The Viridian city gym battle

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It was a nice day at Viridian city, when Ash and his friends arrived there in hopes to get the last gym badge the boy needs to enter the Pokémon league of Kanto. It wasn't long before they got to the gym building, only to be surprised to see that Gary was there too. Gary: "Well if it isn't Ash the loser trainer." Ash: "Gary?!, why are you here?" Gary: "Isn't it obvious, I came to challenge the strongest gym leader in all of Kanto, who would no doubt take you down." Ash: "Don't be so certain, I managed to earn seven badges." Gary: "Well I managed to earn ten of them." Ash: "What?!" Gary: "Well there are more gyms around than just eight, of course you'll only need eight badges, but I can't have too many to prove I'm the best, now I'm going inside, smell ya later." said Gary, before he enters the gym and the doors were closed. Ash tried to get in but the guards told him that only one challenger at a time can enter, much to Ash's dismay. Ash: "Aw man... he's beaten me again..." Pikachu: [Don't worry Ash, you can still get the badge, so what if he has more badges, you're still the best trainer I know.] Ash: "Thanks Pikachu... I guess..." so with the gym occupied at the moment, Ash and the others went to the Pokémon center to have a little check up. Meanwhile, inside the gym, Gary was able to take down all of the gym leader's Pokémon, or so he thought at first. Gary: "Ha!, some powerful gym leader you turned out to be, no Pokémon of yours is a match for me." said Gary, before the gym leader, named Giovanni (voiced by Ted Lewis) made an evil smile on his face. Giovanni: "Really... then allow me to show you my most powerful Pokémon..." said Giovanni, before he snapped his fingers, and suddenly, an unknown kind of Pokémon, wearing some kind of armor, came to the scene, and Gary's Pokédex had no info on it. Gary: "What the?... what is that?" Giovanni: "This here is Mewtwo... the world's most powerful Pokémon... it can not be defeated..." said Giovanni with an evil smile, while Gary looked at Mewtwo with shock. Back at the Pokémon center, Ash was thinking of a good strategy against the gym leader, when the Team Rocket trio showed up and caught Pikachu in a rubber bag and making a retreat. Ash and his friends chased down the Team Rocket trio all the way to the Viridian gym building, and once they opened the doors, the group saw that the room was dark, and a light was shining on Gary, who was out cold as it seems. Meowth: "What happened to him?" James: "Looks like he decided to sleep on the ground." Jessie: "That doesn't seem very comfortable..." it wasn't long before Gary finally woke up, seeing Ash in front of him. Ash: "Gary, what happened?" Gary: "The gym leader... had a Pokémon that the Pokédex didn't knew about... it was not only very powerful... it's evil..." Ash: "Evil...?, but there can't be an evil Pokémon..." suddenly, more lights came on, and Giovanni was seen on the other side of the battlefield. Giovanni: "Are you a new challenger?" Ash: "Yes, and you must be the gym leader..." Giovanni: "That's correct." Meowth: "Boss?!, you're a gym leader too?!" Misty: "Did Meowth just call him... boss?" Brock: "Then that must mean... he's the boss of Team Rocket!" Ash: "But if that's true... then this gym... it belongs to Team Rocket!" Giovanni: "Yes, it's just a front to cover our real work, which should be remained secret if my agents were not such idiots with big mouths." Meowth: "Oops... my bad..." James: "Oh boy... I think the twerp's in trouble now..." Jessie: "No kidding, the boss is very strong..." Meowth: "Yeah... and I hate to get on his bad side..." said the Team Rocket trio, while Ash tighten his fist in anger. Ash: "This can't be right... the gym leaders I met before now were different in many ways... but they all had one thing in common... and that was how much they love their Pokémon!, not a single one till now were someone that steals other trainers' Pokémon like you!, I refused to believe it!" Giovanni: "Well I don't care what you believe it or not, but what do you plan to do about it?, are you going to battle me?" Ash: "... Yes... but this isn't just another battle with a gym leader... I challenge the enemy of all Pokémon!" Giovanni: "Very well... let's see you can do better against the same Pokémon that took down your friend." said Giovanni, before Mewtwo showed up again, and Gary was scared by the sight of it. Ash: "So that's the mystery Pokémon?" Gary: "Yeah... please Ash, don't battle!, it's far too strong!, if it was beyond me, than you don't stand a chance against it either!" Misty: "I think Gary might be right on this one... this Pokémon looks very powerful..." Brock: "And besides, we need to get Pikachu back." Giovanni: "Tell you what, if you can beat Mewtwo, not only will I give you the Earth badge, I'll ask my agents to give back your Pikachu, sound good?" Ash: "Fine by me..." Jessie: "What?!, but boss, what if he beats you and..." Giovanni: "Are you questioning me?" Jessie: "Uh... no sir..." Giovanni: "Then do as I say." said Giovanni, before Ash sends out his Charizard to battle. The duel between Charizard and Mewtwo was intense, and it seems that Charizard was losing, that is until the