Enter Sinnoh and the new girl

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It was a nice sunny day in Twinleaf town, located in the Sinnoh region, when a young girl around Ash's age, named Dawn (voiced by Emily Jenness), was getting ready to get her starter Pokémon from Professor Rowan at Sandgem town. When she got to the lab, she picked out Piplup, and now she's set out on a journey to become a Top Coordinator like her mother, Johanna. Meanwhile, at the shores of Sinnoh, Ash, Brock and Pikachu got off of the ferry and set foot on the docks. However, trouble brewed as the Team Rocket trio captured Pikachu again, before losing the electric type when he used Thunderbolt on the balloon, causing him to fall into the forest, forcing Ash and Brock to go find him. Back with Dawn, she and Piplup were not having a lot of luck on catching new Pokémon, and it wasn't long before they found and injured Pikachu, who was really Ash's. Dawn: "Whoa... a Pikachu, but it's an electric type... not a good match for us at the moment... but I gotta catch a Pokémon sooner or later, let's go Piplup!" called out Dawn, before Piplup goes to attack Pikachu, who responded by using a powerful Thunderbolt that zaps both Piplup and Dawn's bike, much to the girl's dismay. Dawn: "Oh no!, my poor Piplup!, and my bike!" shouted Dawn, before she glared at Pikachu and tried to throw a Pokéball at Pikachu, but once the ball hits the electric type, it failed to catch him, much to the girl's confusion. Dawn: "Huh... it didn't work... I wonder why... hmm..." asked Dawn to herself, before Pikachu tried to run away, when Ash came to the scene. Ash: "Pikachu!, are you okay?" Pikachu: [I'm fine... just a little bruised... and some girl over attacked me.] Ash: "She attacked you?!" Dawn: "Wait a minute, I thought it was a wild Pikachu, I swear that I didn't know it was yours!" Ash: "Well... I guess that makes sense... and by the way, Pikachu is a he, not an it." Dawn: "Right, I'll remember that... wait... how did you knew I attacked Pikachu?" Ash: "Uh..." Piplup: [You blasted mouse!, I'll teach you not to fry me and my trainer's bike!] Ash: "Wait... did you say Pikachu destroyed another bike?!" Pikachu: [Yeah... sorry about that... but I was only trying to defend myself.] Ash: "Oh man... not again..." Dawn: "What do you mean again?, and... did you understood what Piplup just said...?" asked Dawn, making Ash cover his mouth as he realized he was talking to a Pokémon in front of a new person. Pikachu: "You are so busted..." Ash: "Oh man... okay... yeah, I understood what your Pokémon said... for I can talk to Pokémon, as to how though... I don't know the answer myself." that was when Brock came to the scene. Brock: "Alright, you found Pikachu." Ash: "Yeah, and this girl here named... uh... sorry, I didn't catch your name." Dawn: "Oh right, my name's Dawn, and this is Piplup, my starter." Ash: "I'm Ash from the town of Pallet in the Kanto region, and this is Pikachu, my own starter." Brock: "And I'm Brock from Pewter city of Kanto, nice to meet ya." Ash: "Say uh... you wouldn't happen to know where we can find Professor Rowan, do ya?" Dawn: "I do, he's the one who gave me Piplup, I'll lead the way." said Dawn, before she leads Ash and Brock to the lab of Professor Rowan (voiced by Sean Reyes), who gives the boy's Pokédex to have the data of the Pokémon native to Sinnoh and registered him to compete in the Sinnoh league. Professor Rowan: "There you go, you're Pokédex should be ready now, and here is a badge case for you to place your gym badges in." Ash: "Thanks, this should help a lot." Dawn: "Hey uh... aren't you gonna put your Pikachu back into his Pokéball?" Ash: "Nah, Pikachu doesn't like being in it, so I let him stay out, besides I like him riding on my shoulder better." Dawn: "Huh... I never thought that there were Pokémon like that..." Professor Rowan: "Many Pokémon have their own like, dislikes and personalities." Ash: "I can't wait to catch my first Sinnoh Pokémon here." Brock: "Uh... you kinda already did." Ash: "Huh?... oh right!, Starly!" said Ash, before a small bird Pokémon called Starly came down looking cross. Starly: [What's the idea of leaving me in the forest as soon as you found Pikachu?!] Ash: "Sorry..." said Ash, looking a little nervous and embarrassed. Pikachu: [Hold on, when did you get that Pokémon?] Ash: "I kind of caught him while I was searching, guess I forgot about him... sorry about that." Starly: [If you want to be my trainer, try to remember your other Pokémon from now on.] Ash: "Deal." Professor Rowan: "Hmm... if I didn't knew better... that boy was able to understand what the Pokémon are saying..." Dawn: "Oh yeah, Ash has the ability to talk to Pokémon." Ash: "Dawn!, that's supposed to be a secret!" Dawn: "Oops!, sorry... well no need to worry, I'm sure Professor Rowan can keep it a secret, right?" Professor Rowan: "Of course, I doubt people would believe it anyway." Brock: "Hey Ash, what does your Pokédex say about your newest catch?" Ash: "Guess we'll find out." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about his newest catch. Pokédex: [Starly is a bird Pokémon that is good to catch for rookie trainers of Sinnoh, when it's not in a flock, it's hard to notice it, and despite the size of it's wings, they're actually very strong.] Dawn: "That sounds like a handy Pokémon." Ash: "Yeah, and now that I got registered, I can collect the gym badges of Sinnoh." Professor Rowan: "Then I wish you good luck." Ash: "Thanks." Dawn: "Hey uh... would you mind if I tag along?" Ash: "Sure, I don't see why not." Dawn: "Thanks, I don't know how I can travel through Sinnoh by myself, especially now that my bike's destroyed." Brock: "Ash... did Pikachu..." Ash: "Yeah... I'm afraid so... sorry about that..." Dawn: "That's okay, it was my fault for attacking the poor thing, by the way... what happened to him?" Ash: "He got stolen by Team Rocket and managed to escape." Dawn: "Team Rocket?" Ash: "Yeah, a group of bad guys who steal Pokémon from other trainers, they've been after Pikachu for a while now." Brock: "And it looks like they have not given up yet..." Dawn: "Oh dear..." Ash: "But no matter what they pull, I won't let them take Pikachu." and so Ash has arrived to Sinnoh and gained a new traveling companion in a girl named Dawn, who knows what's next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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