easy to catch, and don't use Caterpie against Pidgeotto either, bugs are food to birds." Ash: "Alright... then I use Pikachu instead." Pikachu: [That's a good idea, flying types are weak against electric types like me.] Ash: "Then give Pidgeotto a good Thunderbolt attack!" said Ash, before Pikachu did just that, and taking out the Pidgeotto with one hit. Ash then threw a Pokéball and caught the bird type, which really pleased the boy a lot. Ash: "Alright!, I caught another Pokémon!" Misty: "Good for you, now can we please get out of this forest?" Ash: "Sure... as soon as we find the path that leads us out." said Ash, before he and Misty continued traveling through the woods. Some time later, Ash begins to train both of his newly caught Pokémon to become stronger, and Caterpie managed to evolved into a Metapod, which was when Ash takes out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Metapod is the middle stage between Caterpie and Butterfree, it's shell is really hard, making it tough to crack.] Ash: "Alright, soon you'll be fully evolved in no time." Metapod: [That's... good... news... it's... been... my... dream... to... fly...] Pikachu: [Yeah, No surprise, it's a dream for many.] Metapod: [Yeah... but... I've... never... heard... of a... human... understanding... Pokémon... speak... before...] Ash: "Yeah... it's a special gift I had for a while... but it's better kept secret... okay?" Metapod: [Okay...] when the next day came, much to Misty's dismay as she wanted to leave the bug type invested forest, Ash was about to try catching a Weedle, but it got away, and a big swarm of Beedrill showed up, and Ash went to use his Pokédex again to see what it says about the swarm. Pokédex: [Beedrill is a bug poison type that is the fully evolved form of Weedle, it's sting is very deadly, so trainers beware.] Misty: "Oh now you done it!, you angered a whole swarm of Beedrill!" Ash: "Me?!, your screaming is what made them mad!" Pikachu: [Never mind who's to blame!, let's get out of here!] Ash: "Right... run!" called out Ash, before he, Misty and Pikachu began making a run for it, trying to escape from the swarm. But then there was trouble, Metapod was taken hostage by one of the Beedrill, much to Ash's shock and horror. Beedrill leader: [Take prey to nest... and if that boy comes to it's rescue... then it's death for both of them...] buzzed the Beedrill leader, before it flew away with it's swarm and Metapod. Ash: "Hold on Metapod!, I'm coming!" Misty: "Ash!, wait!, you'll get hurt!" Ash: "I don't care!, Metapod is in trouble because I left him open, I have to save him!" Misty: "Why bother?, it's a bug type, you can get another one." Ash: "Are you saying I should replace my friend?!" Misty: "No... I meant..." Ash: "Look, you might not care about Metapod... but I do... and I'm not gonna let him be killed..." said Ash, before he runs off after the Beedrill swarm with Pikachu behind him, leaving Misty behind with amazement. Misty: "Wow... he might be an idiot... but he sure has strong love for Pokémon... even bug types..." elsewhere, in the Beedrill nest, which was a tree full of Beedrill and Kakuna, which was the cocoon middle stage form between Weedle and Beedrill, Metapod was looking scared, wondering if he'll ever see his trainer again. Suddenly, Ash finally showed up, with his finger on his lips to tell Metapod to keep it down, as he tiptoed towards his first catch. Suddenly, an Ekans showed up and tried to capture Pikachu, but the mouse dodged. Turns out that the Ekans was of the Team Rocket trio, who have returned and want revenge on Ash for what happened at Viridian city. Jessie: "Hand over the Pikachu twerp, and you won't get hurt." James: "Yes, it should be the perfect way to make you pay for humiliating us back at the Pokémon center in Viridian city." Meowth: "That's right!... ah... uh oh..." Jessie: "What is it?" Meowth: "Uh... I think we're at a Beedrill nest..." said Meowth, before the Beedrill came out of their tree and surrounded the trio and Ash, looking very angry. Beedrill leader: [Intruders!, kill them all!] Ash: "Oh man... I never thought it would end like this..." said Ash, before Metapod started to glow and evolved into Butterfree, which was then Ash pulled out his Pokédex to find out more. Pokédex: [Butterfree is the Butterfly Pokémon and the final evolved form of Caterpie, the scales on it's wings allows it to fly in the rain without trouble.] Ash: "Wow... amazing..." Pikachu: [Yeah...] Butterfree: [Alright you rotten Beedrill, if you think I'm gonna let you hurt my trainer and friend... well think again!, go Sleep Powder!] called out Butterfree in Pokémon speak, before letting out some sleep powder on the Beedrill and the Team Rocket trio, putting them all to sleep. Ash: "Wow, it worked!" Butterfree: [Are you okay Ash?, they didn't hurt you, did they?] Ash: "No, what about you?" Butterfree: [I'm fine, and more... as I'm finally a Butterfree!, I can finally fly!] said Butterfree in joy, flying around in a very happy way. Pikachu: [Uh... I hate to interrupt the happy moment, but we better leave before those Beedrill wake up from their nap.] Ash: "Good idea." said Ash, before he, Pikachu and Butterfree left the area, leaving the sleeping Beedrill and Team Rocket trio behind. It wasn't long before Misty finally found Ash and his Pokémon, feeling relieved to see them okay. Misty: "Ash!, you're okay!, wait... is that Metapod?" Ash: "Yeah, he evolved into Butterfree and used Sleep Powder to put the Beedrill to sleep." Misty: "Wow... it looks beautiful..." Ash: "Does that mean you're not scared of him anymore?" Misty: "Um... well... I still don't like bug types... but I think I can make an exception with Butterfree here..." Ash: "Well... it's a start." Misty: "Now let's get out of this forest." Ash: "Good idea." and so Ash has caught not one but two Pokémon, and is off to the next city as the journey continues.

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