fire type damaged armored helmet of the psychic type's head. Soon, after many slashes, the armor on Mewtwo was shattered, and Mewtwo was free, before passing out to the ground as the armor was not only controlling the psychic type, but was taking a toll on it's psychic energy as well. Gary: "I don't believe it... he won...?" Team Rocket trio: "The twerp won?!" Misty and Brock: "Ash won!" Pikachu: [Alright Ash!, I knew you and Charizard could do it!] shouted Pikachu in joy, before Ash went over to Charizard and put him back into his Pokéball, and then looked at the gym leader. Ash: "Alright, I won the battle, now hand over Pikachu." Giovanni: "You only won through luck... but I am a man of my word... Jessie, hand the boy back his Pikachu." Jessie: "But sir... oh yes sir..." said Jessie, as she gives Ash back Pikachu, and the duo were happy to be reunited once again. Giovanni: "And here's the Earth badge, just like I promised." said Giovanni, before throwing the badge to Ash, who looked a bit disappointed. Misty: "What's wrong?" Ash: "It's just... this badge was given to me by the Kanto region's strongest gym leader... but it also came from the boss of Team Rocket... I don't know if I should be happy or upset..." Brock: "Yeah, it's understandable to have mix feelings of it." said Brock, putting his hand on Ash's shoulder. Giovanni: "Agents, we're leaving." Meowth: "Yes boss... and the gym?" Giovanni: "Well since these people know who I am... I have no choice to abandon it in ruins to hide my tracks." said Giovanni, before he pulls out a device from his pocket, pressing a button and the whole building started to fall apart. Gary: "The building's falling apart!" Misty: "We gotta get out of here!" shouted Misty, before she and the others begin to make a run for it while Giovanni and the Team Rocket trio took a different way. Suddenly, Ash stopped, remembering about Mewtwo. Ash: "Oh no!, Mewtwo is still inside!" Gary: "Wait a minute!, you can't go back there!" Ash: "If I don't, the rubble will kill that Pokémon, I can't let that happen!" shouted Ash, before he runs back into the building and tries to carry Mewtwo. Unaware to the boy at the moment, was that Mewtwo was witnessing the young human risking his life to help him escape. Suddenly, a large piece of the ceiling was starting to fall from above Ash and Mewtwo, but before the piece could hit them however, Mewtwo used his Teleport to get himself and Ash out of the building safely. Misty: "Ash!, are you okay?" Ash: "Yeah... but how did we get out?" Brock: "Mewtwo must have used Teleport." said Brock, before Mewtwo (voiced by Dan Green), spoke to the group. Mewtwo: "Yes... I did use Teleport... but tell me... why did you help me?" Asked Mewtwo through telepathy, which surprised everyone except Ash, as he believes he was still talking in Pokémon speak. Ash: "Why wouldn't I?, you were out cold on the ground and Giovanni left you there... I couldn't let you get hurt." Mewtwo: "But... I'm just a clone... a tool for battle." Ash: "You're no tool to me... but what do you mean clone?" Mewtwo: "I was a clone created by Team Rocket... from the DNA of the mythical Pokémon called Mew... designed to be the world's most powerful Pokémon... a tool for battle... nothing more..." Ash: "But that's true, clone or not, you're still a living being like me and everyone else." this surprised Mewtwo, he wasn't expecting to hear such words from a human, especially one he just met. Pikachu: [Trust me... Ash might be an idiot, but he knows what he's talking about this time, and his love for Pokémon is truly amazing.] Ash: "Hey!, I'm no idiot!, but yeah, I do love all kinds of Pokémon..." Mewtwo: "Wait... you can understand what Pikachu is saying?" Ash: "Yeah, I can understand all Pokémon." All: "What?!" said everyone with a gasp, causing Ash to cover his mouth as he realized that he just revealed a big secret of his to them. Ash: "Uh... oops... that was meant to be a secret..." Mewtwo: "I see... well I owe you my life... thank you..." Ash: "It was no problem really." Mewtwo: "Well either way... I won't forget your act of kindness... I hope to repay the favor someday." said Mewtwo, before he vanished without a trace, while Ash sees that his friends and Gary were looking at him. Misty: "You could understand what Pokémon are saying this whole time... and you never told me?!" Brock: "Calm down Misty, I'm sure he had a reason." Ash: "Sorry, but I promised my mom that I keep my ability a secret, otherwise it could attract unwanted attention." Gary: "Oh man... I hate to admit it, but I feel a little jealous of you right now..." Ash: "Really?" Gary: "Yeah... you not only beat the Gym leader's Pokémon, but you can understand what Pokémon are saying... that's something I couldn't do... maybe you're not such a loser after all." Ash: "Really?, thanks, that means a lot coming from you." Gary: "Don't get used to it, cause when we enter the Pokémon league, I'm the one who's gonna beat ya." Ash: "We'll see about that." said Ash, as he and Gary looked at each other with a determined smile. And so Ash has beaten the final gym leader and earned his eighth gym badge, who knows what could be next for our heroes as the journey continues.

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