The first catch in Alola

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On Alola, Lillie was teaching Ash about how people in the region say hello. Ash: "So... you say the name of the region as a way to say hello or goodbye here?" Lillie: "That's right, it's an old tradition, and it's fun to say." Ash: "Yeah you're right, Alola to all!" Pikachu: [Try not to wore it out.] Ash: "Don't worry, I won't." Lillie: "You won't what?" Ash: "Uh... never mind... oh right, I almost forgot, I haven't looked up on Snowy here." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to scan Snowy, to know more about her. Pokédex: [The Alolan form of Vulpix is an ice type instead of a fire type like the normal Vulpix, and it's breath can reach a temperature of 60 below zero, freezing anything it touches.] Lillie: "Wow... I've heard their breath would be very cold... but not that cold..." Ash: "I didn't even knew there was another version of certain Pokémon I've seen in Kanto before I got here." Lillie: "Yes, some Pokémon have a different type version compared to the original to adapt their environment." that was when Pikachu noticed something sleeping on a tree. Pikachu: [What's that?] Ash: "Huh?" Pikachu: [That Pokémon sleeping in that tree.] said Pikachu, pointing at the mystery Pokémon. Ash: "Who's that Pokémon?" Lillie: "That's a Rowlet, one of the starters of Alola... but what's a Rowlet doing there?" Ash: "They're not normally found in the wild?" Lillie: "No, they aren't..." that was when a young man named Llima (voiced by Michael Liscio Jr.) with his Eevee, came to the scene. Llima: "Alola, are you new here?" Ash: "Yeah, my name's Ash Ketchum, and I'm planning to challenge the Trial Captains." Llima: "Funny when you mention that... for I happen to be one of them." Ash: "Really?" Llima: "That's right, name's Llima by the way." Lillie: "Wait... the Llima?!, the ping pong champ of Alola?!" Llima: "That's me, but I'm not the type who rubs that title on the face of others, so uh... is that your Rowlet?" asked Llima, looking at the sleeping Rowlet in the tree. Then there was trouble, Rowlet began to lean over, and fell off the tree. Ash was able to catch him just in the nick of time. Rowlet: [Huh...?, what happened?, morning already?, who are you?] Ash: "Uh... I'm Ash, but you should have been more careful, you fell off the tree while sleeping." Rowlet: [I did?, oops...] Ash: "Don't worry, you're safe now." said Ash, before he pulls out his Pokédex to find out more about the grass type bird. Pokédex: [Rowlet is the Grass Quill Pokémon, and the grass type starter of Alola, it can also store energy during the day through photosynthesis, and can swoop down without making any noise and unleashes a powerful kick without being noticed.] Pikachu: [Wow, that's pretty cool.] Rowlet: [I guess so... but can I get back to my nest, I need some more rest...] Ash: "Sure." said Ash, before he puts Rowlet back into his nest. Llima: "Hmm... interesting... if I didn't knew better, I would say that you could talk to the Pokémon..." Ash: "Uh... really?, well I was only guessing on what Rowlet was trying to say... by the way, would you mind if I challenge you for a Z crystal?" Llima: "Not at all, I was hoping to get a challenger sooner or later." so with that, Ash and Llima went to battle each other, a battle between Pikachu, and an Eevee. Llima gave Ash a Normalium Z crystal, to learn how to use it and to see if he is worthy of it. Unfortunately, the battle was interrupted when the Team Rocket trio showed up, trying to steal both Pikachu and Eevee with a net. Jessie: "Got cha now Pikachu." James: "And there's no escape this time." Meowth: "That's right!, and we got an Eevee as a bonus!" Ash: "Let Pikachu and Eevee go or else!" Jessie: "Like what?, we know you don't have your Kalos team with you this time, so give it up." that was when Rowlet came to the scene, and swoop down to kick the Team Rocket trio, who dropped the net, freeing Pikachu and Eevee at last. Llima then used a Z crystal to use a Z move for Eevee, which somehow summoned all of Eevee's evolutions, and all of them used an attack to send the Team Rocket trio flying out of the scene. Once the danger was over, Ash and Llima continued their battle, and in the end, Ash was able to win, and earned himself the Normalium Z crystal. Llima: "Well done Ash, I hope you do well in the trials ahead of you." said Llima, before he leaves the scene, while Rowlet came over to the boy. Ash: "Hey Rowlet, thanks for helping me get Pikachu back earlier." Rowlet: [Well you helped me before, so it's only fair if I do the same, and uh... would it be okay if I join your team?, I mean I want to become stronger, but I want a trainer with a good heart... and you already shown that when you saved me from my fall.] Ash: "Sure, I'd be more than happy to have you in the team." said Ash, before he catches Rowlet in a Pokéball, making the grass type bird become Ash's first catch in Alola. Lillie: "Ash... you were able to understand what Rowlet was saying a little too well..." Ash: "Uh... well... the thing is... I have the ability to talk to Pokémon..." Lillie: "Really?!" Ash: "Yeah, but it's supposed to be a secret, so don't tell anyone, can you promise me that?" Lillie: "Sure, I doubt anyone would believe it anyway." Ash: "Fair enough." and so Ash has earned his first Z crystal and caught his first Alolan Pokémon, who knows what could be next for our hero as the journey continues.

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